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Edited By Slash_out

How about the three of them will come back, and survive as they are all making billions? This is an idiotic rumor. If one of them is stupid enough to drop out, some ohter company replace him just like it happened between Sega and microsoft. This is just a rumor started by people who know nothing more than us. Why is it getting so big? And why are gaming website trying to make it so big? Geez.

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Edited By Slash_out

@JoeJoeLaker Probably. I played the first fifteen minutes, and it played on some of my fears. Like swiming on a big pool of water, without being able to see what's underneath (The ambiance and music wasn't helping there) for exemple. And once inside, it wasn't any easier for me, very heavy ambiance. So I didn't try playing some more. I played many "horror games", like Resident evils (2 to 5) but I just can't bring myself to play bioshock and dead space, it's all about the ambiance and those two games do a better job at it, which is why, I avoid them :p.

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Edited By Slash_out

I've got to say, I never was a bioshock fan (I know the game rocks but the oppressive feeling of under water with the scary ambiance...well I'm not very compatible with scary games). But this time, I'll definitively be there. Ps: that napkin... haha so awesome. They have to keep it, one day it will be worth thousands of dollars :p.

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Edited By Slash_out

I'd ignore any game with real religious meaning (real, as in serious). I don't mind people thinking there is a god, because why not? I just don't care for religions, and the image of God looking down on all us and guiding our lives. Who has that kind of time, anyway, right? :p But RPGs always have made up religions. Seems like even in virtual worlds, religions are behind most conflicts. Big bad guy that wants to be god (Xenoblade), Old religion that seems alright but turns out to be a shame for evil doing (Tales of symphonia),and so on. They might not be very originals, but they fuel the story, which is at times pretty good, so I don't mind that kind of stuff in games. But thinking the heads of any religion would acknowledge those themes? I mean come on :p. As long as it's not a perfect representation of what they want you to tell, there is no way they will ever aknowledge games.

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Edited By Slash_out

This game is so epic it's unbelievable. There are hundreds and hundres and hundreds of sidequests. And no randomly generated ones. All with a context and all. This game is crazy. I have spent 12 hours between story quests, just doing side quests. It's been a long time since I played such a good rpg. There are NO rpg this gens that come even close to this.

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Edited By Slash_out

The news writer seems to forget that this stick will most likely be included in the next version of the console as built in. So when there is a 3DS light, there will be a second stick ready to be used. And until then, on current 3DS, camera controls and all that will be handled by tilting the device or other failure control schemes, or it will be taken over by the second stick add-on. So no. It won't be a forgotten addition.

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Edited By Slash_out

Modern warfare is more of a great single player experience. Great scripted events, but well multiplayer is solid but not exceptional. While it's the opposite for BF. The single player isn't that great but the multiplayer rocks. I disagree with the commentators saying that BF needs to find ways to hook the player in the multiplayer like MW. There are levels, armors, weapons, weapon augmentations, skills for weapons, for moving, for vehicules, classes, classes in the classes. All gained with experience rewards you get from doing things into the game. And there are hundreds of medals you get by completing objectives in the multiplayer as well. BF simply has the best mutliplayer, because it offers what others do and still more, has a certain level of complexity that doesn't give it a simple arcade feel, and because it offers the most "wow moment" with it's gameplay mechanics. being on top of a building getting attacked by a tank is awesome, you see walls getting torn off, and after a while the building crashes it's just awesome. One of the "wow moment" I remember from BF2, was taking cover behind a concrete wall while a tank was passing by, they spoted me and shot at me, the obus made huge impact holes around me, I could see the obus flying past me with the debris while I was running along the wall trying to escape and keep some cover... It was just it was a scene you could get out of those latest huge action movies. You just don't get that in MW.

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Edited By Slash_out

The game is so beautiful it's incredible. You have to be in the game to see it all move.

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Edited By Slash_out

Obviously the pc version is better looking, this is no contest and shouldn't be, consoles are 5/6 years old hardware now and they were barely top of the line when they were released, obviously PCs that evolve regularly will get a better version when graphics are pushed to the limit the game has to offer. Still The pc version with everything maxed out doesn't look that great either. Not ugly of course, but FPS often thrives in their graphical superiority. (Mostly because there isn't much content elsewhere and the single players are very short). So I'd have expected more.

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Edited By Slash_out

it looks better, but fonctionality wise, it's a step back. To get to some stuff we need more clicks. Now If I get PMs I need to leave my mouse on the little arrow next to my pseudo and wait for the menu to appear just to see if I have new PM or it's just alerts about games. If I want to check out new releases to come in the next few days I have to go through many different menus while it was in the front page before. Well it looks nice, but it's not as practical for me as before as the pages I access the most, are now 2 or 3 clicks further.