Logan303's comments

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It's ping time, more than bandwidth, that determines the level of lag.

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Well said Acekidder.

What is wrong with people? How can any moderately intelligent person be upset because a game console manufacturer decides to add additional features to their console? It's bizarre. These Sony drones seem to think that if you add a feature like Skype or IR blaster universal control, that somehow the console's ability to run games has been diminished by that. That belief is just stupid.

The Xbox One has every bit as much gaming capability as the PS4 (I know the programmed response to that one, but Sony fans, if you think you will ever see a significant difference in quality you are just kidding yourselves), but the Xbox adds additional layers of "icing" on top of the cake. Whether you just want to eat the plain cake or would rather have the cake and icing both is completely up to you. I don't know how the typical Sony fan's logic works, but as for me I'd rather have options.

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How could they have burned a bridge that hadn't even existed yet in reality. Did you already have an Xbox One in your possession, and Microsoft came along and removed features that you were enjoying? Of course not.

I don't get the pouting over speculative talk months before the console was even available. If, once the system is ACTUALLY in people's hands, owners decide that they are unhappy in some way and turn their backs on Microsoft then that's a rational decision. But until then, deciding to write them off because of nothing more than talk is just silly.

I don't know about you, but I choose my purchases based upon what the product can actually do in the real, present world, not based upon chatter months before the product was available.

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This "peasant" has a fully-loaded Falcon Northwest Mach V in addition to my Xbox 360, and soon Xbox One, so you might want to reexamine your definition of peasant.

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That's because you'll have a PS4 and no Titanfall. Of course it will be boring (for you).

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I forgot to add that according to Sony fanboys, man will never fly (everyone knows it's impossible), television is a ridiculous idea (talking pictures?...crazy talk), the Internet is just a fad, and men on the moon?... Yeah right, whatever.

Just hang onto those horses and buggy whips because as "everyone knows" those horseless carriages are just Henry Ford and his evil marketing spin at work.

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It will be online and devoid of physical media sooner than you think, just like the Xbox One. 100% digital, including the necessary DRM is inevitable. Get used to it.

Why aren't you guys whining about how Netflix requires an Internet connection and how you don't really own the movies and how you lose access to your movies if the Internet goes down and how therefore Netflix is just a money-grubbing corporation that hates you and spends every waking moment trying to figure out how to ruin your life? And don't even get me started about Vudu.

You do realize that's what you all sound like, don't you? You're stuck in the past. If Sony sticks to what you say you want you guys will end up being the last gamers on Earth still using physical discs. How "next gen" will your system look then?

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I agree, the relationships with retail stores may prolong physical media for a while. However, a good example of my point is PC software. Just try to find a brick and mortar store that stocks PC games. It's all gone to Steam and similar services. Yet strangely no one frets about that.

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Edited By Logan303

Sorry, got cut off. I was just saying that a whole host of other physical media are going by the wayside as well. What content isn't already digital shortly will be and the only way to manage virtual media is via DRM and a persistent, or at least periodic Internet connection. Sony is misleading their followers by allowing them to believe otherwise. In fact, I suspect that Sony originally planned similar policies but changed them temporarily when they saw an opportunity to take a shot at Microsoft. In the long run, both consoles will go digital-only. I guarantee it.

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Finally, someone who can make a well-reasoned comment without resorting to juvenile name-calling. Your statement that you prefer PS4 because you like their games better is a rational statement. I am going with Xbox One myself initially, mostly because I like their idea of an integrated entertainment hub and think they have the better long-term vision. Where I'm with you, though, is that I do get tired of Microsoft overloading their lineup with shooters and racers. I like both, but would definitely prefer more variety and you might be right that Sony does better at providing that.

As far as "ownership", those who complained about the original Microsoft plan better prepare themselves because the era of physical media is over. If you think you are really going to be able to buy game discs for much longer you might just as well believe that movie DVDs and music CDs and paper newspapers and magazines, and a who,e host of other things