If you the following phrases relate to you: 420, grinder, bleez, snap...THAN YOU SHOULD PLAY THIS GAME!

User Rating: 9 | Riff: Everyday Shooter PS3
If you are down with the green and own a PS3 this is a MUST OWN. I've only had this game a couple days, but it is sick as all hell. If you didn't know already it's a top down shooter with trippy graphics and an intense difficulty. The difficulty level shouldn't deter players, because of the chaining attacks that are discovered on each level and the cumulative point system that allows you to purchase more lives to start the game as well as additionally tripped out visual effects. This game is so awesome, I had 6 people watching me play all screaming and shouting every time I had a near death experience. I actually received applause after finishing the 3rd level...APPLAUSE! The tough difficulty gives the game intense replay value and the graphics are like watching something out of the itunes visualizer, except much more rewarding. The only downside is no 2player, oh well. This game is priced just right at $10...It might be one less blunt in your life, but this game will make your next experience twice as crazy.