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#1 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts

So like, I hate to take the thread away from this enthralling discussion of the English Languauge, but I just thought you should all know that....

Everyrime I want to laugh all I have to do is ... watch this video.

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#2 Madsucktion
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BTW, don't say the 3rd party support is coming. Don't stoop to the just wait arguement. If it's really coming, then wait until it does to say it. But for now, the wii's gaming lineup is turning out alot like the GC's lineup.


Unfortunately, the "wait" argument applies to the Wii of all systems out this generation because most developers were caught flat-footed out of the gate. The fact of the matter is that no one saw the Wii becoming a success even AFTER it was released. It was only untill it kept being sold out for weeks, then months, and now a year that people are actually begining to realize exactally how much market share it has gotten.

Fact of the matter is that no major 3rd party trusted Nintendo to capture the market, and therefore had NO games in the development pipelines for the system's launch or the months afterwords. Considering that it takes multiple years to make games nowadays you expected those major companies to just start churning out games in less then 11 months? Heck no, Instead they will port what they know they can to it while they start building games from the ground up for the system.

The PS3 has had games in development for forever BEFORE it was released because companies thought it would pull a PS2 and destroy the competition, therefore the "wait" argument dosen't work. The 360 had a full year head start (that's right, and extra YEAR of R&D, tinkering with the system, the online, ect...) thus causing companies to have to make games for them due to it's ever increasing userbase, therefore the "wait" argument dosen't work. The Wii might as well have been discovered in the middle of some ancient ruins, or have been found in a meteor crater because NO ONE other then Nintendo itself had real games being made for the system. But I digress, I have Super Mario Galaxy to go play. TTFN

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#3 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts

More important question:

Does "Hardcore Gamer" really mean "Game Snob"? I believe it does.

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#4 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts

It got docked that many points for being "too hard"? Sad.


why is this "sad". There is a difference between a game being hardcore and frustrating you know.

dude, one of the main complaints is the lack of the "frustratingly hard" titles on Wii :|

"frustratingly hard" games are NOT A GOOD THING

hard games are a different matter. A game should not be made deliberately frustrating.

Ikaruga is hard because it is kept constantly challenging, but never throws you into brick walls of difficulty.

A game being too hard shows poor game design and a lack of testing. Im not saying fire emblem suffers from this, but these are what overly hard games suffer from.

Please, play the game before you call it to hard. The only way this game is "Too Hard" is 1) if you don't actually THINK about your actions / moves or 2) if you don't level up your weaker characters. That has always been the crux of FE games, you have to actually plan out each move of your troops, and be sure to weaken enemy units so that your weak units can kill them and get more experience.

The fact that this guy kept constantly dieing seems hilarous to me. I'm halfway through the game (With the first Chapter / part being universally called the hardest) and yeah it's hard, but if you have a brain and actually use terrain to your advantage it's nowhere near "frustratingly hard".

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#5 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts

Galaxy did get weak story, i believe.


They said the story wasn't great, but it didn't get the emblem. See for yourself:;review

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#6 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts

"Despite being a Wii game, it doesn't make any attempt to use any of the system's strengths, such as Mii support, online support,"


LOL oh man. I can see it now. Ike is coming over a ridge with -- you guessed it -- a lvl 6 paladin created from your Mii's called "Lil' Hitler I'm really curious to see how he expects Mii(s) to be integrated into this game AT ALL without ruining the story. Of course, he already hated the story (which admittedly doesn't have the next pulitzer prize wining script, but is has me engaged enough to want to play to the end (I just finished Chapter 2)) so I guess he wouldn't mind having a character come into the game with little to no backstory.

Also, can you imagine even playing this game online? It would take people 20 to 30 minutes to make a full move, and there is no garuntee that the other player would even be at the screen to continue the fight. Battles would take HOURS. Not to mention lag, hiccups, and the such.

I for one am glad they didn't try and shoehorn any "Wii strengths" into it. Could you imagine any sort of crappy "Waggle" put into it? Keep the series as it is, controlling a grid based army with a D-Pad is the way to do it.

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#7 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts

because all Assassin creeds topics are getting locked, which i think is moronic imho, cause tell me ? how many people will see this post as opposed to a single topic, and I think Mods should distinguishe between one line posts .. and a whole argument post ... oh well ... what can i say ...

here goes the post :

this post discusses a single significant point of the argument.

WHAT THE #%@ is wrong with these low reviews from IGN and 1up ??? Did they give any credit to the story at all ? Can you seriously penalize a game for simply being repetitive after half of the game when other RPGs are almost entirely based on grinding yet score higher, and seriously is repetition something that brings a game down to that point ? since when ??



Anyway, I think you guys need to check a more sensible review, which is in my opinion Game trailer's review.

Those @#$!@ reviewers seriously need to consider FE (that stands for further education) at least a college degree if you see what i mean. Their knowledge is so shallow that they are under-appreciating masterpieces and great epic stories of history. The most sophisticated thing they can absorb and appreciate seems to be how mindlessly can you kill a monster or a nazi or "now" a more general term "terrorists".

7.7 for assassins creed ... Pfffft .... the crowd's interactivity robust system on its own is probably worth 8.0 just to be able to experience it .. I say .. lol ..MORE OF LAWL to say the least ..

By the way, the most thing that pisses me off about these reviews as well as GS's reviews is the incredible inconsistency, I mean how on earth could assassin creed be equal in production values to another 7.7 title or even an 8.0 released in the same period ... tell me .. how ??? (forget crysis for a second, i heard it got 8.0 in 1up, my guesses are, they had a mass hashish party for all reviewers to pass the crunch period)

Oh the irony, games created by some of the most talented and creative people in world are judged by people who probably can't pass a test in Teh Engrish Language of Teh writingz of reviewz ...

I duno what to say anymore ..

Keep it clean .. Keep it freaking REAL ...


If you agree .. tell me what you think ... not being able to post this as a separate topic still pisses me off though ... IDOIT Aliens crossing the streets ..

i mean ..

nothing really .. :)



1. Have you played the game yet and therefore formed your own opinion based on experience?

2. Does your opinion completely disagree wtih the so called "Bad" reviews?


Congratulations! You have found out that your, and only your opinion really matters. Ignore them and enjoy your game.

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#8 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts

le sigh...

Why do people seem to forget Mario Kart alltogether? And although people may scoff at it, I'm totaly pumped about No More Heroes. Killer 7 was one of my favorite games last gen.

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#9 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts

sounds good, thats 5 games I want when I get the Wii in January ( cant find them anywhere now xD )


You might want to read / watch some reviews on this one if you've never played a FE game before, simply because the "Permanent Death" thing is almost unheard of in strategy games (aside from the original Ogre Battle I think). I can tell you it absoloutley infuriates me when someone dies, and I've found myself resetting the console alot (I hate being a complete-ist sometimes). Good news though, the Wii can be reset easily from you couch, so you don't have to get up to press the button!

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#10 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts

Wowza, I didn't even expect there to be one good review for this game. Lol, guess I got owned for thinking it was just going to be another "Typing of the Dead".

Kinda dissapointing that they say the Zapper is more of a hinderance then a help, but it does make sense. I hope that's not true for all games that are going to use it.