I can't stop playing this Game! A must have for anyone who likes explosions, robots, or BIG guns.

User Rating: 9.7 | Chromehounds X360
Well, when i first laid eyes upon this game, i thought to myself; "this won't be a very good seller". Let's just say that I couldn't be any wronger. This game takes you on a full-fledged adventure in which 3 countries are battling for complete domination. Thus enters the 'Hounds. These massive advances in Military Technology could blow a 30-ft hole through any building you can imagine. Heck, even the game Trailers have **** good explosions and meyham. So, the next time you have $30.00 to burn on an awsome video game that isn't too expensive, check your local Best Buy or Wal-Mart and get yourself a copy of Chromehounds! Oh, and this entire review was written by someone who has only had the game for 2 days.