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#1 Serioussamik
Member since 2010 • 773 Posts

Seems like it's pretty bleak for AMD.
But let's hope Zen does put some air in the sail of AMD.

Also, one decision from AMD that defied logic that while it was releasing the first GPU's those were PCIE 3.0 compatible when most of the AMD chip-sets did not support the newest PCIE standards. Still today, most AMD chip-sets don't support PCIEx- 3.0, barring a few third party supports. Not cool!

I was in half a mind to get a bulldozer back in mid-2012, but the Ivy Bridge's support for PCIE 3.0 convinced me to go for Intel.

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#2  Edited By Serioussamik
Member since 2010 • 773 Posts

Since Intel has been going great guns with i5's and i7's and delivering power packed performers with every new generations. We are finding the Sandybridges, Ivybridges and Haswells attractive and Bulldozer, Pile and Screwdrivers did not really compete with the Intels.

I still remember the days when AMD was a much sought after CPU for gamers and AMD Athlon 64 and FX series were becoming staple for gaming PC's. Phenoms were disappointing but Phenom II's again got AMD in the reckoning of gamers.

I admire Intel (it is doing a great job and it's tick-tock technology is impressive), but is it not time AMD returns with something that can hold it's own against the offerings from Intel (if not blow Intel CPU's outta water)? I for one, always liked that healthy competition in CPU lines and AMD needs to pull up it's socks.

Monopoly can never be good and it's one sided now! What say you?

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#3  Edited By Serioussamik
Member since 2010 • 773 Posts

The Russians reacted in an unthinkable manner. Scorched earth policies, making half of the population pick up arms by choice and the remaining half by force. What he thought would be cakewalk turned into catastrophic battle in Stalingrad.

Now the resolve displayed by the Russians should have made him secretly admire them, and speaking of regrets, it's not everyday that your opponent rises up to the challenge with everything he's/she's got (even to the extent of hurting himself/herself to win). So I see no room for that (regret).

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#4 Serioussamik
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I never became to be what I wanted to be (a civil pilot) and now at the wrong side of twenties, I am working in a fairly big company after completing MBA. Sometimes I feel irritated with myself, feel myself mediocre and face violent mood swings.

I used to be fanatical gamer till sometime last year and now in spite of owning PS4 and X1, I no more feel drawn towards games and spend most of the time boozing and sleeping. Was trying MCC in X1 but that the deja vu feeling from Halo1 and Halo 2 made me even more depressed (when I played these games in original Xbox, I was still having hope of completing flying lessons).

To cut the sob story short, are there any good games which actually worked for you guys when you suffered from low self esteem, guilt and the assorted mood disorders associated with depression and anxiety?

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#5  Edited By Serioussamik
Member since 2010 • 773 Posts

@Cubs360: Yeah true ... Third party releases with slight edge over last gen counterparts (think Watchdogs, AC4) are great reasons to be happy with PS4/ XB1.

MCC also got me exited enough and got me thinking of getting a XB1. But it is still far from being a console seller for many , I guess. That brings me to defining killer app, which IMHO is......

@darkangel115: Think Halo 1 for original Xbox, FF VII/MGS for PS1, GTAIII/DMC for PS2, GoW for X360, WiiSports, Resistance for PS3 ( many might differ on that). In later stages God of War and SOTC were also reasons to get a PS2.
If you notice, throwing up a well thought out franchise with top notch production values (usually with planning/production time of years), while imparting great (at times revolutionary) gameplay and introducing characters who take no time in becoming poster boys/girls are common in most of these games.

That's not to say the franchise has to be brand new, but redefining an existing IP (like MGS and FF) can also churn out console sellers. I completely agree that UC4 and H5 are potential killer apps. But they are taking too long a time in coming.

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#6 Serioussamik
Member since 2010 • 773 Posts

@RR360DD said:

So Ryse warranted a mention and you expect us to take your thread seriously? LOL

What's with all these wii u threads? Have we forgotten already how terrible it was for the wii u one year in?

Agree that these games are nothing special. I mentioned them cuz there's nothing else is in the horizon that can be called a killer app.

We have not yet seen a game that can be marked a console seller for either parties. And it's been an year almost.

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#7  Edited By Serioussamik
Member since 2010 • 773 Posts

Yeah from Microsoft and Sony. Now by killer apps I mean any new IP or further release of existing 1st party ones.

So Infamous Second son and Killzone:SF from Sony. Ryse and nothing more that warrants a mention from MS.

Is this the slowest run-up to killer apps we ever witnessed?

And meanwhile WiiU's releases continue to impress...

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#8 Serioussamik
Member since 2010 • 773 Posts

Far Cry Series...

FC1.Partial sandbox

FC2.Total sandbox

FC3.Total sandbox with animals

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#9 Serioussamik
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Yeah Nvidia hyped this colossi couple quite significantly to gamers. This post in not intended at directing criticism at these cards (Yeah would love to have one if I had the $$$), but to seek the market/value positioning of these cards. They seemed to be pitted against their own siblings, and strangely offer very little premium over them, given the price.

Other than the frame-buffer size, the only thing I found out about them....they are costly and have great flaunt value.

Leaving that aside:

-Both based on GK110

-Certainly not the the "ultimate gaming GPU" as 780Ti clearly surges ahead in almost ALL benchmarks.

-Not sure how the double precision processing works and adds up to the experience. (any info on this will be great)

So wondering, why would people get them over 780/780ti at an significantly higher cost?

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#10 Serioussamik
Member since 2010 • 773 Posts

@GTR12: and @PredatorRules:

Lol, points taken people.......seems like i was going to do something Uber stupid.