So... If you criticize Dragon Age 2 Bioware can disable your games and accont.

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#1 ampiva
Member since 2010 • 1251 Posts

Here's the initial post:

My other account got suspended yesterday for 72 hours. My suspended v_ware account has all my Bioware games registered to it. My other games are Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age: Origins and Awakening. I have played every game off Bioware since KOTOR, which is my favourite game of all time.

Since I have these other games and off course have played the DA2 demo, my previously unlocked DA2 content is assigned to this account.

When I got the mail I was curieus. I wanted to know what I did that was offensive. The mail stated that I was suspended for inappropriate content. There was no further explenation to what the particular reason was.

On EA Live Chat they told me that that I said: "Have you sold your souls to the EA devil?" (This is a quote, don't suspend me again)

Now, those are the words I said, you can't argue with that. I'm not going to try and sugarcoat that, let me just say in my defense, I have always been a pretty reasonable person on this forum. So I agree that you guys suspended my account from the forums for 72 hours. Btw, this is the first time I got suspended.

What I don't agree with is that I can't activate my new DA2 game.

This is the deal. I just got my Bioware Signature Edition from the store. I allready knew I was going to play it without the extra content since I can't activate my extra codes. What I did not know was that I needed to activate the game before being abble to play it. So now I've got a dead game for 50 euros. Pity.

So for your consideration. Please let someone who payed for his game at least play it."

Here's the post by the Bioware employee:

"Please review the EA Community Terms of Service, particularly sections #9 and #11. There are two levels of enforcement here:

1. BioWare community bans are forum-only and can be for as little as 24 hours. These bans should have no effect on your game, only your ability to use all the features of this website/community. these bans are handed out by BioWare Moderators as the result of our travels around the forum and/or issues reported by fellow community members.

2. EA Community bans come down from a different department and are the result of someone hitting the REPORT POST button. These bans can affect access to your game and/or DLC.

Because the BioWare community now operates under the same umbrella as all EA Communities, community members here have all explicitly agreed to abide by and be governed by both sets of rules. Consider it an added incentive to follow the rules you say you're going to follow.

If there are further questions or concerns, please send them to me via private message. Thank you.

This is just unacceptable. Bioware has obviously gone down the drain, I for one, won't support them anymore, they released an unfinished game that completely craps over the fans of the first game and has a dozen of DLC on Day 0.

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#2 Ravensmash
Member since 2010 • 13862 Posts
That is ridiculous. I'm unsure of how the system works though? How could they prevent me from playing it on my console, or is it PC only?
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#3 lawlessx
Member since 2004 • 48753 Posts
so bioware can dish out insults,but can't take them? lol
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#4 mccoyca112
Member since 2007 • 5434 Posts

Im not really sure what to think of this tbh...

Its because of Ea. Am I reading that right?

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#5 turtlethetaffer
Member since 2009 • 18973 Posts

They're like a facist government or something. speak out against them, and you're gone!

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#6 JangoWuzHere
Member since 2007 • 19032 Posts

This seems more of a fault with EA's system.

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#7 gamer-adam1
Member since 2008 • 4188 Posts

EA has been doing this for years, it should be illegal

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#8 Dire_Weasel
Member since 2002 • 16681 Posts

I'm sure if you single yourself out as a real D-bag on the forums you can get your account deactivated. I sincerely doubt that one individual sentence got him banned, despite whatever this guy claims.

The honest truth is that I as a software developer want your business, but there's a point where you are absolutely not worth the grief that you might be causing compared to the money I might make from you.

EDIT: Only a 72 hour ban? For a game that the poster clearly hates? What the heck is this guy crying about?

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#9 GeneralShowzer
Member since 2010 • 11598 Posts
so bioware can dish out insults,but can't take them? lollawlessx
What are you referring too ? :P
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#10 lawlessx
Member since 2004 • 48753 Posts
[QUOTE="lawlessx"]so bioware can dish out insults,but can't take them? lolGeneralShowzer
What are you referring too ? :P

bioware's rant about JRPG's not improving..
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#11 The_Crimson_Fox
Member since 2011 • 83 Posts
EA and Bioware have always been a bit insane when it comes to their games. They'd put EA to shame in copyright protection if Microsoft and Sony didn't threaten to stop them from putting games on their systems.
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#12 ampiva
Member since 2010 • 1251 Posts
You can ban him from the forum, sure. But why the games? He paid for them, they have absolutely no right.
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#13 gamer-adam1
Member since 2008 • 4188 Posts

I'm sure if you single yourself out as a real D-bag on the forums you can get your account deactivated. I sincerely doubt that one individual sentence got him banned, despite whatever this guy claims.

The honest truth is that I as a software developer want your business, but there's a point where you are absolutely not worth the grief that you might be causing compared to the money I might make from you.

EDIT: Only a 72 hour ban? For a game that the poster clearly hates? What the heck is this guy crying about?


nope for PC users who post anything bad on the forums WILL 99% of the time get you banned from playing the game you bought. it really takes 1 sentence, I've seen it before, its why I now stay away from EA forums.

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#14 rolo107
Member since 2007 • 5469 Posts
So he calls their publisher the devil, and asks if they sold their souls to 'em, and he wonders how that might be construed as offensive? That is BioWare's site, you realize? It's not your site, even if they are your games.
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#15 Dire_Weasel
Member since 2002 • 16681 Posts

You can ban him from the forum, sure. But why the games? He paid for them, they have absolutely no right.ampiva

Heh. Read the EULA some time. They absolutely have the right.

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#16 The_Crimson_Fox
Member since 2011 • 83 Posts
Well, I think they more ban you from their Stat-keeping system, and any potential multiplayer if DA-2 has it {I have as of yet to get the game myself.} But they cannot ban you from playing by yourself, that would crush their sales to a minimum if they put something like that in.
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#17 Jynxzor
Member since 2003 • 9313 Posts

How does this prevent him from playing the game? I registered my Bioware games to an account, yet I play offline mostly... Obviously you wont get your precious DLC for a few days because you were a net-troll, but they can't really "ban you" from your games.

Unless your trying to redownload it or something. Not that I agree with the actions, but I don't see how this is working here. On the other hand this is another issue people have with Digital Distro, you think you "own" something but in fact servers could go down after a contracted period of time. Even OnLive only promises it's titles for so many years and then they are subject for "removal"

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#18 mccoyca112
Member since 2007 • 5434 Posts

[QUOTE="ampiva"]You can ban him from the forum, sure. But why the games? He paid for them, they have absolutely no right.Dire_Weasel

Heh. Read the EULA some time. They absolutely have the right.

If true, thats pretty pathetic.

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#19 The_Crimson_Fox
Member since 2011 • 83 Posts

Even OnLive only promises it's titles for so many years and then they are subject for "removal"

ANd this is why I still use Discs.
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#20 Kandlegoat
Member since 2009 • 3147 Posts

Really no Surprise considering some of the Devs have Pyramid/All Seeing Eye avatars on their forum.

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#21 moistsandwich
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts

Wow... that is just downright ridiculous.... how can they even do that? It's gotta be illegal, I'd persue it if I were you. Or at least spread it as much as you can via the interwebs, we are GAMERS! they have jobs because of US! We have every right to complain about a product we purchased if we feel it isn't of good value or quality.

Seriously, if what you say is true, then you need to not just let this go... for your sake and everyone else who are gamers as well. Fight the man!

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#22 Sushiglutton
Member since 2009 • 9898 Posts
:shock: That is sooo lame! But I'm pretty sure it will backfire on them. Thanks TC for spreading this!
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#23 broken_bass_bin
Member since 2009 • 7515 Posts

It wouldn't surprise me if this is down to one over-zealous employee not using simple common sense in enforcing the rules.

But if this is actually standard policy, then well... I don't know what to say. Terrible behaviour on their part.

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#24 HailCaesarHail
Member since 2010 • 814 Posts

Really no Surprise considering some of the Devs have Pyramid/All Seeing Eye avatars on their forum.


love your sig, wish they kept that one going on HBO. Carnivale was sweet.

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#25 Ninja-Hippo
Member since 2008 • 23434 Posts
I find it very disappointing that BioWare would reply simply quoting their terms of service and telling him to follow the rules more closely when the very obvious pragmatic approach should have been to apologize for the heavy-handedness and give him access to his game. This is something EA needs to address very quickly. Even if he said something terrible on the website (which he by no means did at all in referring to EA as 'the devil', whether you agree or disagree with that view) that by no means grants them reasonable cause of action to disable his access to a game he's paid for in full.
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#26 fusionhunter
Member since 2008 • 2009 Posts

LOL like the secret police in Nazi Germany.

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#27 James161324
Member since 2009 • 8315 Posts

This has been going on for a while, one reason i stay clear of the US ea fourms. Its in the EULA and TOS, and as stupid as it may be they can do as they please.

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#28 Deadbeatcobra
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if this continues i can see incoming lawsuits.

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#29 Ravensmash
Member since 2010 • 13862 Posts
What makes it worse is the Bioware rep's reply. So cold and hostile - not the way to treat someone who ultimately helps to fund the company. I don't know if they'd be able to do this in the UK by law? Anyone know?
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#30 muzik_mafia
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The EA Devil??? Whaaa?

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#31 Shielder7
Member since 2006 • 5191 Posts
So let me get this stright they banned you from the forums or playing your game? If it's a forum ban cry me a river, if they stoped yur from playing your games you got a right to be upset. Not really sure which boat he's in anyone clarify.........
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#32 heretrix
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You don't have to be logged into the EA servers to play DA2 and given the behavior I've witnessed with people on some forums, I'm pretty reluctant to feel bad for this dude. Especially since I don't know the full story. I've seen similar situations like this and it usually turns out that the person holding the pity party is full of crap.

It sounds like a tech support issue, not a whining on a game forums issue; which, by the way, he wouldn't be in this position right now if he didn't spend so much time doing the latter.

You don't walk in someone's home and insult them, there's a similar rule in place for company owned internet forums. WTF did he expect them to do?

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#33 SRTtoZ
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I dont get it, how can it be "illegal" like some of you are calling it if the poster on the forums agreed to the TOS? Its in the TOS, I know we never read them but that prevents them from legally doing ANYTHING.

Dont be a jackass on the forums (omg thats hard) and dont criticize the Bioware employee, hes just doing his job. He probably gets those questions 123423434 times a day, so he is letting the guy know exactly why he was banned. And its not Biowares fault, its EA...Bioware just bans people from forums, EA restricts accounts from playing.

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#34 110million
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You don't walk in someone's home and insult them, there's a similar rule in place for company owned internet forums. WTF did he expect them to do?heretrix
No, but when they survive off of your patronage, criticism once in a while is quite justified. I think its a fully legitimate one too, Bioware has sold their soul to the EA devil, their franchises are completely unlike bioware of the past. You really think someone shouldn't be allowed to play for days for a perfectly reasonable criticism? This **** should be more illegal than pirating. Its so disgusting when people stand up for big corporations like EA when they are screwing their fellow gamer.
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#35 hexashadow13
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/inb4 justification for piracy.
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#36 Masculus
Member since 2009 • 2878 Posts

Lol. There's really a s-storm going at bioware forums.

Still I don't know what is worse, the hate trolls or the dumbasses that say everything is fine.

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#37 Shielder7
Member since 2006 • 5191 Posts

You don't walk in someone's home and insult them, there's a similar rule in place for company owned internet forums. WTF did he expect them to do?


No but you do walk into a store an complain that a product you bought is unsatisfactory and a ripofF. But like I said if he was just forum banned he can cry me a river if they stoped him from playing his game he's go a right to be pissed. You don't buy a product and the next day tell the store manager you're unsatified with the product and have the manager say

" You don't like my product Fine I'm taking away functions away from it or smashing it all together"

It doesn't work like that........

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#38 Shielder7
Member since 2006 • 5191 Posts

Lol. There's really a s-storm going at bioware forums.

Still I don't know what is worse, the hate trolls or the dumbasses that say everything is fine.

The dumbasses that say it's all consoles fault.
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#39 heretrix
Member since 2004 • 37881 Posts

[QUOTE="heretrix"]You don't walk in someone's home and insult them, there's a similar rule in place for company owned internet forums. WTF did he expect them to do?110million
No, but when they survive off of your patronage, criticism once in a while is quite justified. I think its a fully legitimate one too, Bioware has sold their soul to the EA devil, their franchises are completely unlike bioware of the past. You really think someone shouldn't be allowed to play for days for a perfectly reasonable criticism? This **** should be more illegal than pirating. Its so disgusting when people stand up for big corporations like EA when they are screwing their fellow gamer.

accusing some of having sold their souls to the devil isn't criticism, it's an insult. Regardless of what you think of them, some form of civility is the best way to go. The main problem with the internet is because of anonymity people always go overboard.

I don't agree with EA's policies, in fact I still refuse to this day to buy their Madden games becuae of the deal they have with the NFL. But that doesn't give me the right to log on their server and insult them. I work it out my own way. they don't owe me jack squat, even if I'm a potential customer. People abuse that WAY too often.

These are games we are talking about here. WTF is the big goddamn deal. People act like they are buying life saving medicine or something. Get a grip.

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#40 deactivated-58b6232955e4a
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The funny thing is apparently they hire "model citizens" who post on the forum and defend any decision BioWare makes to the death.
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#41 Locutus_Picard
Member since 2004 • 4159 Posts

[QUOTE="110million"][QUOTE="heretrix"]You don't walk in someone's home and insult them, there's a similar rule in place for company owned internet forums. WTF did he expect them to do?heretrix

No, but when they survive off of your patronage, criticism once in a while is quite justified. I think its a fully legitimate one too, Bioware has sold their soul to the EA devil, their franchises are completely unlike bioware of the past. You really think someone shouldn't be allowed to play for days for a perfectly reasonable criticism? This **** should be more illegal than pirating. Its so disgusting when people stand up for big corporations like EA when they are screwing their fellow gamer.

accusing some of having sold their souls to the devil isn't criticism, it's an insult. Regardless of what you think of them, some form of civility is the best way to go. The main problem with the internet is because of anonymity people always go overboard.

I don't agree with EA's policies, in fact I still refuse to this day to buy their Madden games becuae of the deal they have with the NFL. But that doesn't give me the right to log on their server and insult them. I work it out my own way. they don't owe me jack squat, even if I'm a potential customer. People abuse that WAY too often.

These are games we are talking about here. WTF is the big goddamn deal. People act like they are buying life saving medicine or something. Get a grip.

He can't access his DLC he purchased. In other words...he is locked out from content from a single player game, that requires online activation is by standards ridicilous enough on itself, that he already payed for. Don't you find it odd that EA/BioWare...but in this case EA has total control on how you can access your content? This whole EA-ass, EA-account, EA-this, EA-that has just been a trojan horse to ultimately control their own content.

This is not even a case of who is right and who is wrong. This is a case of a coorporation having control over your game even after you've purchased it.
Sounds like 1982. Big brother is watching you.

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#42 Shielder7
Member since 2006 • 5191 Posts

[QUOTE="110million"][QUOTE="heretrix"]You don't walk in someone's home and insult them, there's a similar rule in place for company owned internet forums. WTF did he expect them to do?heretrix

No, but when they survive off of your patronage, criticism once in a while is quite justified. I think its a fully legitimate one too, Bioware has sold their soul to the EA devil, their franchises are completely unlike bioware of the past. You really think someone shouldn't be allowed to play for days for a perfectly reasonable criticism? This **** should be more illegal than pirating. Its so disgusting when people stand up for big corporations like EA when they are screwing their fellow gamer.

accusing some of having sold their souls to the devil isn't criticism, it's an insult. Regardless of what you think of them, some form of civility is the best way to go. The main problem with the internet is because of anonymity people always go overboard.

I don't agree with EA's policies, in fact I still refuse to this day to buy their Madden games becuae of the deal they have with the NFL. But that doesn't give me the right to log on their server and insult them. I work it out my own way. they don't owe me jack squat, even if I'm a potential customer. People abuse that WAY too often.

These are games we are talking about here. WTF is the big goddamn deal. People act like they are buying life saving medicine or something. Get a grip.

LMAO Thats a lot better than what most people say when they march back into a store dissatisfied with a product he never used curse words did he? Reguardless of what you say apawn being displeased with an item the store manager does not have the right to hit your product with a hammer and say " Satisfied now?" Which is essentually what Bioware did unless of course it was just a forum bann which I'm still unsure of.
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#43 heretrix
Member since 2004 • 37881 Posts

[QUOTE="heretrix"]You don't walk in someone's home and insult them, there's a similar rule in place for company owned internet forums. WTF did he expect them to do?


No but you do walk into a store an complain that a product you bought is unsatisfactory and a ripofF. But like I said if he was just forum banned he can cry me a river if they stoped him from playing his game he's go a right to be pissed. You don't buy a product and the next day tell the store manager you're unsatified with the product and have the manager say

" You don't like my product Fine I'm taking away functions away from it or smashing it all together"

It doesn't work like that........

If I buy something from a store that is unsatisfactory, I go and get my money back. It isn't hard, you go to the manager or customer support follow the procedures. I don't go into the store screaming like an idiot and insulting the manager. That's the perfect way to get an unsatisfactory outcome. Have there been times that I've had problems returning something? Sure, but that's not the norm. Usually you walk in, go to the counter and get your money back, or an exchange.

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#44 Shielder7
Member since 2006 • 5191 Posts

[QUOTE="110million"] No, but when they survive off of your patronage, criticism once in a while is quite justified. I think its a fully legitimate one too, Bioware has sold their soul to the EA devil, their franchises are completely unlike bioware of the past. You really think someone shouldn't be allowed to play for days for a perfectly reasonable criticism? This **** should be more illegal than pirating. Its so disgusting when people stand up for big corporations like EA when they are screwing their fellow gamer. Locutus_Picard

accusing some of having sold their souls to the devil isn't criticism, it's an insult. Regardless of what you think of them, some form of civility is the best way to go. The main problem with the internet is because of anonymity people always go overboard.

I don't agree with EA's policies, in fact I still refuse to this day to buy their Madden games becuae of the deal they have with the NFL. But that doesn't give me the right to log on their server and insult them. I work it out my own way. they don't owe me jack squat, even if I'm a potential customer. People abuse that WAY too often.

These are games we are talking about here. WTF is the big goddamn deal. People act like they are buying life saving medicine or something. Get a grip.

He can't access his DLC he purchased. In other words...he is locked out from content from a single player game, that requires online activation is by standards ridicilous enough on itself, that he already payed for. Don't you find it odd that EA/BioWare...but in this case EA has total control on how you can access your content? This whole EA-ass, EA-account, EA-this, EA-that has just been a trojan horse to ultimately control their own content.

Than he has a right to be upset and Bioware should not be aloud to do that. They have a right to forum ban him but not lock him out of content he paid for.
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#45 heretrix
Member since 2004 • 37881 Posts


[QUOTE="110million"] No, but when they survive off of your patronage, criticism once in a while is quite justified. I think its a fully legitimate one too, Bioware has sold their soul to the EA devil, their franchises are completely unlike bioware of the past. You really think someone shouldn't be allowed to play for days for a perfectly reasonable criticism? This **** should be more illegal than pirating. Its so disgusting when people stand up for big corporations like EA when they are screwing their fellow gamer. Shielder7

accusing some of having sold their souls to the devil isn't criticism, it's an insult. Regardless of what you think of them, some form of civility is the best way to go. The main problem with the internet is because of anonymity people always go overboard.

I don't agree with EA's policies, in fact I still refuse to this day to buy their Madden games becuae of the deal they have with the NFL. But that doesn't give me the right to log on their server and insult them. I work it out my own way. they don't owe me jack squat, even if I'm a potential customer. People abuse that WAY too often.

These are games we are talking about here. WTF is the big goddamn deal. People act like they are buying life saving medicine or something. Get a grip.

LMAO Thats a lot better than what most people say when they march back into a store dissatisfied with a product he never used curse words did he? Reguardless of what you say apawn being displeased with an item the store manager does not have the right to hit your product with a hammer and say " Satisfied now?" Which is essentually what Bioware did unless of course it was just a forum bann which I'm still unsure of.

You don't need to curse at someone to insult them. And if you do, that's kind of sad.

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#46 DreamCryotank
Member since 2011 • 1829 Posts

[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"][QUOTE="lawlessx"]so bioware can dish out insults,but can't take them? lollawlessx
What are you referring too ? :P

bioware's rant about JRPG's not improving..

Lol rememeber when they said that. SMT: Devil Survivor >>>> DA2. And the dude's right, Bioware have sold their soul. It's ashame, but they should have more self respect.

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#47 DreamCryotank
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How does this prevent him from playing the game? I registered my Bioware games to an account, yet I play offline mostly... Obviously you wont get your precious DLC for a few days because you were a net-troll, but they can't really "ban you" from your games.

Unless your trying to redownload it or something. Not that I agree with the actions, but I don't see how this is working here. On the other hand this is another issue people have with Digital Distro, you think you "own" something but in fact servers could go down after a contracted period of time. Even OnLive only promises it's titles for so many years and then they are subject for "removal"


That might be the case with Onlive, but it's certainly not the case with Steam, or any over DD service.

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#48 Locutus_Picard
Member since 2004 • 4159 Posts

Did I say EA-ass? I meant EA-pass :P

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#49 Shielder7
Member since 2006 • 5191 Posts

[QUOTE="Shielder7"][QUOTE="heretrix"]accusing some of having sold their souls to the devil isn't criticism, it's an insult. Regardless of what you think of them, some form of civility is the best way to go. The main problem with the internet is because of anonymity people always go overboard.

I don't agree with EA's policies, in fact I still refuse to this day to buy their Madden games becuae of the deal they have with the NFL. But that doesn't give me the right to log on their server and insult them. I work it out my own way. they don't owe me jack squat, even if I'm a potential customer. People abuse that WAY too often.

These are games we are talking about here. WTF is the big goddamn deal. People act like they are buying life saving medicine or something. Get a grip.


LMAO Thats a lot better than what most people say when they march back into a store dissatisfied with a product he never used curse words did he? Reguardless of what you say apawn being displeased with an item the store manager does not have the right to hit your product with a hammer and say " Satisfied now?" Which is essentually what Bioware did unless of course it was just a forum bann which I'm still unsure of.

You don't need to curse at someone to insult them. And if you do, that's kind of sad.

I never said you did but it happens and I can say I'd rather have somone call me a devil than a F****** ***** ***** . Which customer service see a lot of. They have the right to make you leave the store but not break or disable the product you paid for which is what bioware did.
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#50 heretrix
Member since 2004 • 37881 Posts

[QUOTE="Locutus_Picard"][QUOTE="heretrix"]accusing some of having sold their souls to the devil isn't criticism, it's an insult. Regardless of what you think of them, some form of civility is the best way to go. The main problem with the internet is because of anonymity people always go overboard.

I don't agree with EA's policies, in fact I still refuse to this day to buy their Madden games becuae of the deal they have with the NFL. But that doesn't give me the right to log on their server and insult them. I work it out my own way. they don't owe me jack squat, even if I'm a potential customer. People abuse that WAY too often.

These are games we are talking about here. WTF is the big goddamn deal. People act like they are buying life saving medicine or something. Get a grip.


He can't access his DLC he purchased. In other words...he is locked out from content from a single player game, that requires online activation is by standards ridicilous enough on itself, that he already payed for. Don't you find it odd that EA/BioWare...but in this case EA has total control on how you can access your content? This whole EA-ass, EA-account, EA-this, EA-that has just been a trojan horse to ultimately control their own content.

Than he has a right to be upset and Bioware should not be aloud to do that. They have a right to forum ban him but not lock him out of content he paid for.

I think you guys need to start reading the EULA of the games you play. It's kind of sad how many people don't know what their rights actually are.

You guys spend all of this money on software not aware of the fact that you don't own anything. You are paying for a license. These companies can and will do anything to protect their investment. When you log into a company website you are in their domain. You don't have any rights except the ones they give you. It's amazing how people don't get this. You can be outrages all you want but I suggest you spend that energy reading those EULAs.