So... If you criticize Dragon Age 2 Bioware can disable your games and accont.

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#101 XileLord
Member since 2007 • 3776 Posts

I have no respect for EA, they are just as bad as activision if not worse. People keep saying "EA is redeeming itself" etc but it's not even coming close. They are charging for online passes, charging for extra game content that should already be in the game, charging for extra content within the game to beat other players online (see fight night champion) and supposedly can disable your account which will not let you play the game you just spent 50$ to play.

Gamers don't care though, they'll defend EA to justify their purchases or try to discredit other players who are dissing the company that they made a purchase from and EA will do the same crap they always do. Activision might be pushing out the same game every year and charging for additional content but at least they have the dignity to let you play the game you bought.

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#102 SecretPolice
Member since 2007 • 44277 Posts

Just when ya think you've seen and heard it all... Yikes, that's pretty shameful. :?

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#103 -Unreal-
Member since 2004 • 24650 Posts

The entire launch of this game has been a mess. At least on PC.

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#104 trasherhead
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Looks like EA is looking to take back the throne as being the industry A**hole from Activision.
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#105 Bigboi500
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I guess they're just tired of all the baawing going on lately.

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#106 dommeus
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[QUOTE="110million"] No, but when they survive off of your patronage, criticism once in a while is quite justified. I think its a fully legitimate one too, Bioware has sold their soul to the EA devil, their franchises are completely unlike bioware of the past. You really think someone shouldn't be allowed to play for days for a perfectly reasonable criticism? This **** should be more illegal than pirating. Its so disgusting when people stand up for big corporations like EA when they are screwing their fellow gamer. Locutus_Picard

accusing some of having sold their souls to the devil isn't criticism, it's an insult. Regardless of what you think of them, some form of civility is the best way to go. The main problem with the internet is because of anonymity people always go overboard.

I don't agree with EA's policies, in fact I still refuse to this day to buy their Madden games becuae of the deal they have with the NFL. But that doesn't give me the right to log on their server and insult them. I work it out my own way. they don't owe me jack squat, even if I'm a potential customer. People abuse that WAY too often.

These are games we are talking about here. WTF is the big goddamn deal. People act like they are buying life saving medicine or something. Get a grip.

He can't access his DLC he purchased. In other words...he is locked out from content from a single player game, that requires online activation is by standards ridicilous enough on itself, that he already payed for. Don't you find it odd that EA/BioWare...but in this case EA has total control on how you can access your content? This whole EA-ass, EA-account, EA-this, EA-that has just been a trojan horse to ultimately control their own content.

This is not even a case of who is right and who is wrong. This is a case of a coorporation having control over your game even after you've purchased it.
Sounds like 1982. Big brother is watching you.

Wait, what happened in 1982?

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#107 110million
Member since 2008 • 14910 Posts
Wait, what happened in 1982?dommeus
They were preparing for the inevitability of 1984.
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#108 heretrix
Member since 2004 • 37881 Posts

[QUOTE="dommeus"]Wait, what happened in 1982?110million
They were preparing for the inevitability of 1984.



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#109 N3xus9
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[QUOTE="110million"][QUOTE="dommeus"]Wait, what happened in 1982?heretrix

They were preparing for the inevitability of 1984.



lol gold

anyways as far as I am concerned any business can reserve the right to not sell to anybody they like ... especially if you live your life just going around being a a##-hole, then you deserve to be treated as a pariah. However if they dont want him playing their game ... then give him his money back and tell him to go on his merry way!!!

To just take his money then not provide the service/product he paid for is stealing plain and simple, regardless of TOU. Just about any court worldwide would say the same thing.

EA ban him from your forums if you cant take criticism, no worries ... but if you want to ban him from using your product after he has paid for it then you need to give him his money back!

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#110 foxhound_fox
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so bioware can dish out insults,but can't take them? lollawlessx

Seems like it. Funny thing is though, they're basically making a bunch of JRPG's now.

This is just stupid.

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#111 fadersdream
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Here's the initial post:

My other account got suspended yesterday for 72 hours. My suspended v_ware account has all my Bioware games registered to it. My other games are Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age: Origins and Awakening. I have played every game off Bioware since KOTOR, which is my favourite game of all time.

Since I have these other games and off course have played the DA2 demo, my previously unlocked DA2 content is assigned to this account.

When I got the mail I was curieus. I wanted to know what I did that was offensive. The mail stated that I was suspended for inappropriate content. There was no further explenation to what the particular reason was.

On EA Live Chat they told me that that I said: "Have you sold your souls to the EA devil?" (This is a quote, don't suspend me again)

Now, those are the words I said, you can't argue with that. I'm not going to try and sugarcoat that, let me just say in my defense, I have always been a pretty reasonable person on this forum. So I agree that you guys suspended my account from the forums for 72 hours. Btw, this is the first time I got suspended.

What I don't agree with is that I can't activate my new DA2 game.

This is the deal. I just got my Bioware Signature Edition from the store. I allready knew I was going to play it without the extra content since I can't activate my extra codes. What I did not know was that I needed to activate the game before being abble to play it. So now I've got a dead game for 50 euros. Pity.

So for your consideration. Please let someone who payed for his game at least play it."

Here's the post by the Bioware employee:

"Please review the EA Community Terms of Service, particularly sections #9 and #11. There are two levels of enforcement here:

1. BioWare community bans are forum-only and can be for as little as 24 hours. These bans should have no effect on your game, only your ability to use all the features of this website/community. these bans are handed out by BioWare Moderators as the result of our travels around the forum and/or issues reported by fellow community members.

2. EA Community bans come down from a different department and are the result of someone hitting the REPORT POST button. These bans can affect access to your game and/or DLC.

Because the BioWare community now operates under the same umbrella as all EA Communities, community members here have all explicitly agreed to abide by and be governed by both sets of rules. Consider it an added incentive to follow the rules you say you're going to follow.

If there are further questions or concerns, please send them to me via private message. Thank you.

This is just unacceptable. Bioware has obviously gone down the drain, I for one, won't support them anymore, they released an unfinished game that completely craps over the fans of the first game and has a dozen of DLC on Day 0.


it's good to see moderators are all the same.

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#112 BigBoss154
Member since 2009 • 2956 Posts

I seriously cannot believe there are people in this thread who defend what Bioware have done.

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#113 Wanderer5
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You know I wondering if we aren't getting the whole picture? We only got his words and for all we know he could be downsizing on what he did or heck maybe he got into trouble before and it stack up to a ban for a few days with this one.

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#114 Mazoch
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I'm still not sure how this is possible. If he has an unconsumed CD-Key, why can't he simply make a new BioWare account and register his key there?
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#115 Jonzey123
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You know I wondering if we aren't getting the whole picture? We only got his words and for all we know he could be downsizing on what he did or heck maybe he got into trouble before and it stack up to a ban for a few days with this one.

You mean people are coming to rash decisions based on only hearing half of the case? That never happens here!
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#116 heretrix
Member since 2004 • 37881 Posts

I seriously cannot believe there are people in this thread who defend what Bioware have done.


It would be easier to believe if you actually read what happened. It's EA's fault not Bioware.

I can't believe people are defending some genius that would call someone out on being evil or the devil and yet, spend money with them. If he really wanted to play DA 2 he could have bought it from a number of places other than EA directly. Like I said earlier, the dude is in a hell of his own making. I got no sympathy for him.

Has anyone noticed that this is the only person this has happened to? I could be wrong but....just sayin.

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#117 coltgames
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am i missing something? how can they stop someone from playing if its a singleplayer game
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#118 Dire_Weasel
Member since 2002 • 16681 Posts

I'm just laughing at how many times this thread people have referred to EA (Or BioWare, really?) as Nazis.

One guy has learned that maybe you shouldn't be a forum troll by receiving a 72 hour ban on his EA account. I call that a good start. It would be nice if all the other anonymous internet blowhards might actually discover that there are consequences to spewing filth in a public forum, but that's certainly not going to happen.

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#119 skrat_01
Member since 2007 • 33767 Posts
The damage control on the forums is a laugh. The matter is pretty disgusting.
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#120 Bread_or_Decide
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One internet guy....versus millions who have no problems. Shrug.
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#121 Bread_or_Decide
Member since 2007 • 29761 Posts
This goes back to this idea that everyone thinks they can be anonymous douchebags online. You can't. Especially on a forum moderated by the company itself. Calling them the devil was a piss poor way of expressing your opinion about the new game. Yes you must learn to talk like a normal human being. If you wouldn't say it to their face than you shouldn't say it online.
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#122 Bread_or_Decide
Member since 2007 • 29761 Posts

Just when ya think you've seen and heard it all... Yikes, that's pretty shameful. :?

I know, if only that guy expressed himself more articulately like an adult he wouldn't have been banned. Live and learn I suppose.
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#123 blackace
Member since 2002 • 23576 Posts

EA has been doing this for years, it should be illegal

It probably is illegal. I don't think this effects console games. This has to be PC only. They can probably be sued for this since you do have "freedom of speech". There's no way they should be able to provent you from playing the game you paid for. They can ban you for their site, but that's about it.
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#124 blackace
Member since 2002 • 23576 Posts

[QUOTE="ampiva"]You can ban him from the forum, sure. But why the games? He paid for them, they have absolutely no right.Dire_Weasel

Heh. Read the EULA some time. They absolutely have the right.

No they don't. Maybe in Europe though, but definitely not in the U.S. They can ban him from playing the game online using their server or service, but not playing it offline. That's like someone buying a car and insulting the maker and they hit a switch and your car won't start. LOL!! No, you can't do that. Especially if you paid for it. Then these companies wonder why their networks get hacked and deadly viruses are discovered. Sigh....
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#125 heretrix
Member since 2004 • 37881 Posts

This goes back to this idea that everyone thinks they can be anonymous douchebags online. You can't. Especially on a forum moderated by the company itself. Calling them the devil was a piss poor way of expressing your opinion about the new game. Yes you must learn to talk like a normal human being. If you wouldn't say it to their face than you shouldn't say it online. Bread_or_Decide
What makes it even worse is that the dude hadn't even played the game yet.

So, he was griping about a game that he hadn't played and decided to spend his money with a company he claims was the devil. And people feel sorry for this guy?

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#126 WilliamRLBaker
Member since 2006 • 28915 Posts

I'm just laughing at how many times this thread people have referred to EA (Or BioWare, really?) as Nazis.

One guy has learned that maybe you shouldn't be a forum troll by receiving a 72 hour ban on his EA account. I call that a good start. It would be nice if all the other anonymous internet blowhards might actually discover that there are consequences to spewing filth in a public forum, but that's certainly not going to happen.


*thumbs up* Completely agreed with this.

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#127 heretrix
Member since 2004 • 37881 Posts


[QUOTE="ampiva"]You can ban him from the forum, sure. But why the games? He paid for them, they have absolutely no right.blackace

Heh. Read the EULA some time. They absolutely have the right.

No they don't. Maybe in Europe though, but definitely not in the U.S. They can ban him from playing the game online using their server or service, but not playing it offline. That's like someone buying a car and insulting the maker and they hit a switch and your car won't start. LOL!! No, you can't do that. Especially if you paid for it. Then these companies wonder why their networks get hacked and deadly viruses are discovered. Sigh....

He's right, you need to read the EULA instead of making up what you think is the law. Companies get hacked becuae there are people who think that the rules don't apply to them. God bless that they aren't sheep, but don't give them excuses for their behavior.they'd do it under any circumstance.

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#128 romans828_2002
Member since 2003 • 1108 Posts

Let me chime in here, because I'm confused and want to straighten this out in my own head. I own the Signature Edition. It requires you to go online and enter a code to unlock certain special content that's on the disc. I'm guessing his issue is that since he has been banned for 72 hours, he can't unlock that content since he can't sign on to his account. Since he's pissed about that, he came on this forum and implied that he was locked out of the entire game, which any rational person would see as bogus.

I'm not defending or complaining about Bioware or EA's decision to ban him. I don't know the whole story, and frankly I don't care. I just can't help shake the feeling that we're not being told the whole story so that the TC looks better, or he's deliberately allowing us to be mislead, or there's a serious exaggeration going on here. You don't need to be online to play the game. That is simply a fact. If that's true, how have they disabled the game? You just have to wait 72 hours until your account becomes active again to enter the code to unlock some (not all) premium content.

Whether you think that's right or wrong is a separate issue, but let's just be clear that they cannot stop you from playing the game outright just because you insulted the company. Anybody who implies otherwise is just trying to rile people up to make himself look better. Please correct me if I'm wrong, here, but I don't think I am.

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#129 deactivated-59d151f079814
Member since 2003 • 47239 Posts

This goes back to this idea that everyone thinks they can be anonymous douchebags online. You can't. Especially on a forum moderated by the company itself. Calling them the devil was a piss poor way of expressing your opinion about the new game. Yes you must learn to talk like a normal human being. If you wouldn't say it to their face than you shouldn't say it online. Bread_or_Decide

.. You can ban them from the forum if they wish.. But from the games they legally bought so they can't use DLCs.. Things they paid for? Thats poor form.. And you make it sound like they were screaming out racist statements, or involved in sexual harrassment.. And this is coming from some one that like Dragon Age 2.

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#131 Shielder7
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Heh. Read the EULA some time. They absolutely have the right.


No they don't. Maybe in Europe though, but definitely not in the U.S. They can ban him from playing the game online using their server or service, but not playing it offline. That's like someone buying a car and insulting the maker and they hit a switch and your car won't start. LOL!! No, you can't do that. Especially if you paid for it. Then these companies wonder why their networks get hacked and deadly viruses are discovered. Sigh....

He's right, you need to read the EULA instead of making up what you think is the law. Companies get hacked becuae there are people who think that the rules don't apply to them. God bless that they aren't sheep, but don't give them excuses for their behavior.they'd do it under any circumstance.

Actually he's wrong! He never violated TOS agreemet with set software he paid for. Theres a reason why you have to sign a TOS agreement every time you buy a new game or new DLC since he never activated it he never agreed to anything and stoping him rom using a product he paid for is pretty much stealing. I actually think "YOU ARE THE ONE" making up what you think is the law for some Bioware fanboyism thing you got going on.
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#132 BigBoss154
Member since 2009 • 2956 Posts


I seriously cannot believe there are people in this thread who defend what Bioware have done.


It would be easier to believe if you actually read what happened. It's EA's fault not Bioware.

I can't believe people are defending some genius that would call someone out on being evil or the devil and yet, spend money with them. If he really wanted to play DA 2 he could have bought it from a number of places other than EA directly. Like I said earlier, the dude is in a hell of his own making. I got no sympathy for him.

Has anyone noticed that this is the only person this has happened to? I could be wrong but....just sayin.

I'm not defending anyone. He said what he said, but what Bioware/EA did, stopping him from activating his game, is absolutely atrocious. In fact, I'm sure it's illegal. Calling a company the devil, over the internet, is not. EA are within no right to do what they did. If I go to a shopkeeper after purchasing something, and call him the devil because I'm not satisfied with his product, you know what he can do? Absolutely nothing. I purchased it, so it's legally mine now. He has no power to take it away from me.

Now, as you said, it is strange that he is the only one reporting this. There probably are other factors involved, other more serious things he's not telling us. But I'm just going by what we have, here. If somebody can show can show me the EA/Bioware or whoever it was Terms of Use that says they have the right to block access to your game because of name calling, then be my guest. I know they have the right to block your game, but I find it very hard to believe that they would block it because of this petty instance. There must be something else going on.

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#133 Mazoch
Member since 2004 • 2473 Posts

Let me chime in here, because I'm confused and want to straighten this out in my own head. I own the Signature Edition. It requires you to go online and enter a code to unlock certain special content that's on the disc. I'm guessing his issue is that since he has been banned for 72 hours, he can't unlock that content since he can't sign on to his account. Since he's pissed about that, he came on this forum and implied that he was locked out of the entire game, which any rational person would see as bogus.

I'm not defending or complaining about Bioware or EA's decision to ban him. I don't know the whole story, and frankly I don't care. I just can't help shake the feeling that we're not being told the whole story so that the TC looks better, or he's deliberately allowing us to be mislead, or there's a serious exaggeration going on here. You don't need to be online to play the game. That is simply a fact. If that's true, how have they disabled the game? You just have to wait 72 hours until your account becomes active again to enter the code to unlock some (not all) premium content.

Whether you think that's right or wrong is a separate issue, but let's just be clear that they cannot stop you from playing the game outright just because you insulted the company. Anybody who implies otherwise is just trying to rile people up to make himself look better. Please correct me if I'm wrong, here, but I don't think I am.


I'm in the same boat. While I might be missing part of the puzzle I don't see how he was prevented from playing the game? As far as I can tell, worst case scenario was that he would have to make a new BioWare account for his new game?

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#134 Kiyobear
Member since 2009 • 836 Posts


I'm just laughing at how many times this thread people have referred to EA (Or BioWare, really?) as Nazis.

One guy has learned that maybe you shouldn't be a forum troll by receiving a 72 hour ban on his EA account. I call that a good start. It would be nice if all the other anonymous internet blowhards might actually discover that there are consequences to spewing filth in a public forum, but that's certainly not going to happen.


*thumbs up* Completely agreed with this.

I can't believe some people roll over for stuff like this. What a bunch of boot lickers.

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#135 TehOverkill
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I'm just laughing at how many times this thread people have referred to EA (Or BioWare, really?) as Nazis.

One guy has learned that maybe you shouldn't be a forum troll by receiving a 72 hour ban on his EA account. I call that a good start. It would be nice if all the other anonymous internet blowhards might actually discover that there are consequences to spewing filth in a public forum, but that's certainly not going to happen.


*thumbs up* Completely agreed with this.

I can't believe some people roll over for stuff like this. What a bunch of boot lickers.

My thoughts exactly. If I want, I can tell EA's director to f*** off and go to hell. It's a right I have, and other than social/public impediment, there should be no consequence. Not as far as them simply taking your product away.

This is ridiculous.

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#136 heretrix
Member since 2004 • 37881 Posts

Now, as you said, it is strange that he is the only one reporting this. There probably are other factors involved, other more serious things he's not telling us. But I'm just going by what we have, here. If somebody can show can show me the EA/Bioware or whoever it was Terms of Use that says they have the right to block access to your game because of name calling, then be my guest. I know they have the right to block your game, but I find it very hard to believe that they would block it because of this petty instance. There must be something else going on.


This bit here, this last paragraph is KEY. We don't know everything so going off on tangents (not saying you did) and accusing EA\Bioware of being awful,awful people is just silly. This is only happing to one dude who admitted to being a troll on the EA forum. I doubt that he's the first and Ea's actviation policy has been around for a while. Why hasn't this happened before? Something is fishy.

The main thing about all of this that really sets me against this guy is that he bought the game from EA directly AFTER calling them the devil. Either he's nuts or not very smart. There are quite a few places he could have bought the game from if he needed it that bad.

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#137 BigBoss154
Member since 2009 • 2956 Posts


Now, as you said, it is strange that he is the only one reporting this. There probably are other factors involved, other more serious things he's not telling us. But I'm just going by what we have, here. If somebody can show can show me the EA/Bioware or whoever it was Terms of Use that says they have the right to block access to your game because of name calling, then be my guest. I know they have the right to block your game, but I find it very hard to believe that they would block it because of this petty instance. There must be something else going on.


This bit here, this last paragraph is KEY. We don't know everything so going off on tangents (not saying you did) and accusing EA\Bioware of being awful,awful people is just silly. This is only happing to one dude who admitted to being a troll on the EA forum. I doubt that he's the first and Ea's actviation policy has been around for a while. Why hasn't this happened before? Something is fishy.

The main thing about all of this that really sets me against this guy is that he bought the game from EA directly AFTER calling them the devil. Either he's nuts or not very smart. There are quite a few places he could have bought the game from if he needed it that bad.

Yes, exactly. I was just going by the assumption that, if what this guy says is true, and that's all he did, then that's very bad form on EA's part.

However, there is most likely something else going on he ain't telling us. I remember a few months back, there was this guy who got banned from Xbox Live, and he said that he was banned unfairly bacause all he did was call this guy a...well, I can't say it, but you get the idea. Anyway, turns out that this guy had been severly abusing other people (different races, sexuality, etc...and even gave people death threats) over Xbox Live for a long time. Something which he failed note.

My point is, yes, you're right in saing it's very fishy.

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#138 GeneralShowzer
Member since 2010 • 11598 Posts

One missing ingredient of BioWare's Dragon Age and Mass Effect series
has been any form of multiplayer. But Laidlaw's enthusiasm suggests this
may not be the case for long.

"Just from a fundamental idea: [multiplayer] absolutely would [work],"
he said. "A big part of that is going back to fundamentals of the Dragon
Age series and that sense of team; that we are stronger together than
we are divided, which is in many ways a story theme through DA2.

"Any time you have a game that is aware of the advantages of teamwork,
what it's like when multiple ****s combine their abilities, be it a
rogue not just stunning enemies but helping to conceal his friends so
that they can take damage better - that's where you do an allegory that
says yeah, we could do multiplayer here for sure.

"I do think the changes made to Dragon Age II in terms of responsiveness
are going to be things that could translate better into multiplayer
than Origins, which had that inherent delay between what I was ordering
and what was happening. It's certainly laying an interesting groundwork.

"Long-term that's something we have to consider," he added, "because
obviously multiplayer is something that's a huge undertaking, it
presents technical difficulty. And frankly it's something that if done,
has to be done really well, otherwise it feels very tacked on. So we'll
have to make any decision about that within that context."

The EA devil.

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#139 heretrix
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Now, as you said, it is strange that he is the only one reporting this. There probably are other factors involved, other more serious things he's not telling us. But I'm just going by what we have, here. If somebody can show can show me the EA/Bioware or whoever it was Terms of Use that says they have the right to block access to your game because of name calling, then be my guest. I know they have the right to block your game, but I find it very hard to believe that they would block it because of this petty instance. There must be something else going on.


This bit here, this last paragraph is KEY. We don't know everything so going off on tangents (not saying you did) and accusing EA\Bioware of being awful,awful people is just silly. This is only happing to one dude who admitted to being a troll on the EA forum. I doubt that he's the first and Ea's actviation policy has been around for a while. Why hasn't this happened before? Something is fishy.

The main thing about all of this that really sets me against this guy is that he bought the game from EA directly AFTER calling them the devil. Either he's nuts or not very smart. There are quite a few places he could have bought the game from if he needed it that bad.

Yes, exactly. I was just going by the assumption that, if what this guy says is true, and that's all he did, then that's very bad form on EA's part.

However, there is most likely something else going on he ain't telling us. I remember a few months back, there was this guy who got banned from Xbox Live, and he said that he was banned unfairly bacause all he did was call this guy a...well, I can't say it, but you get the idea. Anyway, turns out that this guy had been severly abusing other people (different races, sexuality, etc...and even gave people death threats) over Xbox Live for a long time.

My point is, yes, you're right in saing it's very fishy.

Yeah, there was also the autistic kid that got labled a cheater on XBL, as it turns out they had a pretty good reason for doing it. But his mom got all internet on MS and tried to make it look like they were the villian.

Getting outraged at half a story is lolworthy. (again not saying you did).

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#140 Dire_Weasel
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I'm just laughing at how many times this thread people have referred to EA (Or BioWare, really?) as Nazis.

One guy has learned that maybe you shouldn't be a forum troll by receiving a 72 hour ban on his EA account. I call that a good start. It would be nice if all the other anonymous internet blowhards might actually discover that there are consequences to spewing filth in a public forum, but that's certainly not going to happen.


*thumbs up* Completely agreed with this.

I can't believe some people roll over for stuff like this. What a bunch of boot lickers.

Roll over? Boot lickers?

Take a step back, kiddo. I know that the very idea of some poor soul not having access to a game for 72 hours is making you pull out all your big guns, but try and keep it in perspective, OK?

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#141 Mazoch
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Let me chime in here, because I'm confused and want to straighten this out in my own head. I own the Signature Edition. It requires you to go online and enter a code to unlock certain special content that's on the disc. I'm guessing his issue is that since he has been banned for 72 hours, he can't unlock that content since he can't sign on to his account. Since he's pissed about that, he came on this forum and implied that he was locked out of the entire game, which any rational person would see as bogus.

I'm not defending or complaining about Bioware or EA's decision to ban him. I don't know the whole story, and frankly I don't care. I just can't help shake the feeling that we're not being told the whole story so that the TC looks better, or he's deliberately allowing us to be mislead, or there's a serious exaggeration going on here. You don't need to be online to play the game. That is simply a fact. If that's true, how have they disabled the game? You just have to wait 72 hours until your account becomes active again to enter the code to unlock some (not all) premium content.

Whether you think that's right or wrong is a separate issue, but let's just be clear that they cannot stop you from playing the game outright just because you insulted the company. Anybody who implies otherwise is just trying to rile people up to make himself look better. Please correct me if I'm wrong, here, but I don't think I am.


I'm in the same boat. While I might be missing part of the puzzle I don't see how he was prevented from playing the game? As far as I can tell, worst case scenario was that he would have to make a new BioWare account for his new game?

Ok, based on a post by Kotaku, it looks like it's not an issue with BioWare but the EA's Online store. Since his forum account is tied to his EA Store account, when it was banned it also banned him from the EA store. Do I agree with this? No.. or at least I'm torn about the issue. But it's no diffrent from what STEAM does (or GFWL or Xbox Live...).

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#142 Ballroompirate
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The damage control on the forums is a laugh. The matter is pretty disgusting. skrat_01

People defending a guy who was trolling is disgusting, we only saw 1 phrase from the guys post yet he posted a paragraph of what a EA responded to.

As I've seen many trolling on SW and the GS DA2 forums since tuesday and if he is anything like those trolls, you can bet he said more than just "you sold your souls to EA". I would bet my 2006 subaru impreza that guy took everything out of context to make it like he did nothing.

Remember the innocent aren't always innocent.

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#143 Locutus_Picard
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[QUOTE="dommeus"]Wait, what happened in 1982?110million
They were preparing for the inevitability of 1984.

My mistake makes your punchline even more awesome. :lol:
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#144 Kiyobear
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[QUOTE="skrat_01"]The damage control on the forums is a laugh. The matter is pretty disgusting. Ballroompirate

People defending a guy who was trolling is disgusting, we only saw 1 phrase from the guys post yet he posted a paragraph of what a EA responded to.

As I've seen many trolling on SW and the GS DA2 forums since tuesday and if he is anything like those trolls, you can bet he said more than just "you sold your souls to EA". I would bet my 2006 subaru impreza that guy took everything out of context to make it like he did nothing.

Remember the innocent aren't always innocent.

Some people missed the point entirely. Nobody is defending this person but the moral of the story is not "keep your mouth shut".

People who look at this situation and, no matter what he "SAID", believe that being banned from a game he payed for is just, are tools.

It seems some people take what is said on the internet very seriously indeed. That's sad. If you will keep your mouth shut out of fear of being unable to play a game you purchased you're a floor mat.

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#145 Bread_or_Decide
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He could have called them the devil on any other forum. Shoulda been smarter than to post that in the official forum.
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#146 Kiyobear
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He could have called them the devil on any other forum. Shoulda been smarter than to post that in the official forum. Bread_or_Decide

Totally beside the point.

But hey, just remember to keep your mouth shut and everything will be ok.

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#147 Ballroompirate
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[QUOTE="skrat_01"]The damage control on the forums is a laugh. The matter is pretty disgusting. Kiyobear

People defending a guy who was trolling is disgusting, we only saw 1 phrase from the guys post yet he posted a paragraph of what a EA responded to.

As I've seen many trolling on SW and the GS DA2 forums since tuesday and if he is anything like those trolls, you can bet he said more than just "you sold your souls to EA". I would bet my 2006 subaru impreza that guy took everything out of context to make it like he did nothing.

Remember the innocent aren't always innocent.

Some people missed the point entirely. Nobody is defending this person but the moral of the story is not "keep your mouth shut".

People who look at this situation and, no matter what he "SAID", believe that being banned from a game he payed for is just, are tools.

It seems some people take what is said on the internet very seriously indeed. That's sad. If you will keep your mouth shut out of fear of being unable to play a game you purchased you're a floor mat.

The guy bought the game, from what I understand he didn't even play it and he had the nerve to call Bioware sellouts. Thats just....I can't even feel sorry for the guy for doing something so stupid, if he didn't like what Bioware is doing, don't buy the game, it's that easy.

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#148 Kiyobear
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People defending a guy who was trolling is disgusting, we only saw 1 phrase from the guys post yet he posted a paragraph of what a EA responded to.

As I've seen many trolling on SW and the GS DA2 forums since tuesday and if he is anything like those trolls, you can bet he said more than just "you sold your souls to EA". I would bet my 2006 subaru impreza that guy took everything out of context to make it like he did nothing.

Remember the innocent aren't always innocent.


Some people missed the point entirely. Nobody is defending this person but the moral of the story is not "keep your mouth shut".

People who look at this situation and, no matter what he "SAID", believe that being banned from a game he payed for is just, are tools.

It seems some people take what is said on the internet very seriously indeed. That's sad. If you will keep your mouth shut out of fear of being unable to play a game you purchased you're a floor mat.

The guy bought the game, from what I understand he didn't even play it and he had the nerve to call Bioware sellouts. Thats just....I can't even feel sorry for the guy for doing something so stupid, if he didn't like what Bioware is doing, don't buy the game, it's that easy.

You people scare me. It's the little things that reveal who we are. Life is in the details. If you're willing to roll over and say it's ok for a company to do something as silly as prevent someone from playing a video game; a totally trivial activity; I think you're going to crawl around on your belly for the big stuff, no questions asked.

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#149 PBSnipes
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Turns out it was a glitch (according to EA, anyway; conspiracy theories no doubt to follow), and that they had meant to suspend only his BioWare Social account (which is still a **** move, but at least a quasi-understandable one).

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#150 heretrix
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You people scare me. It's the little things that reveal who we are. Life is in the details.


Yeah, like that guy isn't very smart. That's serious detail right there. He thinks EA is the devil and yet he gives them his money when he had other options.