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#1 Warhearted
Member since 2005 • 236 Posts

Reviews doesn't matter, as long as you enjoy the god damn game. Even if it's scored as 1.Bloodseeker23

Amen my friend.

I've had it preordered for a week now and I'm excited despite mixed reviews. The demo was great and it seems like it would lay groundwork for great multiplayer. I may be a cross-console enthusiast (proud PS360 owner) but I'll always be satisfied supporting the exclusives that Playstation deserve so much. Even if it flops, FFXIII and MGS4 will make Microsoft envious of the empire Sony has built on quality, timeless games.

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#2 Warhearted
Member since 2005 • 236 Posts

Crazy my friend, absolutely crazy. I've played COD4 religiously nonstop, 8 hours every day since its release, but since I got Warhawk a week ago I haven't even touched it. The intensity of the firefights and huge scale of the warzones not only make for some amazingly immersive combat but also some great tactical team-based fighting. Warhawk is definitely a multiplayer game no PS3 owner should be without.

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#3 Warhearted
Member since 2005 • 236 Posts
I fully expect people to be playing COD4 religiously even long after this Halo 3 fad fades out.
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#4 Warhearted
Member since 2005 • 236 Posts

The core of the gameplay is perfect in my opinion, just a plethora of stupid minor glitches that annoy me.

1. Spawning is probably my main issue. The concept of spawning you where most of your teammates are sounds good, but I am far too frequently thrown right in the path of someone else's bullets.

2. Sniping/ACOG is big too. I actually play the 360 version (though I'm planning on getting the PS3 version soon) and those issues haven't been patched yet, but it's beyond annoying to put upwards of four bullets, with or without stopping power, with a sniper or scoped assault rifle and have them take seemingly no damage. =/

3. The clipping thing. Having position over the enemy is a big part of the game and giving yourself away because the barrel of your gun magically sticks out through a wall is crap. I've killed countless people by shooting right where their weapon protrudes without actually actually seeing them.

4. I'm sure many will hate me, but I think stopping power is a bit overpowered. It's annoying to shoot someone multiple times with an M4 and have them turn and kill me in one shot with a P90 just because they were using the perk and I wasn't.

5. Special grenade consistency. I'll often throw stuns and, even more, flahbangs, and somehow enemies won't be blinded at all even though the grenade goes off practically at their feet. I get even more annoyed when I throw it into an open space with enemies, take cover, and I'm blinded completely but them not at all. Kind of kills the usefulness.

6. Grenade spamming. On maps like Vacant, all it takes is the 3x frags and just cook and throw them into halls and you're virutally guaranteed kills. I think this is more about how people play than how the game works.

7. Perks in general. For the most part the list is excellent, but some like Eavesdrop and Dead Silence I find totally useless. Getting rid of those and maybe adding new ones in the future would be great but not necessary.

Sorry for the wordiness, but I love this game!:P The best shooter I've ever played and most competitive console game to boot. I seem to differ from most people in that things like the "noob tube" and martyrdom. I'm most bothered by actual glitches and not particular gameplay aspects. If IW would just patch the scoped weapons I would be more than satisfied.

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#5 Warhearted
Member since 2005 • 236 Posts
Maybe I'm just lucky, but I'm still on my first 360 after a solid year of constant playing. It may be starting to fade since it revs up pretty substantially and freezes a bit on some games, but for the most part it runs just fine. No need for me to trade in.
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#6 Warhearted
Member since 2005 • 236 Posts
I own the 360 version. The system makes no difference to me because I bought it for Portal alone, which couldn't possibly be too straining on framerates.
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#7 Warhearted
Member since 2005 • 236 Posts

2008 is going to be the year of the PS3 for sure. I've owned a 360 for a year, and it's true, so far every multiplatform game has run better on the 360. But despite having a severe lack of games, I still love my PS3 way more than my 360. It's just flat-out a better system. Once devs get their acts together and learn how to work with the PS3 hardware the 360 is as good as dead, and not just because blu ray is dominating HD DVD.

PS3 games I'm looking forward to this year:



Killzone 2


God of War 3, hopefully

Army of Two

Resistance 2, with any luck



Resident Evil 5

Pardon my excessive venting, but I've been waiting quite some time for justice to be served and the PS3 to come from behind and decimate the 360. And I've owned a 360 for a while now. There's just no denying that a next-gen HD-whatever powerhouse is better than a rushed, disposable system that despite having the "best" online service can't even sustain itself properly with millions paying $50 per year just to play online.

Another major problem is that in my eyes, 360 exclusives just aren't pulling the weight they used to. I'm a hardcore Gears of War fan and if GoW2 comes out this year as speculated it wil probably be my only reason to dust off my 360 since I'm trading COD4 for the PS3 version. I was horribly disappointed with Mass Effect, Bioshock was great but had barely any replay value, and Halo is pure trash compared to COD4. Maybe I'm just tough to please.

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#8 Warhearted
Member since 2005 • 236 Posts

The hostilities and false beliefs that arise whenever this same rumor comes around are a little ridiculous.

MGS4 is a PS3 game. A DVD for the 360 can't even contain as much data as MGS4 is using on a blu ray disc. The success of the game doesn't depend on the systems it comes to by any means, it's Metal Gear Solid for god's sake, it's a total system seller. Konami estimated that for MGS4 to be a success 1/3 of all PS3 owners would need to buy it, and considering the insane popularity of the series, that doesn't sound too far-fetched to me, especially considering the number of people who have bought an will by a PS3 for this one game.

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#9 Warhearted
Member since 2005 • 236 Posts
You can put it in the HDD. Just put in a CD and rip it. You can also hook up an external media player via USB and stream that way.
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#10 Warhearted
Member since 2005 • 236 Posts
Call of Duty hands down for me, the immense smoothness of the game and the class system in the multiplayer make it the best online experience ever for me. Gears is second because the graphics and violence are both insane, plus it's a great social experience since so many of my friends have it. Halo...just sucks.