slow paced games piss me off!!!!!!

User Rating: 8.7 | Chromehounds X360
chromehounds is game that is really slow paced. most missions will take up to 25 minutes to complete. its medium length campaign was enough to keep me into the game although the missions felt repetetive at some times. its online feature is what really makes it shine. in online you are able to choose which nation you want to affiliate with. the games lets literally customize and build a hound for online and campaign. there are six different roles to choose from each role has its own story line. the five roles are heavy gunner, sniper,commando, scout, defender, and soldier. the hardest missions are defender and heavy gunner missions because the mechs move so slow and the enemy sends lots of hounds after you. chromehounds is game to play with a lot of your friends online. the game controls are complicated at first but after an hour of learning the game you should be familiar with them. the graphics are amazing for the hounds and the environment.