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#1 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts

I only played the early GBA one, and I cant remember it tbh , this is like FF Tactics kind of "Strategy" right?Meu2k7

Yeah, except it's much, much more punishing then FF Tactics ever was. I picked this up last week and freaking love it, but then again I've always loved grid-based strategy games (FF Tactics, Ogre Battle, Advance Wars, Warsong, etc....).

I just want to say "Thank you Intelligent Systems" for not trying to shoe-horn any "waggle" controls into this game. just because it's on the Wii, dosen't mean you need to screw with a perfectly good control scheme. I do kinda wish you could point where you want your units to go instead of using the D-Pad, but it's a minor complaint.

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#2 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts

I really wanted to like SMG, mainly because I need a game to justify why I bought a Wii. So far the only games worth playing on the Wii have disappointed me greatly. Zelda is in fact a gamecube game with a few Wii waggle controls thrown in. Not impressed. Then came Metroid Prime 3. Fun for the first hour or so, until you realize you are doing the same thing over and over again. Kind of reminds me of why I no longer watch LOST.

And now we have the Wii savior, SMG. I'm just not getting it. I can see why its so highly rated though. When nothing but crap comes out on a console, the one DECENT game is going to seem like a 10. Problem is, I'm just not into it. To me, the gameplay mechanics are played out and boring. We've already done the upside down flippity flop crap with Super Paper Mario. The camera perspective 90% of the time is looking straight down on your head, and that is quite annoying to me.

I dunno. I wanted to like this game, but it just seems so derivative. And I've grown tired of last-gen graphics, no matter how good the art style is. Just doesn't cut it for me anymore.


Meh, to each his own I guess. If you have already made up your mind I guess there is really no point to try and change it. I guess it's just kind of a shame that you dismiss the game that multiple media outlets are hailing as the re-birth of the playforming genre.

Also, congrats on condensing Zelda and Metroid down for your less then stellar synopsis. If you can name one game that DOSEN"T have you doing the same thing over and over again, I will be amazed.

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#3 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts
Meh, who care about Guitar Hero. The Wii version of Heroin Hero has real, heroin shootin action courtesy of the Wiimote!
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#4 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts
I'm a bigger fan of Heroin Hero. I've almost caught that dragon....... twice.....
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#5 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts
You know, that question is funny. I could ask what's happening on PS3 after Metal Gear comes out, but that would be a trick question because it's NEVER coming out.
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#6 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts

Katamari. Hands down Katamari.jeffwulf

LOL, oh man, I have the soundtrack on my Zune. It's hilarous to have it on random and hear the main theme start playing. Everytime I hear "Na naaaaaaaaa na na na na na naaaa" I have to laugh to myself, and then start humming because the darn thing gets stuck in my head so easy.

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#7 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts

I really dont get the graphics arguments at all.

I am a wii60 gamer and I consider them to be equally appealing. I can be playing a pretty game like ace combat6 and then a far out game like zack and wiki in one sitting. Its not like I have to get over a bitter sense of disgust before I can start the wii game either,just likeI dont get a bitter sense of disgust when I have to shoot with analog sticks in Halo 3 after I've been playing metroid corruption. Go figure. They are just very different.

Man you graphics nuts must hate old consoles. SMB 3 is just a terrible game!just look at these graphics:

OMG tehYUCK! Do NOT want! (mega sarcasm)


Oh man, that dude totally better be going for the Warp Whistle. Not to use it mind to, just to prove to haters that he didn't whistle his way to bowser's castle.

Also, to the TC, I just want to quote the Gametrailers review for you: "Just when you think a genre is dead, along comes a game that pushes perceptions to the edge. [Mario Galaxy] is a finely crafted piece of software that will infect your subconscious, and make you dread dropping the controller. The only real absurdity, is how much you will allow it to take over you life."

Now I ask you, after reading those 3 sentences from their review, how in the heck can you care about graphics? Get off your high horse and go enjoy one of the best games this gen. Live a little!

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#8 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts
I realy hope this game lives up to all these reviews. Seriously, it looks awesome. Color me excited.
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#9 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts

Maybe Ness will at least be a costume change, we still have no idea if the final game will implement more than a Palette Swap when you change "colors".NECR0CHILD313

That's what I'm hoping for. After all, it seems that Lucas has most of the abilities of Ness with only a few added. Besides, arn't they only announcing characters that are playable from the begining? If that's the case then I will still hold out for a "Challenger Appraoching!" Ness siloutte. Besides, they would have definately made Ness an assist trophy by now.

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#10 Madsucktion
Member since 2003 • 2079 Posts

Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week

oh I'm sorry, were you saying something TC? I was to busy rocking back and forth and chanting to myself. Now if you will excuse me..

...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...Galaxy comes out in a week...