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#1 tango90101
Member since 2006 • 5977 Posts

[QUOTE="Tiefster"]Wow, the lems in this thread remind of the cows before PS3 launched...hyperboy152000

the difference being; Forza has already proven itself.. the ps3 has not... ;)

btw: Forza/Forza 2 = 9,000 physics parameters.

GT4/GT5 = 300 (yes, HUNDRED) physics parameters..

i think the ps3 zealouts need more math classes....

GT5 has a looooooooooooooooooooooooong way to go to even match Forza's level of simulation.... i think Gamespot said it best when they called GT game's physics "bumpercar physics"....

im pretty sure the only numbers that are important is how many people who acutally buy these games....and the GT series>>>>>forza in terms of popularity worldwide and yes the GT series is a proven series regardless of what platform its on

there at two forza games..

there are 5 GT games on the market... great comparison...:roll:

and sorry, sales don't mean better simulation....

yes, the GT series WAS proven, until Forza released and stole its crown... heck, even 1up.com called Forza the "new reigning king of physics"...

spin it any way you want, but even a 1st grader can tell you 9,000 > 300.

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#2 tango90101
Member since 2006 • 5977 Posts

Wow, the lems in this thread remind of the cows before PS3 launched...Tiefster

the difference being; Forza has already proven itself.. the ps3 has not... ;)

btw: Forza/Forza 2 = 9,000 physics parameters.

GT4/GT5 = 300 (yes, HUNDRED) physics parameters..

i think the ps3 zealouts need more math classes....

GT5 has a looooooooooooooooooooooooong way to go to even match Forza's level of simulation.... i think Gamespot said it best when they called GT game's physics "bumpercar physics"....

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#3 tango90101
Member since 2006 • 5977 Posts

very very nice....

it'sgreat to see the developers rewarded for putting out such a great product...

welldeserved... :)

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#4 tango90101
Member since 2006 • 5977 Posts

dear sony,

Which developers?


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#5 tango90101
Member since 2006 • 5977 Posts

until GT games add about 9,000 physics parameters it will always lag behind Forza and Forza 2.

having seen the GT 5 demo, i can honestly say i'm not impressed.... there is nothing there that isn't in Forza 2, with Forza 2 having far superior physics than any GT game...

if the tc is talking about the ACTUAL GT5 game, then he's self owned as it's not even completed yet... ;)

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#6 tango90101
Member since 2006 • 5977 Posts

dag, fuzzy...:lol:

i love the way you post.. you can almost hear the bovine craniums exploding...

Forza3 will, no doubt, continue the reign as king of console sims...

while i'm sure it'll look better than GT5, the graphics don't make a great simm physics do.Forza has over 9,000 physics parameterswhile GT games are around 300....

being a "car nut" like kaz doesn't mean much if they can't get the physics right...

can't wait.. i just hope they make the painting a little easier for us un-creative types...

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#7 tango90101
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i agree. the userbase is just too small on the ps3 to really move any units of any significant number...

besides, the side by side analog sticks were never good for fps...

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#8 tango90101
Member since 2006 • 5977 Posts

everyone has an opinion.

for instance, Time magazine called Halo3 truly innovative and "the thinking man's shooter"...

me? i'll take Time's opinion simply b/c i've played it and i agree... :)


I'd like to know how it is innovative, and *AHEM* a thinking mans shooter.

personally, i like the fluidity of moving from vehicles to onfoot, w/o changing the control schemes. I'm sure it's been done before on pc games, but this is NOT a pc game.... the gravity hammer also comes to mind when thinking of innovation...

on the thinking man's shooter thing, i'd say the way the enemy reacts to your activity means that you just can't run and gun and hope to survive... not the mention the depth of the story..

but i'm sure you think it's just another generic fps.... which is funny considering the insane amount of sales, high reviews and articles written using the word "innovative"...

maybe you just know more than the all the reviewers and journalists...

Well its 'fluid vehicle changing' is identical to Halo CEs in 2001... so go figure.

The Gravity Hammer is not innovative. Seriously suggesting that is rediculous. If you had said 'one of the coolest weapons ever' I would have agreed.

"way the enemy reacts to your activity". Yes its called a.i - and every game has it (minus COD4 lol). Its nothing special. Halo 3s a.i isnt really anythign specail nowdays - though does have moments of greatness (suicide grunts). Halo 3 still is a run and gun game - just like CE. no question.

A 'thinking mans FPS' is Crysis, or even Bioshock - for the amount of variety and combinations - both in attacks and tactically to take down opponents.

Ive already talked about the story. Its a mess. I think its a total disaster. It was executed worse than Halo 2, and is less interesting than halo 2's (such as the Arbiters story) imo.

So sales = a great game. Please tell that to all the developers who make profit from shovelware, or is The Sims now one of the best games ever made - even better than every Halo and Half Life. I guess WoW should be goty each year because of its rising sales... right?

Its SINGLEPLAYER is average. I think its multiplayer is top notch - and the real core of the game.

Like I said - high reviews dont initially = fantastic zomg game. Halo 2 is wideley regarded as average - even BUNGIE said so - and it scored well. Look at Oblivion - it scored well, and is completely shunned by people. I could go on.

I already said Halo 3 was a 9/10 game. It has great features, and exellent Mp - its singleplayer is average. Just because its SP is a huge letdown and a mess, doesent mean teh game sucks overall....


I IMPLORE you to argue that it is. Go on get links of articles or try and argue the point yourself. IT simply isnt. That is a fact so blatantly obvius you shouldent even be trying to argue against it.

again, you're using pc gaming as your frame of reference...

nowhere did Time magazine ever call Halo3 a pc game.. so please learn the difference

i disagree with the ai comment... look at Killzone and Shellshock. both shooters with HORRENDOUS ai... not EVERY game does it right...sorry

if the professional reviewers call it a AAA game but you say it isn't, even tho you're outnumbered 100 to 1, am i supposed to take you seriously..

the fact is; you WILL find fault with Halo3 no matter what, as that's the slant of your posts as proven by your post history is distinctly anti-360..

maybe you should write Time magazine and tell them what you said here... i'm sure they'll agree with you...:roll:

i swear, you "hardcore gamers" could suck the fun out of anything...

you "implore" me to argue this? argue what? youre obviously biased and outnumbered OPINION? can't be done. especially to one who's made their mind up to such an extreme...

one more time for the hard of reading; it IS innovative to the console gaming world... like it or not...

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#10 tango90101
Member since 2006 • 5977 Posts

So the ps3 is behind again? figures.kcm_117

that's what i was thinking...

one would think for being so pricey it would at least be able to keep up....

guess not...