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#1 Jakandsigz
Member since 2013 • 6341 Posts

@Telekill said:

The only good Sonic game I've played since Dreamcast died is Generations. All others have been crap.

So the ones on the Gamecube then since 2 of those were on the dreamcast?

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#2 Jakandsigz
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They should take the unwanted stock from japan/Finland/Yogoslavia/ and new zealand to have mor stock in tier 1 countries.

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#3 Jakandsigz
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This is from wikipedia.

Over half the game numbers are wrong. San andreas sales on the ARTICLE for san andreas ON wikipedia are HIGHER than this list.

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#4 Jakandsigz
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@alcapello said:

@Bigboi500 said:

@alcapello said:

I think there is a time-zone difference in japan, probably still asleep.

Nice damage control you got there.

No in all honesty japanese don't want playstation anymore, they want to play with android phones.

Personally I'm not as dumb as the americans, i'll be waiting a week or so to play DS2 first.

You think americans are dumb because 10% of the people who brought consoles last year brought consoles up front? Judging from wii U sales and rumored PS4 sales, 10% of the japanese people who brought consoles last gen also brought consoles up front this one.

Seems you are insulting yourself here sir.

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#5 Jakandsigz
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@KBFloYd said:

mario kart and smash bros... so theres a chance....it wont beat the ps4 though.

playstation brand is what nintendo was in the 80s and 90s.

Nintendo did not have a dominating brand in the 90's. It's debatable that the 80's was even legit. They did some EA moves then. it's like the two companies switched places after 2000.

Only thing is EA does not make console. Although if they did it now it would probably kill them.

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#6 Jakandsigz
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@I_can_haz said:

It will boost numbers for a month or two then things will normailize again. I don't know why people are expecting Halo to push Xbone to victory. Past Halo games boosted sales for a month or two and then sales went back to normal. It's not like people buying Xbones now aren't buying it for Halo. You practically buy an Xbox for Halo, it's a given. PS4 will continue to outsell Xbone this gen regardless of Halo or not, it's just the more appealing console.

Halo 3 and Reach sold most of their sales straight for a whole year. ODST was like 5 months.

I think the issue is HAlo4, and may why we have not gotten new sales numbers.

Halo 4 was approaching 10 million at last count. If it only sold a million or a BIT more than that since that announcement then the series may have taken a big hit.

@FreedomFreeLife said:

@Jakandsigz said:

@WadeFan said:

@Jakandsigz said:

@FreedomFreeLife said:

@Jakandsigz said:

@FreedomFreeLife said:

Everyone who votes "no" are A)Sony/Nintendo fanboys; B)No Xbox One owners; C)Microsoft/Xbox One haters

Halo is biggest exclusive fps game. This Halo has outsold all Sony exclusive games. So yes, Halo will boost Xbox One sale A LOT!

Killzone 3 sold 2.5 million, Halo 3 sold 11.8 million

Both your numbers are wrong.

Also I can clearly see tie or "no" if one chooses the option that other games will sell the syste.

Those numbers are not wrong.

Many people even called Killzone 3 flop. Halo 3 sold more than 11 million.

Google this info, both numbers are right.

Yes you are wrong. You might want to try Google. Stop using Vgchartz.

Just to toss this in. Here's what I found around the web. Couldn't find anything concrete except for what lolVGChartz was saying.

Killzone: Killzone 3′s sold just over 1.6 million copies worldwide after being on the market for five months. And although the numbers are decent, for a title like Killzone 3, it’s rather poor.

Halo 3: As of January 2008, 8.1 million copies have been sold.[121]

LolVGChartz reports

Killzone 3: 2.58 million sold globally

Halo 3: 11.87 million sold globally

Regardless of how close those numbers are, even if they are in the ballpark then it's clear which game sold more than the other.

If you are not going to search for longer than 2 minutes, then why post unreliable VGchartz numbers? Also the point was not to which sold more. I have no idea where that came from. Here one for Halo:





I found these a little over 1 minute. Your welcome Freedom.

Thats even more. Not 11 million but 14.5 million. Nice find. I still think Halo will boost Xbox One sale a lot. If there was no Halo, there was no Xbox One.

I didn't argue that the numbers were smaller, i argued that your numbers were wrong and to stop using Vgchartz.

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#7 Jakandsigz
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*Taps foot.*

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#8 Jakandsigz
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@I_can_haz said:

HaloGearsForza box strikes again. M$ seriously needs new IPs and I don't mean garbage like Ryse.

What? Gears and Halo are already out? Where? All I see is forza/Ryse/Killerinstinct/Kinectsports/Deadrissing 3/upcoming respawn mech game?

I went to the store but i did not find the Halo and gears you said was there. Why you lie to be haz? Why?

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#9  Edited By Jakandsigz
Member since 2013 • 6341 Posts

@super600 said:

Unles H2A is drastically different from the original halo 2 it won't sell consoles unless the halo 5 beta is in the game.Halo 5 will definetly sell consoles. I think 343i understands that they have to develop a halo game that is a system seller for the xbox one.

Xbox sales went up NPD if you remember, with HaloANN, and HaloANN I believe sold over 2 million. Since 2 is the more popular title I can see Halo2ANN selling consoles. Not many, but maybe an amount that combined with Halo 5 could be a big one. Maybe. Still waiting on MS to report final Halo 4 sales.

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#10 Jakandsigz
Member since 2013 • 6341 Posts

@casharmy said:

@Jakandsigz said:
@silversix_ said:

halo/forza/halo/forza/halo/forza/halo/forza/halo/forza HELLO? Does this system have anything else? HELLO? Forza for 2013. Forza for 2014. TWO Halo titles for 2014. wtf is this? At this point i think MS is just trolling their fanbase

Yeah if you are a dumb guy names silversix who ignores the other 9 games not named Halo or Forza in 2014.

@tyloss said:

How the hell do you have 2 forzas and 2 halos in the same year?

Is Microsoft getting stupid or is this just desperation?

I am sorry, what 2nd Forza are you making up again coming out the same year?

@handssss said:

@foxhound_fox said:

@silversix_ said:

yes those are rehashes, Uncharted haven't been around as long as fable/halo/forza but still. The difference is that Sony does create new franchises while MS spams the same shit since the original Xbox without even thinking about creating something new.

Gears of War wasn't a new IP last gen? Crackdown? Kameo?

MS creates new franchises as well. They may not utilize them as much as they should, but lets be serious here, they offer plenty of variety on the 360 in terms of exclusives. If MS is "Forza/Gears/Halo" then Sony is "Killzone/God of War/Uncharted".

They can make new IPs, but not often.

Microsoft didn't make Gears, they merely bought into it. And all 3 of those IPs you listed were from before 2007. Pre-2008 Microsoft was a decent company. After that and today? The company we are talking about now? Yeah they suck and can't really compete. You can't slice it any differently, the amount of new IPs Sony generated last gen is substantially more than what MS did AND they also supported existing franchises.

Anyways, big shocker on another Forza. It's literally the COD of racing games now. Yearly releases with little to no changes where it counts and almost every reviewer will overlook this. At least MAYBE we can expect weather from this one.

Actually no, Sony abandoned around 56% of their IPS last gen. I am surprised they even tried to bring Twisted Metal back.

@casharmy said:

@foxhound_fox said:

@silversix_ said:

yes those are rehashes, Uncharted haven't been around as long as fable/halo/forza but still. The difference is that Sony does create new franchises while MS spams the same shit since the original Xbox without even thinking about creating something new.

Gears of War wasn't a new IP last gen? Crackdown? Kameo?

MS creates new franchises as well. They may not utilize them as much as they should, but lets be serious here, they offer plenty of variety on the 360 in terms of exclusives. If MS is "Forza/Gears/Halo" then Sony is "Killzone/God of War/Uncharted".

The halo/forza/gears things isn't for the fact that those are the only games on the system, just like when lemmings said "PS3 has no games" from 2006-2008 it is because those are the only AAA franchises that MS has and release in a revolving circle.

The whole thing is kind of a gotcha get back from sony fans about lemming saying PS3 had no games if they weren't AAA exclusives. Well there falls the Halo/forza/gears jab from cows. You can't use the same Killzone/gow/Unchated with Playstation because they have realeased a lot more AAA exclusves.

Here is the test, can you name the AAA exclusive games or franchise MS has besides Halo/forza/gears?

No one said that the PS3 has no games because of AAA, they said it had NO GAME PERIOD. It was also everyone who was not a PS3 fan who was saying it to. However, that only applied to a few countries. Mostly the european ones that were pissed by the launch delay, North america, and oceania.

lol, you make yourself sound even more fanboyish and delusional than the normal lemming with that idiotic defense. NO, it was ONLY said because it had no AAA exclusves. I read through the system wars arguments when they were being made all that time so you can stop with your nonsense. Resistance fall of man was a launch title and an AA exclusvies but because 360 already had a few AAAE's after being out a year earlier, lemmings tried to piss on anything that wasn't an AAA exclusive.

And it had to be exclusive for lemmings to make their arguments because Oblivion was AAA on PS3 so lemmings said it didn't count because it was a multiplat (imagine that, multiplats didn't count then ^_^) that could be played on other systems. Thus, lemming played the "no games" card against playstation fans in arguments until MGS4 received an AAAA score in 2008.

that is how it was and now...halo/forza/gears, is how it is!

You seem to think SW is the real world. That is quite sad. Also you are still wrong either way because i can easily jump to the first few pages in systems wars and just read ike 6 topics that all say the opposite of what you say. That's 2 hits.