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@videogameninja: For me, I don't care about getting games the day they launch. When Amazon gets them to me I'm happy. Sure I would love to play FFVIIR as soon as possible but if it gets delayed getting to me I have other things to do.

Just bought No Man's Sky, really enjoying it in VR mode on the PC. Searched through my Humble Choice games list, found quite a few games I'd love to get around to playing including Ai War 2.

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@silv3rst0rm: The bad memory part I can understand. Though personally I would prefer a bit worse memory of the story's of games than I have. Would give me even more reason to replay them.

However don't look at is as paying 80$ for a part of a game. It's 80$ for a full game x 3 full games. There are plenty of games out there that have been split into multiple parts. The developers may or may not have originally have planned it but they were.

Mass Effect Trilogy for example is one game with a continuous story. I wouldn't want to play 3 without playing 1 or 2.

In order to charge full price Square has to justify each game being enjoyable as a full priced FF game. Midgar was huge and the end of Midgar could be considered a justifiable ending point for a part of a story.

The real part that is going to annoy me is how powerful of spells and abilities are we going to get in each. Playing through the first game with only spells up to the early spells(fire,thunder,ice, ect) would be annoying. However getting access to firaga, flare, ultima, ect and then somehow losing them for part 2 and starting again at fire is going to be pretty terrible.

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@chubby170: Thank god those now dead people won't have money problems.

There are several bills going through congress to give people money and other forms of relief. Take advantage of them!

Use all the extra time you will have to call your representatives and push them to do more. Don't put more people at risk.

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Edited By nedrith

So let's see what alternatives there are to this "essential" business:

- Digital games/streaming games

- Delivery services for games.

- re-playing old games

- TV shows/Movies/Streaming whatever

- Calling a friend or family and talking.

There are plenty of other things to do at home that won't put you in contact with others. I can guarantee that their is no way gamestop is going to be able to enforce a 6 foot social distancing at all of their stores.

Reducing store hours only encourages more people to be at the store at once when they have less options for when to arrive.

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@timthegem: I'll help you by whining about the fact that FFVII was originally one game! I'll leave out all the additional content that will be added to the remake as well during my whine to make myself seem more right! I'll also leave out the fact that the game will likely be enjoyable and give me over 50 hours worth of content!

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@SchNerdy: I've played plenty of trilogies. Some felt complete after the first part, some didn't. I judge FFVIIR exactly as I judge them and exactly how I judge any other game. Is it worth the time/money I invested. If it's a really fun game it could be 20-30 hours long and the answer would likely be yes. If it's a 50 hour game that's really fun, then I got my money's worth and more.

Midgar was always big enough for it's own game. I'd rather them do the remake in multiple parts and fully explore the town than do it as a single game and have yet another rush through the huge town.

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@lostn: Midgar was also the one area that was extremely rushed in a sense. It's a huge city, you skipped a ton of floors in the tower, basically skipped the entire upper rich section.

3 to 4 parts at most. There's quite a few other areas that could be expanded on, but none as big as Midgar.

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@Barighm: Personally I find MMOs to be just that Massively Multiplayer Online games. I want fun content with great people.

Were all the hours I spent in Vanilla WoW Worth it? By content alone, not really. However I had a great guild and spent a lot of time talking to great people. The stuff we did in the game was fun, and it was overall a fun game, but I could have easily have found quite a few games to play during that time that would have been more worth it. However the people combined with the content made it a wonderful experience that was worth it.

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@Seymour47: Considering that the FFVII delay announcement came first as far as I'm aware of and FFVII was delayed to be very close to the original release date of Cyberpunk I would say if anything Cyberpunk is being delayed to get it away from FFVII.

Honestly it can be spinned however it want, we'll likely never know the truth. They could be delaying it to make the game better. They could be delaying it to get away from FFVII. September could have been their planned release date all this time and they were just delaying it so they could say that they are making the game better to give people the warm fuzzy feeling of a good company who will delay games to make them better.

I just hope that the game is good. Delays won't affect how I feel about any company unless the game sucks.

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@santinegrete: Probably. I played them on the PS3 back in the day. I don't mind having a PC version one bit. Will probably play it again. They were great games.