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@cdragon_88: What is it you believe people don't understand, exactly?

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@edargnwod: Oh, bullshit, so sick of hearing this. Devs talk out against their publishers all the time, has Remedy said anything? Hell no.

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So this is what they couldn't let people who supported the game have without forcing them to buy an Ultimate Edition? The ability to CHOOSE which next gen features they want?? You couldn't actually optimize your game to effectively run at 60 fps AND have ray tracing at the same time??

And this supposedly had so much "work" done that you just HAD to charge for it??

**** off, Remedy. You are a bloody joke.

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@kill_kayt: Scar Jo looked the part for sure, the issue with that film really came more in the form of the stupid ass changes they made to the story in general. They never seem to be able to help themselves when it comes to adapting well loved anime - they always have to **** with what made it popular in the first place.

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Okay, at some point people have to start calling out this shit as superfluous. You can't be for women playing men and men playing women, gay people playing straight and straight playing gay, black playing traditionally white characters, on and on and on, but be against instances of non-trans playing trans (or vice versa, though they don't seem to have any issue when that happens, of course), or in this instance, non-deaf playing deaf.

They are ACTORS ffs. What should predominantly be the issue is whether they are able to play the role WELL or not. Hating someone just because they are or are not something specifically is kinda what people have been railing AGAINST, so to continue to see people protest against shit like this is really hypocritical, honestly.

An eye toward diversity, **** off, that's basically saying "they aren't catering to absurd demands", which they shouldn't be. You think Laverne Cox had it easy, she was acting for 13 damn years before she landed OItNB.

Could they have looked for an actually deaf actor, sure, would it have made sense given the character actually ends up hearing/talking for a good deal of the story though?? Not really. They could have at least looked, I'll grant you that, but at the end of the day it should still be up to the people MAKING the damn thing regardless.

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Unless it's a more reasonable price and all, like say 9.99, I don't see this working out well for them. 30 dollars was hugely laughable.

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@kstaggs87: The huge screens are still a big draw, imo, but I definitely think theaters are going to have to start being more realistic about pricing if they want to survive the future. The fact it can cost as much, if not more, than a steak dinner at a very fancy restaurant is beyond asinine.

Movie prices only kept going up because they knew people had their hands tied. Wanna see the movie now? Pay up, sucker.

The only real instances it's been worth it, and still is IMO, is genuine IMAX screens. At home systems can certainly do as good, if not better, job than normal theaters. You'll never match the size of a theater screen, sure, but you don't need to.

Whereas IMAX, while it has an amazing screen, also tends to have the outstanding sound systems that you simply cannot hope to replicate at home. Not unless you are insanely rich. And if there are sequences actually shot for IMAX, well...no screen you can get at home will ever match that either. Anyone who saw Dark Knight in IMAX knows this perfectly well.

Much more often than not though, I agree, most people would rather stay home with their home home theater systems, where you can pause, go to the bathroom, etc, watch in peace, with only those people around you you want there. No bullshit ads either. No insanely overpriced concessions.

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Edited By KumaTenshi

@dragonsama: Came in here to say that very thing. If they were so concerned about Japan as a whole, they wouldn't be making those devs do stupid censoring shit for western releases, which drives them away from wanting to release on PS ~entirely~, meaning Japan gets screwed out of games as a result too.

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@mcnichoj: I think most people look back on 2 much better these days. Just like Ghostbusters 2 - it has aged better with time and people realize it really wasn't that bad because they've now seen what bad actually is, again and again.

I always enjoyed the second one regardless myself, in both cases.

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Can we PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!! just go back to Predators hunting humans and shit and not having all these weird ass variations of the Predators themselves. "Look, there's a RED one, look, there's a REALLY tall one, look there's one with a bird out it's ass!!"

Like...enough. Predators are already fucking cool enough on their own god dammit. The best part of the last movie was the ORIGINAL PREDATOR breaking free and trashing and killing everything in sight, save for what's her face because she was unarmed. He was MENACING, scary, bad ass and he was just that from existing.

And then they ruined it with "giraffe" predator as I like to call it. And all that stupid autism spectrum bullshit.

Predators splicing themselves on a genetic level with the best prey they come across - awesome idea! Completely overshadowed by the "durrrr autism is really evolution!" crap.

The one with Adrien Brody really wasn't that bad. It was a cool concept, bring the prey to them instead of them going to the planet and all. Only problem was, the "normal" predators got nerfed so fucking bad they were jokes, the only real threat was the "red" predator, like come on!