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#1 KoolzKatz
Member since 2009 • 827 Posts

Yes. I have next to no friends, no girlfriend (never have and probably never will), I am extremely depressed and my xbox is broken. At least netflix is working.


You can change that, just believe in yourself and go out and give it a shot.

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#2 KoolzKatz
Member since 2009 • 827 Posts

I am very angry at Sony but i wont be rid of the console. I payed hundreds for it and its part of my entertainment value but i will not be buying Sonys next gen console or any future Sony consoles from now on.

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#3 KoolzKatz
Member since 2009 • 827 Posts

There is no defending Sony here, this is the highest rate of failure ever by Sony. This is the kind of stuff that can ruin the console, how do you rebuild trust with your customers? Im expecting a big lawsuit against Sony and government intervening too. I believe a senator came out to call Sony on their crap and they deserve any and all tongue lashing they recieve. Very very angry at Sony about this matter

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#4 KoolzKatz
Member since 2009 • 827 Posts


We sincerely regret that PlayStation Network and Qriocity services have been suspended, and we are working around the clock to bring them both back online. Our efforts to resolve this matter involve re-building our system to further strengthen our network infrastructure. Though this task is time-consuming, we decided it was worth the time necessary to provide the system with additional security.

We thank you for your patience to date and ask for a little more while we move towards completion of this project. We will continue to give you updates as they become available.


Wow thats unbelievable. While its good news that they are working on making the network stronger, its absolute ridiculous that it had take an "external intrusion" to get them to fix their system. It should have been strong to begin with and so we donthave to go through this mess.Unbelievable, this could take a while folks so be ready to wait a bit.

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#5 KoolzKatz
Member since 2009 • 827 Posts

[QUOTE="AdamRiggs4"]So Sony(a multi billion$$ company) doesn't have the capabilities to keep a bunch of basement dwelling computer nerds out of their systems? Really?!? Results not excuses Sony. This is getting ridiculous. Fix the damn problem and invest some freaking money in protecting your network and the loyal customers who support you with their hard earned money.frostybanana
That is my first thought as well. Yes, this is ultimately the fault of whomever hacked them. However, Sony is a professional company. They were aware that their network was being threatened and they obviously didn't take the preventative measures necessary to avoid this. Who's to say that it won't happen again. They've lost my trust and they've done nothing to reassure me. I am disappointed with the way they're handling it and I hope they get everything together asap.

Both posts are right on point, this is ridiculous.

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#6 KoolzKatz
Member since 2009 • 827 Posts

Does Sony have any good lobbyists and lots of cash to spare? Thats the only way things get done in this country.

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#7 KoolzKatz
Member since 2009 • 827 Posts

I think its an internal problem with Sonys network. No way its maintenance because they surely would have told people in advance about maintenance that would take 2 days! Anon is denying any involment but they are a loose organization so who knows if its certain members doing this. If it was hackers, is it that easy to take down PSN? How bad is the security of PSN? Sony needs to seriously fix any security problem they and they have to be pro-active in doing so. I think the recent controversy of the Geohot and Anon situation makes it easy to blame them and the hysteria that goes with it. I think its an internal problem on Sonys part and id like to see more updates, as consumers we deserve to know all the info

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#8 KoolzKatz
Member since 2009 • 827 Posts


I liked gamespots review, it looked honest and well thought out and credited the game in what it did well and what it could have done better. People criticize any game that gets below an 8 way too harshly, they seem to forget that 7.5 is still a good score. For example Castlevania: Lords of Shadows got a 7.5 but it was a really fun game if people give it a chance. Im going to keep Socom 4 in my sights and maybe pick it up down the line, looks like a good time.


i think a 7.5 is a good score, these days like u said any game that gets below a 8 ppl get all cranky and stuff, but like i mentioned earlier, scores dont matter to me, i just wanted to see what others thought. i honestly have never in my entire gaming, have ever looked at a score and made my decision on that to either get a game or not. i always either go and rent it or watch enough trailers to see how the game is, most of the time i know what games i like, i mean there plenty of games out there since ps1 that gotten 5 outta 10 or lower and i enjoyed it 100x more than these reviewers made it sound to be, ohh dont waste ur money on this, this game is broken, blah blah blah. i just go and buy a game or like i said rent it and judge for myself. so far i gave up renting lol and been buying almost every game that i see i like or am interested in without renting

Yeah I agree, i did the same thing with Alpha Protocol. Reviews werent great but i got a great deal on the game and had a lot of fun as it had some unique gameplay elements to it and a great conversation system.

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#9 KoolzKatz
Member since 2009 • 827 Posts

I liked gamespots review, it looked honest and well thought out and credited the game in what it did well and what it could have done better. People criticize any game that gets below an 8 way too harshly, they seem to forget that 7.5 is still a good score. For example Castlevania: Lords of Shadows got a 7.5 but it was a really fun game if people give it a chance. Im going to keep Socom 4 in my sights and maybe pick it up down the line, looks like a good time.

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#10 KoolzKatz
Member since 2009 • 827 Posts

Save your money, wait for September and buy Resistance 3