The gameplay of this game is extremley good. But it's too bad that a large percent of your time on this game is waiting

User Rating: 9.2 | Chromehounds X360
The Good:

Chromehounds is a great multiplayer game that involves group work and stragety. The Gameplay is amazing, and the more people that you are playing with, the better. There are two main choices of gameplay Nermouis War and Free Battle, which gives you something to do if none of your squadmates are on or if you are tired of Nermouis War. The many custamizations that you can do to your Hound is amazing. Also, the choice of Computer enemies is pretty good. The 6 Role Types (RT) gives you a wide varity of play. The Music really suits the game.

The Bad:

You can spend 30%-60% of the game waiting for your squadmates to get ready for missions, which gets really annoying. The game is mainly online play so don't get it if you don't have XBOX LIVE, cause the single player part is fun for the first couple of times, but not when you play it over and over again. Even though the game is rated 'T' there are still many little kids playing the game, which can be frustrating to listen to. New players can be real pains. Mainly because you have to explain everything to them. But what I really hate about new players is when they think that they know everything there is to know about the game. I DONT hate all newbies in this game, just the ones that refuse to listen to the people that have playing this game for months before they did. Some Hound designs can get to be really annoying, AKA gernade spewers. Gernaders have the ability to take out weapons with two shots, and move at least 250+, which makes them hard to hit. Also Base Rapers can make you throw your controler against the wall. Destroying the base is only Ok if you go through the middle of the map and searched for the enemy and you didn't find them. The music can get annoying mainly because of it's repaditiveness. Also, the Valor Medals that you get for getting level 100 in the RT, will take you a very long time to get. Only two people in the entire game have the Scout Valor.


If you get the game make sure that you complete Story Mode first. This gives you a handle for the game, some really good parts and more squads will accept you into their squad because you have some experince. Make sure you listen to people with a rank of Cadet and higher, this helps you make better Hounds and play better.

Overall, the game is really good, but you should rent it first. If you find a squad that plays 4-7 days a week then the game should be really fun.

*NOTE* I do find this game really good, I just had alot of things to say about it which were negative.