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#1 _vacant_
Member since 2006 • 835 Posts

That 'Cheap' Machine is getting great media attention, new game announcments and amazing sales.

If anything - Nintendo's one smart company and they've done a good job with the Wii, althought now they need to bring out their software.


Of course it's a great buisness plan and they are making tons of money it's just I wish Nintendo would become a forerunner in terms of visual technology too. Maybe it's too quick to jump the gun it's just I personally would like to play RE5 and GTA on the Wii with at least average next gen graphics. :(

"next gen graphics" are a matter of opinion. and nintendo doesn't need to be a forerunner in visual tech. that industry will develop without nintendo, and really, they arent in a good position to. theyre a video game company, a toy company at heart, and dont have the financial backing to really make the great developments. developments that will be made regardless, and then next gen, once the control interface is refined, the visual tech will be refined for them, and will be significantly cheaper.

then they can continue providing for their newfound audience, the visuals will be better, hopefully satisfying the snobby hardcore, and they can carry on making money instead of breaking the bank like sony and Ms did with their respective consoles.

also, look into gunpei yokoi and "Lateral thinking of withered technology" the big N's strategy becomes a lot clearer.

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#2 _vacant_
Member since 2006 • 835 Posts

My predictions:

The good: Good use of the Wii-Mote, best Graphics of all the versions, Budget Priced, PS2 Content

The Bad: We all have played it before, Wii-mote aiming Decrease's Diffculty, feels like a cash-in by capcom.


well, for one, Ive only ever made it about 20 minutes into the game, so im delighted to be able to get a version with the extra ps2 content (seeing as I also dont own a ps2)

and really, the fact that it feels like a cash in shouldnt effect the games rating, I thought games were rated based on their merits and not the circumstances surrounding its release
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#3 _vacant_
Member since 2006 • 835 Posts

[QUOTE="_vacant_"]just delete the file and redownload it(its free of charge in case you dont know). if everything you download isnt running then there is most likely a problem. sometimes the download just mucks up, thats all.Dark_Link142

Yeah but I redownloaded it twice (I already said that though :P ) so I'll probably take ZebethOrZebes idea and call Nintendo.

sorry, missed that part..

its strange though, if you do download another game its not as if its wasted, nintendo keeps track of whats been downloaded through your wii(though that may only be if you have a mynintendo account), so even if you need a repair youll still have the games.

id be interested in seeing if it was all downloads or just gunstar.

emulators are packed individually with each game so it may just be the gunstar package thats corrupt.
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#4 _vacant_
Member since 2006 • 835 Posts
I know this is a place to come and have questions answered. but, did you read the manual?

Its always a good place to start
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#5 _vacant_
Member since 2006 • 835 Posts

[QUOTE="Saxmachine09"]systems with substandard graphics... mindless controls... a really stupid controller that no gaming company can't make good use of... has nintendo stopped caring about the gamers?Hyper_Shado

Did you catch that people? He's PRAISING the Wii. ^_^

hehe I was gonna say..
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#6 _vacant_
Member since 2006 • 835 Posts
It is a simple mirroring. You act as though mapping a golf swing animation to the right side of the ball would be close to impossible. And all they would have to do is mirror the affect of a hook or slice.

It's a god-damn golf game made in 2007. It's not hard to have ambidextrous characters.ZebethOrZebes

pssst, just so you know, you can switch the handedness in the options menu, as well as the button only option. so if you dont like the swing mechanics there is that, the players can be right or left handed, and the control mechanics are finicky maybe, but they dont suck. Theyre just not easy.
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#7 _vacant_
Member since 2006 • 835 Posts
just delete the file and redownload it(its free of charge in case you dont know). if everything you download isnt running then there is most likely a problem. sometimes the download just mucks up, thats all.
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#8 _vacant_
Member since 2006 • 835 Posts
strikers is out in europe, its online, 4 players, (but only through 2 consoles, 2 players on each)

brawl will most likely be online, battallion wars will be its out in september,  madden 08 wil be online.    the first games are trickling out, by the end of the year there will be a decent number of games online (for a nintendo console)
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#9 _vacant_
Member since 2006 • 835 Posts
gameplay wise, tetris on the nes beats halo 2.  in my opinion...  

and in my opinion halo 2 is nothing but (random string of expletives deleted)

see, we all have opinions
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#10 _vacant_
Member since 2006 • 835 Posts

[QUOTE="_vacant_"]the bible is not a historical text. though it is an excellent work of fiction that teaches many great morals and valuesRedmoonxl2

The bible is a mix of historic text and fiction. The prophets did exist, fyi.

The problem with the bible and it'c contradictions lay with it's writers, the language used to write the bible and translators to accurately translate everything. Hell, there's still an issue whether or not the ten commandments say "kill" or "murder".

yes I did know that. many of the characters in the bible are real...   its like a docu-drama.  based on real people or real events.  but its still fiction