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#1 danger_ranger95
Member since 2006 • 5584 Posts

Sexifulness..... I wonder how high Lebron will jump:?


http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=110916forgot to post the Link

Also to others worried about the visuals, there are many screens in the preview in Nintendo Power and one includes a player almost hitting the jumbo-tron he is so high in the air.that's from the person who posted the article on GoNintendo.... so apparently you can get high.... very high
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#2 danger_ranger95
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woot woot!

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#3 danger_ranger95
Member since 2006 • 5584 Posts

Sorry folks!

If you were expecting a game announcement, you're in the wrong place.

We've all debated about this game, that game.... and within the last 6 months, especially the "on-rails" genre. Some were frustrated with Dead Space being an on-rails game, so loved it. Same goes for the latest Resident Evil entries on the Wii.

All that love StarFox know that it's a different breed of "on-rails" shooters. Giving the player control over their ship while they navigate on a predetermined path. Works pretty well.

I've always pondered how the game would work on the Wii with it's unique set of controls. I used to think that the nunchuk and Wii remote would be the way to go with this series.... up until now.

All that's really needed is just the Wiimote. I titled the topic "point and click adventure" because in reality, that's how the game could be handled. It would still have players travel on the predetermined paths, but instead of controlling your Arwing with a analog stick, just have the aircraft following your aiming reticule. It's still the same basic concept, and there are more than enough buttons to play a simple game like star fox.

B- laser

B(hold)- charge

A- bombs

D-pad < - barrel roll left

D-pad > - barrel roll right

movement- cursor movement

It keeps things simple, the game true to it's genre/history, and even allows for more action going on at once. Anyone can play this, even your grandmother. They could even bundle the game with a Wiiremote/M+ to ensure sales, and more M+ usage.

It's so simple, it's stupid!!!

What do you think?

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#4 danger_ranger95
Member since 2006 • 5584 Posts

Well its not like its your only options for controls, the game has more options than Brawl. And I think they did it that way so that it would be more like a cockpit. Sepewrath

true, but if this is the basic control layout (which I'm not sure if it is or not), I just feel it would be too complicated for people to pick up and just play. Custimization is awesome, but I still don't feel too many players utilize the ability to do so. You, and I might and people like us... but your everyday joe might not, especially if they only game ocassionally. They expect them to work right out of the box

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#5 danger_ranger95
Member since 2006 • 5584 Posts

Yup, right after Earthbound and Chrono Trigger


SMW2 has a way better chance of coming out on the VC than CT or EB ever will. You must realize that....

Whenever Nintendo decides to emulate the FX chip - which is a ridiculous excuse as dues in their basements managed to reverse engineer and emulate the FX chip over ten years ago.DJ_Lae

thanks for the heads up, I never knew the game utilized the superFX (2)chip. Makes you wonder why they never utilized it more in other games

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#6 danger_ranger95
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The Wiimote is the easy to understand. Held in the left hand, you tilt it upwards to speed up, and hold the "B" button to slow down. Hitting the "A" button triggers your special maneuvers. When playing in Expert Mode, the D-pad will also control yaw.

It's the nunchuk where it gets interesting. When you tilt it up, you climb. Tilt it down, and you dive. Rotate right and left, and your plane banks. In Expert mode, this creates a roll, and you have to move the nose to turn. Are you confused yet? It makes more sense in practice, and there are plenty of tutorials to get you up to speed.

The problem is that nunchuk simply doesn't handle fine movement well enough to operate as a flight stick. While I went through all the tutorials and understood the control scheme, I never felt as in control as I do in other flying games. There is a huge dead spot, meaning you'll almost have to exaggerate your movements to get them to pick up at certain times. After playing with the upcoming Saitek flight stick, I've come to value economy of movement, something this game does not provide.

I was actually looking forward to this title, a lot. Flight simulators are few on the Wii... and I was hoping this might prove the controls to be fine when it comes to the Wii.

If this person is speaking the truth... I'm extremely curious as to why in the hell the developement team tackeled the controls like this. Everyone and their mom holds the Wii remote in their right hand, and the nunchuk in their left. It would be awkward right off the bat.

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#7 danger_ranger95
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with thinking like this....let me ask one question

Name one Wii title that had the same budget as a a big budget PS360 title, and the same advertising campaign that developers are complaining about. Let alone, their top teams working on them, the same amount of sweat, determination, pain, long hours, and funding... you can not name one damn title that any 3rd party company has worked on that fits under the above mentioned. NOT ONE!

No third party effort has gone un-noticed that was actually worth it. The ones that failed, or barely broke even deserved to. There are some gems out there, but the games that these companies are complaining about are not even worth $50 in the first place. If they want to release garbage or half assed attempts, sell it for $30, or don't sell it at all.

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#8 danger_ranger95
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I completely understand that they have nothing, which is completely horrible. But why does America have to be the big brother to every single country that has a disaster? I understand, it is nice, and they are human beings....

but our economy is a disaster. Our own people are with out jobs, losing their homes, probably not even able to eat at times, with their children not being able to eat at times. The solution; borrow billions and billions dollars to try to fix the problem from the Chinese government (which makes 80% of the goods we purchase), and then... in turn, we have to support a country that's hit with a disaster. Providing food, probably money so they can rebuild, ect. We don't have the money when we're in trouble ourselves.

I'm all about helping people, but we (as in the United States) are not in the financial situation to being shelling out mass amounts of money when the other 200+ countries in the entire world can do it for once. Given, not everyone in America is hurting, but let the celebrities and politicians who have the money to spare send money. Don't borrow money that's for the general "everyday guy" and give it away to people who are in need, when our own people need it.

The "other" super powers of the world can do it along with the "wealthy" countries.


Ok so basically what you're saying is that if you were hanging off a cliff -- but not high up enough that you'd die from the fall -- and you see someone up higher than you -- about to fall to their certain death -- you wouldn't try to grab him as he fell, saving his life while getting to keep your own at the cost of some broken bones? That pretty much sum it up? Nobody's making people donate. They're doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. Helping their fellow man. There's a huge difference between a financial crisis and an emergency, that being in one case you'll still be alive at the end of it. It's just wrong to think that anybody needs that money more than someone who's about to die.

And if you think that America needs that money, you don't understand how superpowers work. When you've got nuclear missiles pointed at every major city in the world, you'll find that you can get away with a lot.

Also, you're not the only country helping out.

I think starring into someone's eyes hanging from a cliff is a little different than sending money. Let's say I tried to help that person (and the fall was short, like you said). They wouldn't die, but would probably break their legs. I would do whatever I could to prevent that, but if they slipped from my hands, I wouldn't pay for their medical bills. Would you?

Again, I'm not saying that they don't deserve it... their country was obliterated, and they do need help. But you and I both know, that America of all countries, is expected to be right there with our wallets flashing. I understand that "we" in particular, are not the only country donating, and helping out. Being a superpower is all about being super. Whether that means having control and issuing order, or lending a helping hand... I'm all about that. But whether we're a super power or not... money that we borrow for a for helping our own people should not be used to aid other countries imo, especially when other countries that are doing just fine, can provide it without a problem. I don't understand what's wrong with saying... "hey, sorry bro... we just can't, but let us contact our friends and see what we can do."

If we had the money to spare, that's completely different.

I'm sure I don't understand how the money issue is because I hate politics and think it's all corrupt bs, but if we have the money to send aid... awesome. I just feel that we don't from what the news says."

again, why take loans out to pay for something, and just give it away? That doesn't make sense to me.

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#9 danger_ranger95
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I proudly present First Person Tetris. It is exactly as bizarre as it sounds. May cause nausea.snowman6251

that is awesome, but completely nuts at the same time. Gets crazy when you're stacked at the top

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#10 danger_ranger95
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I completely understand that they have nothing, which is completely horrible. But why does America have to be the big brother to every single country that has a disaster? I understand, it is nice, and they are human beings....

but our economy is a disaster. Our own people are with out jobs, losing their homes, probably not even able to eat at times, with their children not being able to eat at times. The solution; borrow billions and billions dollars to try to fix the problem from the Chinese government (which makes 80% of the goods we purchase), and then... in turn, we have to support a country that's hit with a disaster. Providing food, probably money so they can rebuild, ect. We don't have the money when we're in trouble ourselves.

I'm all about helping people, but we (as in the United States) are not in the financial situation to being shelling out mass amounts of money when the other 200+ countries in the entire world can do it for once. Given, not everyone in America is hurting, but let the celebrities and politicians who have the money to spare send money. Don't borrow money that's for the general "everyday guy" and give it away to people who are in need, when our own people need it.

The "other" super powers of the world can do it along with the "wealthy" countries.