decoy1978's comments

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ToR is a WoW clone you moron. From the quests, to the UI, to the skills, its a derivative of the DOZENS of MMO's that came before it. And you know.... no one cares. Apparently even more so now that there is less than 1 million of you playing...

Your just sad and angry that your MMO failed... no biggie. ToR is now "WoW Killer #30"

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@jrgoalie33 Your current subscription will allow you to access everything. If you choose to cancel that you can still play your account however you will lose access to some zones or however they do it when Fall rolls around.

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When the holidays hit and games go for a little bit less. That will help retailers move products.

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@thom_maytees A lot of tax breaks and temporary space to accomdate E3. If E3 was smart, they would include an exit-clause if they deem that its insufficient to host the expo in LA.

This is a win/win for both sides. E3 gets to stay in glitzy LA and LA gets the money generated by E3.

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I agree! I don't understand why they would hold on to an outdated model of Industry only when the FANS would gladly pay hundreds to just step through the door and LOOK at the games.

I've been fortunate enough to attend some E3's and I can safely say that most of the important industry meetings are done PRIOR and during the first 2 days of the expo. So the fact that they won't open it to the public on the last day is just mind boggling.

Not only will there be a packed crowd, but even if you charge $100 for just one day I guarantee the tickets will STILL sell out. I had random fans offering me $200 for my last day pass this pass E3. A part of me is still regretting that decision...

E3 generates roughly $40 million for the LA through hotels, convention parking, food, etc. And the 3rd day is generally empty. If they allowed the public, I can see E3 generating up to $50 million.

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I'll probably get back into SWTOR when its free, but this won't dent WoW numbers at all. F2P model is when a company wants to recoup costs from its failed subscription based model. The fact that it only took what... 3 or so months to go down this route speaks volumes to the amount of players leaving SWTOR daily.

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I never played Spec Ops, but I did like Max Payne. The economy just isn't as strong as it once was for these shooters genre and in gaming as a whole.

A lot of gaming companies are coming up on the red. And to be honest there is only so much of the gaming pie that can go around. If one company makes a few hundred million on a product, its real likely that another company WON'T if they are released nearly the same time.

As much as I love video games, I can't keep supporting every AAA title that comes out. At most I can buy ONE game every month. And my wife tells me thats one too many =(. She would prefer if its one every 2 to 3 months /sad.

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Your not going to win. You paid $200 for the extra stuff in ALONG with the game. The game was not $200... you bought the CD, digital avatar, art book, map, etc whatever they were and THOSE were the other $150.

Also you signed their EULA and accepted, that actually defeats a majority of your dispute unless you get crazy lawyer. And by crazy I mean GOOD. No lawyer will take your case to settle the $150.

Overall, you played the game... your continually playing the game even as this goes on. You had fun racking up say 40hrs give or take? Sounds to me you were a happy customer.

Its not EA's fault not enough people liked the game to warrant them to stay. Apparently you liked it enough to spend $200! Take what you can from it, cancel your sub and move on... The game isn't a dud. Its not even a failure. I stopped after one month but my tastes doesn't necessarily make it a bad game. I had my fun.

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@servb0ts I loved DCUO! Sadly after the first month I noticed a steep drop of players. After the 2nd month some of the higher end zones was just empty and it was near impossible to get a group at certain times of the day. I know it has a lot more players now, but how much of those players are paying for extra content.

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I've been saying this for some time, but I feel that the MMO genre has room for only ONE paid sub game; and whether you love it or hate it... its WoW.

I really wanted this game to succeed. I didn't get the CE (thank God) but it was a bit disturbing that after the first month I saw a drastic amount of people leave. I stopped playing on my 5th week. While the game is fun, it didn't keep my attention to keep paying like WoW did years ago.

Sucks to be everyone else that is still playing, the MMO genre is FICKLE. If the game doesn't keep anyone's interest by the end of the month... not many are willing to go back despite it being free.