What is the biggest flop of this gen so far?

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#201 blackace
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@frank_castle said:
@blackace said:
@frank_castle said:
@quadknight said:


>The Bore 1886


> All of thy above.

Pick anyone of these options and you'd be correct.


I fixed it for you.

Who really hyped any of that shit besides a handful of Sony fanboys on this site?

?!?!?!? A handful LMAO!! Maybe you never visited N4G or NeoGaf two month before these games launched. Every PS4 fanboys were hyping these games like they were the greatest games every made. Then after the scores came out they backtracked and tries to damage control the results as usual. Ask any PS4 fanboys and they still think FlopClub is the best next gen racing game. What a joke. The only thing PS4 fanboys didn't hype was PS-TV. They still think PSNow is the future. lol!!

Didn't anyone actually read all that crap Elo Tormo wrote? Yikes, waste of time.

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#202  Edited By demacabre
Member since 2015 • 361 Posts

Halo: MCC. I almost bought an Xbox One for this game alone. Still feeling happy I didn't preorder one on faith alone and waited on the reviews. The fact that MP was unplayable for a good majority of people a month+ was just unacceptable

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#203  Edited By Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

@tormentos said:
@cinematicgalore said:

MCC (6 on GS) scored better than The Corridor 1886 (5 on GS). lol, at least try to hide your bias cows.

MCC is better than The Corridor 1886. FACT!

But Halo is a proven series The order was not,so how can you fu** 4 games which average between all is 90% or better.?

Ask MS...hahahahaaaa

I wonder if this isn't why we only got Gears 1 rather than the entire series. Halo:MCC might have scared them away from remaster projects that big. And I'm shocked that Gears remaster is $40. That is too damned high for a remaster of a single game that old.

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#204 isturbo1984
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@tormentos: first of all, dont multi-quote numerous people in the same post. its obnoxious. second, what meltdown? you dont like people being rude back to you, but you think it is a-okay to act like an obnoxious brat? well, sounds like you need to gtfo of SW if you cant handle it then, not me, lol. besides, are you serious? you STILL didnt point out how the Xbox One was a flop. you just challenged me to facts. i dont think you ow how this works... you are the accuser, so you bring evidence to the table. show me how the xbox one hasnt sold 15m worldwide yet and how their numbers arent about much higher over last gen in this same time period. and lastly, i never said anything about how the xbox has sold superior numbers to the PS4. it is a fact the PS4 has sold more. so i dont know why you are trying to lie... to make yourself look better? if you are just going to act like a fanboy and an ass, i'm not going to be patient with you. put up or shut up.

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#205 GameboyTroy
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There are a lot of games that flopped this gen.

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#206  Edited By NyaDC
Member since 2014 • 8006 Posts

@tormentos said:
@nyadc said:

Well you guys sure as hell don't imply things that way, also The Master Chief Collection is not a new Halo game, it's not intended to sell as well as one. However even with that said it has sold roughly 5 million units since it launched, that's no small feat.

It doesn't matter if it is not a new game,it was a Halo collections with better visuals and considering the xbox one had nothing it should have soar but it did not..

It hasn't sold 5 million units bro i already debunked that notion dude,it was fake article by an xbox site i reported those same news from this own site and in no place 5million was imply and all the contrary the article claim no Halo MCC sales were divulged hahaha...

You know they did bad when they won't even talk about the sales of the collection,oh and that without saying that many of those sold were actually free bundle as well,since the game was bundle since November 2014.

Oh yes it has, easily more than 5 million by now, and don't even try to imply something insanely stupid like the other Halo games grew legs years after release...

October 2014 (one month before release): http://www.gamespot.com/articles/60-million-halo-games-sold/1100-6423052/

July 2015 (two months ago): http://www.gamespot.com/articles/halo-series-reaches-65-million-units-sold/1100-6428844/

When you're wrong you're wrong dude, take it like a man.

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#207  Edited By deactivated-58abb194ab6fb
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@GrenadeLauncher said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:

You can say Sony is doing the same thing with the Uncharted Collection also, you can call that a lazy remake as well. Let's not forget Uncharted 4 was suppose to be released this holiday but got delayed. Sony never mentioned anything about an Uncharted Collection before then and we all know they wouldn't release that a month before Uncharted 4. So pretty much Sony had to rush something Uncharted out this holiday and BAM you have the Uncharted Collection with no multiplayer cause we all know to get a multiplayer right that takes time. They pretty saw what happen with Halo MCC and seen how that backfired with the multiplayer and decided against putting it into the collection.

No you couldn't because UCC is clearly a remaster and not a remake.

Okay so Uncharted Collection is a rush, lazy remastered game, is that better? Seeing how Halo MCC is a remastered game also, not a remake.

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#208 RossRichard
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#209 s0ldier69
Member since 2005 • 2281 Posts

PS4 from launch until Bloodborne. Killzone, Knack, Driveflop, The order, Infamous secondbum. Just awful. And now they are in the second drought. From Bloodborne until....?

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#210 majadamus
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Devil's Third. I, personally, had high hopes for that game. Itagaki-san :(

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#211 gamecubepad
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1. Destiny

2. MCC

3. The Order 1886

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#212 deactivated-6092a2d005fba
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What do you people consider a flop? is it how many units it sells, is it the review score here or on Metacritic, is it a combination of all of those, or perhaps is it something else?

Some of the games/consoles people are saying is just plain stupid, but it is SW after all where stupidity reigns supreme.

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#213 Dire_Weasel
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@blackace said:

Maybe you didn't understand that it score an 85 on Metacritics which is about 1 billions times more important then what GS scores anything.

You should take your act to the Metacritic forum, then. This is GameSpot.

Here on GameSpot, Halo: The Master Chief Collection was hyped as a 9/10 scoring game and received a 6/10 score. Therefore, it's the definition of "flop" here on SW.

If that makes you sad, you should convince your brethren to rein in their expectations a little bit when it comes to Xbox One games: less hype, less flops. Get it?

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#214 foxhound_fox
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The Order.

DriveClub is a close second.

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#215  Edited By kingtito
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All those indie don't interest me and reviews are nothing more than opinions. The XOne has plenty of games for anyone to play and has just about all the major multiplats as well as it's own exclusives. Only an idiot would claim it has no games but then again I forget who's responding to me.

No opinion in SWs is more worthless than yours. Most cows are just trolls but you, you actually believe every bit of nonsense you crap out of your mouth.

@tormentos said:
@kingtito said:

Shhhhh quiet El Tormented. Your opinion is worthless here.

No your is since you claim it has just as good games when it lack more than 100 and no exclusive or even semi exclusive with a 90 score.

But i guess your opinion worth more than most reviewers out there...hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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#216 GrenadeLauncher
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@BigShotSmoov007 said:

Okay so Uncharted Collection is a rush, lazy remastered game, is that better? Seeing how Halo MCC is a remastered game also, not a remake.

Depends if it's as horribly broken as the MCC was.

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#217 Mr_Huggles_dog
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@i_p_daily said:

What do you people consider a flop? is it how many units it sells, is it the review score here or on Metacritic, is it a combination of all of those, or perhaps is it something else?

Some of the games/consoles people are saying is just plain stupid, but it is SW after all where stupidity reigns supreme.

Which ones?

Most ppl are picking the same ones here and there, game wise and theres only 3 current gen consoles.

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#218  Edited By deactivated-6092a2d005fba
Member since 2015 • 22663 Posts

@mr_huggles_dog said:
@i_p_daily said:

What do you people consider a flop? is it how many units it sells, is it the review score here or on Metacritic, is it a combination of all of those, or perhaps is it something else?

Some of the games/consoles people are saying is just plain stupid, but it is SW after all where stupidity reigns supreme.

Which ones?

Most ppl are picking the same ones here and there, game wise and theres only 3 current gen consoles.

I know we're only talking about the 3 current gen's consoles games, but surely the criteria can't be what a game scores on here, because Gamespot's reviews have been mostly inconsistent with what others sites are giving games.

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#219  Edited By deactivated-58abb194ab6fb
Member since 2010 • 3984 Posts

@GrenadeLauncher said:
@BigShotSmoov007 said:

Okay so Uncharted Collection is a rush, lazy remastered game, is that better? Seeing how Halo MCC is a remastered game also, not a remake.

Depends if it's as horribly broken as the MCC was.

Doesn't matter if it's broken really, it was definitely rushed. It better not be broken cause it's only single player which for Halo MCC, the single player was fine.

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#220  Edited By LJS9502_basic
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@kingtito said:

That's called adjusting to the market. The fact is it's not a flop. It might not be selling as good as the PS4 but that doesn't make it a flop and that DEFINITELY doesn't make it more of a flop that the WiiU.

Name calling? I'm calling you a cow and what was it you called me? A lem was it? So I'm name calling by saying you're a cow, in SWs, but you're not name calling by calling me a lem? Ummmm ok whatever, I call it like I see it. You defend the PS4 and Sony like no ones business and put down the XOne almost as much. Yeah, I'll call you a cow because, you know, if it looks like a cow, walks like a cow and sounds like a cow, it must be a cow.

BTW calling you a cow is not name calling. I'm describing what allegiance you have in SWs.

Childish name calling. Nonetheless I don't have an allegiance to any of the game companies. Just because you'd rather bury your head in the sand than admit MS mistepped this gen does not mean I have any allegiance.

Only a fanboy has to think everyone else is a fanboy.

And it's called having to change the main idea behind the product. You can spin it however you want but MS created a flop they had to bastardize and reduce in price to generate sales.

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#221 locopatho
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@LJS9502_basic said:

And it's called having to change the main idea behind the product. You can spin it however you want but MS created a flop they had to bastardize and reduce in price to generate sales.

Their always online DRM Kinect mediabox thing flopped, so they changed it to a normal, proper console and started announcing/making/releasing great exclusives for it, and it's sold well since. The Xbone we have today isn't a flop, it just responded to gamers disdain for the original concept. MS are doing well currently, after their crap start.

It took Sony a LOT longer to turn the PS3 around.

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#222 LJS9502_basic
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@locopatho said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

And it's called having to change the main idea behind the product. You can spin it however you want but MS created a flop they had to bastardize and reduce in price to generate sales.

Their always online DRM Kinect mediabox thing flopped, so they changed it to a normal, proper console and started announcing/making/releasing great exclusives for it, and it's sold well since. The Xbone we have today isn't a flop, it just responded to gamers disdain for the original concept. MS are doing well currently, after their crap start.

It took Sony a LOT longer to turn the PS3 around.

They still had to change their product. Period.

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#223 locopatho
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@LJS9502_basic said:
@locopatho said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

And it's called having to change the main idea behind the product. You can spin it however you want but MS created a flop they had to bastardize and reduce in price to generate sales.

Their always online DRM Kinect mediabox thing flopped, so they changed it to a normal, proper console and started announcing/making/releasing great exclusives for it, and it's sold well since. The Xbone we have today isn't a flop, it just responded to gamers disdain for the original concept. MS are doing well currently, after their crap start.

It took Sony a LOT longer to turn the PS3 around.

They still had to change their product. Period.

And? Change is good, if it improves things. Are you saying it's a flop because it improved, but if they stuck their initial (crappy) vision it'd be good?

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#224 dakan45
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the order but we kept screaming its gonna be crap, the cows kept hyping it, then there is driveclub that flopped out of nowhere...i could add destiny but at least it sold.

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#225 LJS9502_basic
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@locopatho said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
@locopatho said:

Their always online DRM Kinect mediabox thing flopped, so they changed it to a normal, proper console and started announcing/making/releasing great exclusives for it, and it's sold well since. The Xbone we have today isn't a flop, it just responded to gamers disdain for the original concept. MS are doing well currently, after their crap start.

It took Sony a LOT longer to turn the PS3 around.

They still had to change their product. Period.

And? Change is good, if it improves things. Are you saying it's a flop because it improved, but if they stuck their initial (crappy) vision it'd be good?

Because they couldn't realize their plans/cost for the console.

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#226 locopatho
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@LJS9502_basic said:

Because they couldn't realize their plans/cost for the console.

So they changed it, and are succeeding. I fail to see the issue.

It'd be a flop if they stuck to their failed plans. Reacting smartly and recovering well isn't flopping!

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#227 LJS9502_basic
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@locopatho said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

Because they couldn't realize their plans/cost for the console.

So they changed it, and are succeeding. I fail to see the issue.

It'd be a flop if they stuck to their failed plans. Reacting smartly and recovering well isn't flopping!

According to you. I think when your product is rejected and you have to change then it's a failure.

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#228 deactivated-5ac102a4472fe
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Hmm, likely Destiny, not because of what it is, but the potential of what it could have been.

I see a lot of people stating MCC, or The Order, but I would argue, that MCC is simply mechanically broken, The Order we all saw what was long before it arrived, and only the most die hard cows hyped it for anything.

Destiny is different, It failed at its own conception, no fixes to its mechanics can save it, and unlike the order it is ment to be a 10 year Project. What was released was a mess on so many levels that it can't be described, and fixing it will likely take as long as building it from the ground up.

So I call Destiny the biggest Flop. The sheer magnitude dwarfs most other games (if not all of them) that has been listed (at least in my mind).

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#229 Mr_Huggles_dog
Member since 2014 • 7805 Posts

@i_p_daily said:
@mr_huggles_dog said:
@i_p_daily said:

What do you people consider a flop? is it how many units it sells, is it the review score here or on Metacritic, is it a combination of all of those, or perhaps is it something else?

Some of the games/consoles people are saying is just plain stupid, but it is SW after all where stupidity reigns supreme.

Which ones?

Most ppl are picking the same ones here and there, game wise and theres only 3 current gen consoles.

I know we're only talking about the 3 current gen's consoles games, but surely the criteria can't be what a game scores on here, because Gamespot's reviews have been mostly inconsistent with what others sites are giving games.

I just mean that a lot of ppl are picking Destiny, MCC, The Order, Driveclub and a couple of Titanfalls.

All those games were, at one time, suppose to be the next big thing and didn't really live up to the promise or like the MCC and Driveclub....were broken upon release and didn't deserve praise and "floppped".

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#230 GrenadeLauncher
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lmao lemmings still in denial about the Disaster Chief Collection being the flop of the gen.

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#231 jsmoke03
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@Cloud_imperium said:

The Order 1886. Was hyped to death after its initial reveal and yet it was under hyped to prevent it from being a flop, but it still flopped. when it was revealed that the game is only 4-5 hours long and has a lot of lengthy cutscenes as well, some people were trying to justify it by posting comments like "When I heard this game is only 4 hours long, it made me extremely happy because I'm a man with kids who doesn't have enough time bla bla bla". Lol, it was glorious.

lol gamers have a problem of always getting hyped on trailers. i think once the first gameplay demo's came out, a lot of ppl realized whats up.

i actually thought the game was decent but yea, this was not a game that should be hyped. its like a poor mans version of ac 1

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#232 oflow
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@SonySoldier-_- said:

The Order is a new IP that was only hyped a 7 at most to begin with.

Just because The Master Flop Colletion scored 1 point higher than The Order (6.0 versus 5.0) , does not mean it wasn't a much bigger flop.

Halo is put on a much higher pedestal and is much more popular, important, etc that The Order ever will be.

Now if it was a game like Uncharted 4 that got that 5.0 score, then you'd have an argument.

Another classic Cow goalpost move. Every damn cow on this site was hyping Bloodborne, The Order and UC4 as the games that would own 2015 for PS4 back in 2014.

Even after the shitty early gameplay vids were released cows were still making excuses as to how its just an alpha build and we havent seen all the gamplay.

Saying the hype for a brand new supposed AAA Sony exclusive to a remaster collection of 10 year old games is bogus as ****.

Yeah the MCC was hyped by Halo fans because everyone already had played the games they knew what they were about. But a brand new game always has way more hype than an old game.

I could see if you were talking about the hype level for Halo5 that might be an equal comparison. But what your saying is pure BS.

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#233 Wiiboxstation
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Has to be The Order 1886. The game had too many cutscenes, too many inconsistencies, too many useless objects to view. Just a disaster all around.

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#234 funkmaster1233
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@GrenadeLauncher said:

lmao lemmings still in denial about the Disaster Chief Collection being the flop of the gen.

Maybe because it flopped for reasons that have since been fixed.

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#235 kingtito
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@LJS9502_basic said:
@kingtito said:

That's called adjusting to the market. The fact is it's not a flop. It might not be selling as good as the PS4 but that doesn't make it a flop and that DEFINITELY doesn't make it more of a flop that the WiiU.

Name calling? I'm calling you a cow and what was it you called me? A lem was it? So I'm name calling by saying you're a cow, in SWs, but you're not name calling by calling me a lem? Ummmm ok whatever, I call it like I see it. You defend the PS4 and Sony like no ones business and put down the XOne almost as much. Yeah, I'll call you a cow because, you know, if it looks like a cow, walks like a cow and sounds like a cow, it must be a cow.

BTW calling you a cow is not name calling. I'm describing what allegiance you have in SWs.

Childish name calling. Nonetheless I don't have an allegiance to any of the game companies. Just because you'd rather bury your head in the sand than admit MS mistepped this gen does not mean I have any allegiance.

Only a fanboy has to think everyone else is a fanboy.

And it's called having to change the main idea behind the product. You can spin it however you want but MS created a flop they had to bastardize and reduce in price to generate sales.

That's SWs cow. Don't like it then go away.

Oh you have an allegiance alright. You're just to stubborn to admit it.

So what if the original plans didn't go how they wanted. So what if they had to make changes. Does that mean it's not a good console or have worth while games? If people thought as stupid as you do then no one would have bought the PS3 and all those games cows love so much wouldn't have come out.

Well, going by YOUR posting history and YOUR penchant for putting the XOne down while simultaneously defending the PS4, I think everyone knows which way you swing.

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#236 Heil68
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@GrenadeLauncher said:

lmao lemmings still in denial about the Disaster Chief Collection being the flop of the gen.

Well when you flop an entire series in one fatal swoop, then make Kill Zone SF current gen 8 FPS console king, its really something else. I dont blame the denial one bit, but now we need to acknowledge the flop so the healing can begin.

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#237 -God-
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#238 Dire_Weasel
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@oflow said:

Another classic Cow goalpost move. Every damn cow on this site was hyping Bloodborne, The Order and UC4 as the games that would own 2015 for PS4 back in 2014.

Even after the shitty early gameplay vids were released cows were still making excuses as to how its just an alpha build and we havent seen all the gamplay.

Saying the hype for a brand new supposed AAA Sony exclusive to a remaster collection of 10 year old games is bogus as ****.

Yeah the MCC was hyped by Halo fans because everyone already had played the games they knew what they were about. But a brand new game always has way more hype than an old game.

I could see if you were talking about the hype level for Halo5 that might be an equal comparison. But what your saying is pure BS.

Bloodborne didn't flop. It met expectations:


The order flopped, by two points. It was hyped 7/10, and got a 5/10:


Uncharted 4 hasn't had a predictions thread, and it hasn't been released, it didn't flop.

MCC flopped, by three points There was an official predictions thread, everyone lined up to predict a 9/10 score, and then it received a 6/10.

This isn't that hard to understand, is it?

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#239 Dire_Weasel
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Just for your reference, here's the link to the Halo: Master Chief Collection thread. There were some sad campers in there.


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#240 oflow
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@Dire_Weasel: I wasnt saying Bloodborne flopped, I was saying that Sony fans were hyping all three of these games. All we heard about at the end of 2014 was how great 2015 would be when The Order, Bloodborne and UC4 dropped.

Half the cows in this thread are all trying to act like no one was hyping up The Order, making excuses about how after people saw gameplay they stopped hyping it. Thats not true at all. Cows were defending it rabidly, like when the vid leaked talking about how short it was.

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#241  Edited By playharderfool
Member since 2009 • 2085 Posts

Many long time users were hyping halo mcc 10..There is no other game this gen that was hyped as high that flopped as hard!

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#242  Edited By drinkerofjuice
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Master Chief Collection was pretty disasterous. I don't think anyone was expecting it to be the trainwreck it was at release.

I would also put in Arkham Knight in the mix. It really fizzled out shortly after release, not even managing a flavour of the month status. There's no way you can say the game was as successful as Asylum or City.

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#243 Dire_Weasel
Member since 2002 • 16681 Posts

@oflow said:

@Dire_Weasel: I wasnt saying Bloodborne flopped, I was saying that Sony fans were hyping all three of these games. All we heard about at the end of 2014 was how great 2015 would be when The Order, Bloodborne and UC4 dropped.

Half the cows in this thread are all trying to act like no one was hyping up The Order, making excuses about how after people saw gameplay they stopped hyping it. Thats not true at all. Cows were defending it rabidly, like when the vid leaked talking about how short it was.

Look at the Order thread I linked ... in the end, the hype thread predicted 7/10. People on this forum realized that the game just wasn't going to be that good.

People stayed excited about Bloodborne, predicted 9/10, and hey ... that's exactly what happened.

People right up to the very end still thought Halo: Master Chief Collection was going get a 9/10 review, and it just didn't pan out.

Those are the actual prediction threads. Any other threads with individual posters going crazy about a particular game (some of which were rabid fanboys) are completely anecdotal at this point.