Sn0wGl0be's comments

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@galinskyy: I am referring to the Battlefront franchise, which has always been in fact both PvE and PvP capable.

With this game however anyone who wants to experience the full game without needing other people, or play it after it's no longer the flavor of the month, are SOL - even though 10 years ago it pulled all this off no problem, and never once required PvP.

Making games almost entirely dependent to randoms online in some online platform, is exactly the kind of control "The Worst Company In America" two-time award winner, EA, wants. In an age where pre-release DLC and increasingly watered down content for twice the price are the norm, then times have not changed for the better. It wouldn't have to be this way if people voted with their dollars, if they simply said No to companies like EA and whatever crud they dangle in front of us. But I won't hold my breath.

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Edited By Sn0wGl0be

@galinskyy: The fact people still play Battlefront 2 should show it's replayability. Having the option to play against bots if one chooses is good for everyone, so it's a real shame MP fans seem to get off on this lackluster game. In a franchise that has always been about both PvE and PvP, I'd rather support a game we can all enjoy years after release, instead of paying 60 bucks to play EA's way until they decide to shut off the servers on us....

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@Baconstrip78: That's rather selfish considering Battlefront was always about both the MP and SP experience (and the latter doesn't necessarily mean campaign, simply PvE).

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Edited By Sn0wGl0be

@jack00: As someone who's always bought & enjoyed Battlefront exclusively for solo/offline/PvE, then a full fledged story mode would be welcoming (especially looking at the cancelled Free Radical version), but would not have been required at all for me to buy this game. Campaign or not, I just want to play the damn thing like I always have, in a franchise never disappointed in doing so.

But as always with EA's attempts at making games more online-dependent, anyone who wants to experience the full game without needing other people, or play it after it's no longer the flavor of the month, are SOL (even though a game 10 years ago pulled all this off no problem, and never once required PvP). "You give us $60 so you can play our way until we decide to turn off the servers on you." is not something I'm going to sanction with my own dollars.

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@Daian: As someone who's always bought & enjoyed Battlefront exclusively for solo/offline/PvE, then sure a full fledged story mode would be great (especially looking at the cancelled Free Radical version), but would it would not have been required at all for me to buy this game. Campaign or not, I just want to play the damn thing like I always have, in a franchise that never disappointed in doing so.

But as always with EA's attempts at making games more online-dependent, anyone who wants to experience the full game without needing other people, or play it after it's no longer the flavor of the month, are SOL (even though a game 10 years ago pulled all this off no problem, and never once required PvP whatsoever). Looking at the official website, EVERY SINGLE one of the game modes for online could have easily been played with bots (I mean 10 vs 10 capture the flag ffs). Instead, we have nothing but "Training" mode, a Horde mode, and a Kill Confirmed-style mode which doesn't come anything close to large-scale instant action from past games, let alone the "large-scale" modes in the one.

"You give us $60 so you can play our way until we decide to turn off the servers on you." is not something I'm going to sanction with my own dollars.

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@emprahtoddler: Gotta love the complicity in fanboys these days. "The Worst Company in America" two-time award winner has given us no reason to trust them at all in any franchise they've latched onto. They made Battlefront almost entirely online-dependent, took away most features that made the first two games, and put more content in DLC than the actual game, yet you'll buy it anyway for being a "true star wars fan". You'd rather support that b.s with your own dollars and be caught up in the hype than to see how badly they're screwing everyone, then go on to attack other consumers who won't fall for it. Smh...

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@tommynj: Completely agree. The cancelled Free Radical footage of Battlefront looked way better than this garbage. Honestly I'd be fine with just MP matches against bots (more or less what the first BF games were), but they can't even do that. They'd rather make the game almost entirely online-dependent to randoms online, nullifying any chance to play matches how we want to on our terms, or play when it's no longer the flavor of the month.

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@gibbey531: Looking at the website, the only modes that can be played solo against bots/offline are under "Missions": Training, Survival (horde mode), Battles (1 vs 1 with AI), Hero Battles (Battles, with heroes) - That's it. The good half of the game requires a connection to randoms online 24/7, for some reason; Fighter Squadron (dogfighting), Supremacy (20 vs 20 conquest-style), Cargo (CTF), Droid Run (6 vs 6 capture and hold), Walker Assault (20 vs 20 with AT-AT's), Blast (10 vs 10 TDM), Drop Zone (8 vs 8 domination-style), Heroes vs Villains, Hero Hunt (7 vs 1 hero/villain).

As always with EA's attempts at making games more online-dependent, anyone who wants to experience the full game without needing other people, or play it after it's no longer the flavour of the month, are SOL (even though a game 10 years ago pulled all this off no problem, and never once required PvP). If "Battles" had come anything close to large-scale instant action from past games, EA/Dice would be falling all over themselves telling us about it. But they aren't, and it isn't. Needless to say, I'm not buying this thing. "You give us $60 so you can play our way until we decide to turn off the servers on you." is not something I'm going to sanction with my own dollars.

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I don't even care. Aside from everything EA ripped out to sell back to us, they ruined any chances of me buying this game when they made 80% of it online-only. Even though this franchise never required an internet connection to randoms 24/7, and when a game 10 years ago had a hell of alot more value than DLC-obsessed crud today. A game which I still can - and often do - play in it's entirety, which is impossible for today's short-lived, online-only EA games.

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Edited By Sn0wGl0be

Looks like the beta confirmed all our worries for EA's latest victim. Tbh I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to these things. Even with all the things this game left out, and all the bizarre changes (i.e power-ups for everything), I still probably would have bought the game post-release. But now I'd have to completely change the way I play in this series, entirely in an online-only PvP environment (something I explicitly do not enjoy). Currently, the only modes that can be played against bots/offline are under "Missions" (as seen on the website) - Training, Survival (Horde mode), Battles (???), Hero Battles (Battles, with heroes) - That's it. The good half of the game requires a connection to randoms online 24/7; Fighter Squadron (dogfighting), Supremacy (20 vs 20), Cargo (CTF), Droid Run (6 vs 6 capture and hold), Walker Assault (20 vs 20 with AT-AT's), Blast (10 vs 10 TDM), Drop Zone (8 vs 8 domination-style), Heroes vs Villains, Hero Hunt (7 vs 1 hero/villain).

As always with EA's attempts at making games more online-dependent, anyone who wants to experience the full game without needing other people, or play it after it's no longer the flavor of the month, are SOL (even though a game 10 years ago pulled all this off no problem, and never once required PvP). IMO if "Battles" came anything close to large-scale instant action from past games, EA/Dice would be falling all over themselves telling us about it...But they aren't, which has always been a sure-fire sign that said game mode is watered-down utter crap. Needless to say, I won't be buying this thing. "You give us $60 so you can play our way until we decide to turn off the servers on you." is not something I'm going to sanction with my own dollars. Especially when I can get more value out of the bloody PSP version of Battlefront...