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#1 Chloroformality
Member since 2007 • 435 Posts

lol... greatest game ever made???? LOL..... ahhh.... so delusional. It may have a good story... but gameplay wise, MGS is teh P00!

HALO is a great game.... its got everything, gameplay, slick clean visuals, and great multiplayer fun, Co-op play +more.... and even its not the greatest game of all time. But it's hell of a lot closer to perfect game, than Metal Gear Suxors is!


I actually think MGS' story is its biggest weakness.

It's terrible.....

Strangely enough, though, it's the main reason why people want MGS4. Its story.

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#2 Chloroformality
Member since 2007 • 435 Posts

I'm assuming everyone is just looking at the cars.

Becasue I'm looking at the environments and, I'm sorry, but GT5's look like dump.

PGR4's look like they're lit with Global Illumination..... just beautiful.

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#3 Chloroformality
Member since 2007 • 435 Posts

Grand Theft Auto, that's about it.

Killzone will never match Halo, no matter how much you like the Playstation. I'm sorry...

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#4 Chloroformality
Member since 2007 • 435 Posts

A lot of people really like the 360 over the PS3 now...

I've been away for quite a while, damn...

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#5 Chloroformality
Member since 2007 • 435 Posts

Why are the choices 360 and PS3? Why aren't they just the two games?

..... are we voting on the graphical capabilities of the consoles based on these two games? That's pretty vacuous.

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#6 Chloroformality
Member since 2007 • 435 Posts

Maya "just doesn't feel that cool," tarunramesh?.....

....... I'll make a note of that the next time I'm in my Materials & Lighting course..

Anyway. basically more professionals, especially in the game industry, tend to use XSI and Maya. They are, more or less, the two most preferred programs at the moment. It mainly depends on what program the company has already. Most companies are actually willing to train people in their preferred program, even people with experience who just don't know that certain program. A lot of companies, though, don't care what program you use, just as long as you're a good modeler.

To answer your question... well... there really is no way of answering... nor is there a reason to, anymore. Autodesk, the owner of 3DS Max, purchased Alias (owner of Maya). The most recent maya update, 8.5, has a revamped interface that is more or less much like that of 3DS Max's. So, to be quite honest, Maya and 3DS max are basically melding together and becoming a single program with the strengths of both Maya and Max.

Hope that answers your question.

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#7 Chloroformality
Member since 2007 • 435 Posts

Does anyone know of a community site that I can post E-books or short stories on?

I don't mean anything like Livejournal or Xanga; I mean a site with the sole purpose of posting your own E-stories.

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#8 Chloroformality
Member since 2007 • 435 Posts

Propably ME will win RPGoty by a landslide, even if it will have almost zero roleplaying.


Almost zero roleplaying? The videos I've seen with the conversations seem to indicate otherwise. >_> far ME looks like a shooter with light Rpg elements. And even conversation system looks more like a mini-game than full grown dialogue roleplaying.

Honestly, in terms of innovation...

Western RPGs > JRPGs 

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#9 Chloroformality
Member since 2007 • 435 Posts

Chainsaw bayonets are stupid. Wanna know what's better than a chainsaw bayonet? A grenade launcher on an assault rifle...



Quick, run to your nearest Ammunation and pick one up before they're allo Teh EXTINCT!! 

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#10 Chloroformality
Member since 2007 • 435 Posts


JRPGs follow no rules, therefore what some consider "detail," others know it as a ball of crap - mooshed together to make something "creative."

The fact that those crappy, eclectic Japanese RPGs have lasted so long seem insulting to the human race - why people still buy that crap.

The fact that there are only a couple on the 360 makes me feel much better about being Western.


What you called mooshed together, I call a great storyline. I understand that some people have a hard time following JRPGs the stories are on a much higher level than most western games. So if they seemed moosher together has you call it than a guess there stories are so well done that they go well over your head.

Most Japanness games are based on the end of the world and have some kind of political meaning behide them not just hey why don't we just shoot everybody or wait there is evil aliens to shoot or wait hell is opening up we have to shoot them or I know lets do another WW2 game were we shoot Germans. Notice a pattern

The fact that JRPGs are overly-substanced does not make them on a higher level than Western RPG stories.

If someone painted a canvas with 500 colors, every color having it's own meaning, every meaning being linked to every other color on the canvas (blah blah), would you consider that painting better than a perfectly rendered picture of a hand flipping the bird?

Because I wouldn't.

All I see Japanese storyline as: a five year old kid, fingerpainting, thinking that the more colors he uses the better the picture will be.

Well has my comeback has I quess it would be called, I will use GameSpots words on the last FF and not my own.

Inspired art direction and a strong cast of characters draw you into the world; lengthy quest spans dozens of hours of gameplay; redesigned strategic combat system offers considerable depth and complexity; all battles are fought in context while exploring, so no random encounters; excellent music and voice acting.

This long-awaited chapter in one of the world's most popular role-playing series features an inspired look, boldly redesigned strategic combat, and a long, engaging story.

Beside SW:KOTR it hard to find many US RPG that would have that much said about them. There are some but no where's near has many has there are for JRPG.

And with that it 1:22 here and way past my bed time.

Wow, what's the matter? Can't really come up with rebuttals of your own, you have the paste Gamespot quotes?

I don't care what GS has to say about a story; they didn't study Literature, I did.


The fact of the matter is that there ARE certain rules within the writing world that you need to follow, otherwise you have a big lump of crap that doesn't all fit together. You have no idea how easy it is to add and add... no limit... no restriction. The true skill is taking a great idea and making something easily accessible, while giving it a nice, interesting meaning, feel, or even idea.


I'd rather play as an average Joe, rather than some pre-pubescent teenager. 90% of the time, JRPGs resort to the latter.

But they make him TEH UBER!@!!