My Gaming History: A Retrospect

Want to know my gaming history? Look no further androgynous space yogurt's. Here it be. *Not complete case you cared*

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Adrunk3nduck's Score

Assassin's Creed II


Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2

Much better than its predecessors. Still like using that gamecube controller though.


Super Smash Bros. Brawl

If it weren't for another Super smash bros. remake I wouldn't have bothered purchasing a Wii. Kudos to Nintendo for keeping me truckin' on.


Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2

Same thing as the first but with more characters and such.


Rampage: Total Destruction

Lacking in many departments...being a good game being one of them.


Kingdom Hearts II

Another great Kingdom Hearts game. Keep up the great work Square Enix.


Naruto: Clash of Ninja

Fighting game with mediocre gameplay and a story ripped straight out of the manga/anime itself.


Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005)

Great game, especially when I could run around as one of the many heroes (or villains) in Mos Eisley. An arcade feeling game which helped shape the shooter genre.


Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Though just a handheld game with limited graphics capabilities this game really didn't feel all that bad. However the card combat was intuitive it was not exactly the most fun in the world to use.


Pokemon Colosseum

Game was a great way to get away from the linear battles of previous pokemon games, but just didn't do it for me. Loved this game when I was a kid though.


Mario Kart: Double Dash!!

This game...ruined so many friendships man.


007: NightFire

Great, if it weren't for the fact that I couldn't give two shits that James Bond is in it. Take him out and you got a mediocre shooter right here.


Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Never actually had an original Xbox so I never got the chance to play it. Hope I can someday...*dreams incessantly*


Kingdom Hearts

This game was another great game that really made me feel much more inclined to care about the Disney universe. Plus the fact that it had some great RPG elements and combat, it was even better than most Final Fantasy games. A staple of the Playstation platform.


Super Smash Bros. Melee

This game...I have no words. *tear*


Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II

Never could love this game, but surely I beat it. Space battles and flying things can only give so much, you know?


Sonic Adventure 2

This game was what made up the majority of my play time on my Gamecube when I was 7.


Sonic Adventure

Another Sonic remake.


MechWarrior 3

Great game. Playing with the Joystick made me feel like I was actually piloting a giant mech robot! Which is always a plus...


Twinsen's Odyssey

This game...was one of the first games I ever played on the PC. No amount of criticism could ever make this game seem bad. Playing this as a 4-5 year old in the late 90's early 2000's was what shaped me as a gamer.


Theme Hospital

With its nonsensical (bloaty head syndrome? COME ON!) gameplay and the fact that is is just a business sim...this game just wasn't one of the greats.


Mr. Potato Head Saves Veggie Valley

Don't know why I even have this game on here...oh well.

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