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I notice people have an especially difficult time coming up with their criticism for this. It's like they feel their SJW hate senses tingling, but the logic is infallible.

It's very difficult to argue without either confronting your own bias, or accepting that maybe the criticism from the "SJWs" about wanting characters similar to themselves could be reasonable.

Beyond the social aspect, I just think it's a great game mechanic. Games too often give into players, and rarely have actual consequences or anything permanent. And this trend really makes it hard to ever achieve any sort of immersion. It's hard to identify with a character when you can just constantly morph it to whatever you want, it loses consistency which destroys immersion.

WoW in the past was a good example of this kind of immersion. When you picked your character's class/race/gender/skin/face, that was you! Forever! It created a personal feeling with your character, it created a consistency which immersed you in the world. Others saw you as that character because it was a consistent visual to associate you with.

When you allow constant, ridiculous changes, your character loses personality and ownership. It no longer means anything.

I think it's great Rust is utilizing this consistency. It gives a personal feel to your avatar in a genre filled with impersonal, random characters newly created daily.

I haven't played Rust for a while, but this has got me curious of what my character looks like!

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This series always has felt so generic and boring to me. Last of Us at least looked to have some personality.

My immediate reaction to seeing anything from uncharted is to yawn.

And their "best opening sequence since Last of Us"? This is your ONLY opening sequence since Last of Us you dopes!

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Edited By AutumnVarela

Sometimes it's difficult to make a distinction between modern open world games, and games from the 80s/90s that had overworlds.

They essentially seem the same in most cases in that the open/over world is used almost entirely for traveling between levels/objectives.

Very few open world games actually seem to utilize their open world within a mission. Generally the missions are still extremely linear. The only open world part of it was you driving to the starting point of the mission.

I think Metal Gear Solid V is one of the best examples of how to do it right. The missions actually utilize openness. Your experience of a mission can be hugely different based on your use of the open world.

I don't see the point in games like Homefront doing this half-assed style of open worlds. May as well just be linear.

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Edited By AutumnVarela

I was thinking why does everyone on GameSpot seem to be upset with the movie?

Then I remembered the lead was a woman and it all made sense.

So predictable LOL

Also, the mask reveal was absolutely perfect. It humanized him in such a non-cliché way. It made it feel more real. Best executed part of the whole film.

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The best thing going forward was definitely getting rid of that damn pink Diva's butterfly title. They've been doing so much to improve the women's division and this was really one of the last things they needed to change. It was weird when they were going from this cool NXT Women's Championship in NXT to this absurd Diva's Championship title on RAW. It felt like such an awkward step backward for a lot of the competitors. Almost like going to RAW was a demotion for women because of how little respect it showed the division. But things are turning around so much now! Could you even have imagined how you would have reacted two or three years ago if someone told you the best match at Wrestlemania would be a "Divas" triple-threat match??

The other best match of the night, Hell in a Cell... Shane is fucking crazy. I don't know what more you can say about it O_O

I thought it was a pretty fun night overall. We knew who was going to be taking home the main event title for months, knew it would disappoint fans for months. So when it came and went, it was hard to get too upset by it. I don't get the whole Reigns thing. I assume he must have a some fanbase out there that they push him so hard. Maybe kids? Aside from the boring end, though, it was just fun :-) and I think it makes for a good year going forward. Except for the WWE Championship which honestly has been boring to me ever since Rollins got injured. PLEASE GET WELL SOON SETH, YOU ARE THE BEST WRESTLER ON THE ROSTER!

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@karloss01: Their gimmick is kind of internet memes/nerd culture.

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What a laughably immature person to be put on the front lines of public relations. What are they thinking? He clearly has no sense of how you deal with customers.

"Sorry. We're working as hard as we can to get them shipped and I'll update you with more information as soon as it becomes available to me."

But instead he's there getting into reddit arguments about how things aren't as bad as they seem. And whining about being "crucified." Give me a break.

I know many of you identify with his response, but that's because you're equally immature and unsuited for public relations.

It's not about being right, or winning arguments. It's about keeping your customers happy. No place for egos.

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Edited By AutumnVarela

A sad, but true reflection on humanity. We're often most concerned with restricting others from having things.

You might think cheering on "coming soon only on xbox one" or "only on ps4" seems like an illogical thing to cheer for, but it's in that restriction that the true satisfaction comes for many people.

Exclusion is a very powerful feeling, and the basis for a lot our motives throughout life.

There's nothing like the allure of the esoteric.

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I was thinking this looked really dumb and pointless. Then I watched... And I can't stop watching!

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That's literally the worst trailer I've ever seen in my life.