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#1 Serioussamik
Member since 2010 • 773 Posts

Thanks a ton for your inspirational posts, people!

Returned couple of hours hour back with a spanking new guitar and all set to take the plunge! :)

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#2  Edited By Serioussamik
Member since 2010 • 773 Posts

Ok, the topic may seem kinda fuzzy. I am on the wrong side of my twenties and now, after completing MBA and working with a company.

I am not dissatisfied or feeling stuck, but sometimes (especially at weekends) , I get a feeling that a special skill would have been handy. I always had a passion for playing the guitar but now I am kinda embarrassed to sign up for guitar lessons as I feel that the prime period for learning is well behind me.

Even some of my friends ridicule this idea of taking guitar lessons and they say am too old for that but I feel it is worth giving a shot!

Is is true that at a mature age the acumen for learning diminishes? Do you of you guys have ever given a shot at learning something similar/performing arts at a mature age?

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#3 Serioussamik
Member since 2010 • 773 Posts

@zjun said:

@ShepardCommandr said:

roughly 50% more powerful is not slightly and it shows.

You can deny it all you want.

@jasean79 said:

Visuals to me at least, are only a small part of the overall experience. MS made it clear with the Xbox 1 they were gearing it towards the family with the Kinect and TV/media capabilities. PS4 instead seemed more focus on the gamers and put their efforts into building the better system for such. In time, I think developers will realize the potential of the PS4 and focus on creating the ulitmate gaming experience - as the system was designed for. This is when the PS4 will surpass the Xbox 1 in every way.

@muffin2020 said:

If you choose to ignore the power and superior mulitplats you still can't ignore the $100 price difference.

@Shame-usBlackley said:

Because it isn't just slightly superior, it's around 50% superior. And the Xbone is a collection of bad ideas, only some of which have been corrected. I mean, they almost didn't include a disc drive on the Xbone. A fucking disc drive. That's the word anyway. Anyone who doubts the company had its collective head up its ass when coming up with this machine has their head up their own.

@RimacBugatti said:

As always Uncharted will surpass anything on Xbone. As of right now IO agree nothing on PS4 looks that great. KZSF does have really good visuals and huge levels although I think PS4 can do better. Uncharted 4 will prove the true power of the PS4. Ryse agreed looks better than anything out there this gen so far. But the gameplay is said to be lame.

@dvader654 said:

You got the system that will have the better games (it may take a while though), that is why you should be happy.

I agree with everyone here. ^^^^^^

Tell you what guys, this really made me happy!! :) And I honestly did not know the difference was so size-able.

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#4 Serioussamik
Member since 2010 • 773 Posts

So I bought the PS4 and got disappointed by KZ: SF. Ryse looks so much better IMHO.

Now I was wondering how is the PS4 being "slightly superior hardware-wise , going to fare in coming years?

I know multiplats will look the matter what! But exclusives-wise is PS4 gonna score higher in visuals?

I know a question about "coming years" will be automatically answered in the "coming years" only... :P But curious to know your general feelings about this, as this gen, the hardware being kinda similar allows better comparison.

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#5 Serioussamik
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@leandrro said:

@FreedomFreeLife said:

Yeah when Xbox 360 came out then we saw Gears of War while PS3 had game Liar and Haze.

PS3 is like maybe 5% more powerful than Xbox 360 yet Xbox 360 had best looking games than PS3(untill PS3 uncharted came out).

So right now we see lower res on Xbox One but maybe because they havent developed it well yet?

So maybe Xbox One is this time like Playstation 3, slow start, shitty ports but in time we see games that runs 1080p and 60fps without problems.

Yes, PS4 is more powerful than Xbox One but this dosent mean that Xbox One cant do 1080p games

x360 has a 10% better graphics card than ps3, after so many years all x360 games still look 10% better

ps4 has a 80% faster graphics card than x1, in 2020 ps4 games will still look 80% better

LOL!!! post the new year for me...

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#6 Serioussamik
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Sony's had plenty of good shooters. Xfans just need to get their heads out of the Gears/Halo mode. 



Please dont get me wrong...I have high regard for Resistance ,Killzone and Uncharted. But Halo and Gears of War somehow have that x-factor which Resistance and Killzone clearly lack...and I'm talking only console exclusive shooters here.
Not that Sony doesn't spend enough for KZ and R series...but they pale in epicness when compared to the MS shooters...and you just heard from a brutally neutral and unbiased console guy.

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#7 Serioussamik
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Yeah though Halo series and Gears of War series are the still the reigning kings of console shooters....IMHO Sony's made good on the Killzone and Resistance series. And the Uncharted series was also a superb addition in Sony's shooter base, which was kinda lacking in the PS2 era.

This gen , Sony has given a major facelift to Killzone 2 and turned it around as a successful shooter franchise...also after a by the numbers Resistance 1, Sony ticked the right boxes to establish a franchise offering great shooting games.

Now this gen, can Sony trim down the gap between their shooters and the Halos and Gears Of Wars?

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#8 Serioussamik
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What do you mean force feeding?

It's not like Activision came to your house and said, "Buy the next CoD or we'll shoot you in the face." 


but they did..

Well if that's the case then why didn't you file a police report and bring this knowledge to the public?

Well the police were bribed by Manuel declined to accept report.

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#9 Serioussamik
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[QUOTE="Liquid_"] logic plsGoyoshi12

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSfHFmUevu7t1fjkekDkA8Just because I can.


I think I've had enough internet for the day.....week.....month....year......lifetime.

Guys ...Wats going on here? :P

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#10 Serioussamik
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Sadly I do think these last three systems (X720/WiiU/PS4) and this new generation as a whole be the last dic based systems. And I lament it so.

I think a lot of the purity and the spirit of gaming that I and a lot of you grew up with will die when this happens. Not to say that some great games won't continue to be made once this happens. But it certainly won't FEEL the same. This "feeling" may not be important to all people, especially the younger kids and teenage gamers out there, which I totally understand. But I'm just saying that to me it's important. I will be sad when the bull$h!t cloud and streaming and digital releases all become the standard. I won't stop gaming mind you...just be sad.

And that's why I'm not looking forward to it. But again I do indeed believe it will happen. It's the inevitable march forward of technology and entertainment and the industry is already trending that way as it is. Heck they already say that it's painfully obvious that blu-ray will be the last physical media format for movies. Another tragedy IMO. So all we can do is keep enjoying the good entertainment no matter how it comes to us. But I will hold on to my physical purchasing for as long as I possibly can. To the death!


I can understand your sentiments perfectly. Couldn't agree more...