A new style of gameplay that opens the door for more games and a new genre, Patapon may just be on of the best PSP games

User Rating: 9.5 | Patapon PSP
Patapon is a very unique and Innovative game that sucks you in and makes you play so much your thumb and head will hurt afterwords. I havent played such a unique game in my whole life. This game is a reason to buy a cheap PSP.

The gamplay is awesome and is very fun to play. You play beats, yes this game is a strategy, music, action game. This type of game has never been attempted before and it succeeds in every way possible. You have certain commands to use you Patapons with. You have a beat to attack, defend, forward march and others you unlock later in the story mode, which is amazing. You can upgrade your patapon army by restoring lost souls (or dead soldiers since the patapons were almost extinct before you became their god.) to use in your army. You can choose from Archers, Spearmen, soldiers, and calvary. Many more weapons and soldiers become available like a catapult.

The story in its own right is great like i said before. The story is you being the Patapon, or god of the Patpon peoples. They are a small tribe you must feed and expand there pride since they were almost on the brink of extinction. From then on you unlock new beats, gather wood to resurect soldiers, hunt, and defeat the Pataponians enemies.

All in All in this just fell short of Perfect in my opinion and is a truely must play if you are a PSP owner of you are looking to purchase one.