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@j3diknightdave: Absolutely. It's something MS supporters forget. A lot of us buy our consoles based on the game we can play. I've bought Playstation consoles because of great exclusives. I bought a 360 before a PS3 for games like Lost odyssey and Tales of Vesperia and then decided that was a mistake. I've bought a PS4 and haven't touched the X1 because there's no game that really says I must have it on the X1 or enough games to even convince me that buying it is worth it.

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Edited By nedrith

@just1mohr: "PC's can do it & XB can do it". Really? So PCs don't have minimum specs and my 8 year old never been upgraded PC can play ALL of the newest games out there. I doubt it.

"I can beat a Sony one & done exclusive in 3-4 days & then it is hard to play it again, but I can play Gears, Halo, Titanfalls, State of Decay 2, Forza, Sea of Thieves & even Crackdown 3 over & over again, because most have campaigns & MULTI-PLAYER fun that I play with my friends for months and years on end!" Great that's you. I tried Titanfall, didn't enjoy the MP. Halo's campaign was fun, don't really have a desire to replay any of them though and the MP isn't that great for me. Horizon Zero Dawn? Beat it 3 times. Might beat it a fourth time when HZD 2 comes out. A great game is replayable even in singleplayer. However you should know that different people have different tastes. You listed Sea of Thieves as a game that you can play over and over again. The game has a 67 metacritic and a 4.2 user review. Quite literally the only good exclusives in your list are generally Gears Halo and Forza. Titanfall 2 is on the PS4.

"This is the final straw for me from Sony & now I may buy it at the end of next gen or not even at all! I don't like getting jerked around like that by a company! The XB narration only gets better & better by the day & Sony just takes a dump on their customers!!! I had it!!!!" I bought a X360 first during that gen. A few great exclusive games and then they stopped coming. Bought a PS3 and the great games kept coming. This gen I haven't even touched the X1, most of the games aren't that great for me and the few that I might enjoy have either came to the PS4, are on the PC with the remaining not being worth buying a console over. Unless MS's next console actually comes with some good games I'll stick with a PS5. Because Sony gets it. They get that their customers are buying a game console for the games.

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So basically what they are saying:

Microsoft: Releasing a brand new console with games that won't take advantage of the console except for graphics for a while.

Sony: Releasing a brand new console where games will be able to take full advantage of the console because they won't have to worry about their gameplay features not working on the PS4.

And for those saying the PC can do it, It really can't. There's only so far you can downgrade graphics and other items until an old PC can't handle the gameplay elements and other aspects of the game that you can't downgrade without changing how the game plays. It's the reason games on the PC have a minimum spec. Below that, the game might not work.

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Edited By nedrith

@Chyld989: It's not really as much competitors working together as say the competition between EGS and GoG or EGS and Steam. GMG and the rest of them just sell keys for other clients, normally Steam but I guess they started selling Epic launcher games. When you buy them you just get access to download and play them on whatever launcher you purchased them from. Normally the process is get key from GMG, redeem key on Steam then download and play on steam, then never bother with GMG. Now with the EGS you just skip the redeem the key step and go straight to downloading and playing on EGS.

So GoG, a launcher isn't going to give you an EGS copy if you buy something on GoG. However GoG's new launcher does have the capability to launch games from other launchers along with other useful features for unifying everything into mostly one launcher.

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Edited By nedrith

Not a bad deal. I got surviving the aftermath for $6.35 with the $10 off coupon along with another $10 off coupon. Enjoyed Surviving Mars, which I got free from Epic, so I'm interested in seeing how the developer does with a earth based scenario.

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Not going the custom route is one of the things I give good credit to Sony for doing. They screwed up going the custom, proprietary memory for the Vita and it hurt the system, didn't help it was extremely overpriced. I didn't like the custom original Xbox hard drives where they would slowly release bigger and bigger hard drives. Being able to buy and use my own HD is great.

I'm still skeptical about SSDs in the next gen console. Sure they will be fast, I have one in my PC. However they are also relatively expensive even though it's been going down and a 250 or even 500GB SSD isn't going to cut it. At the very least they need a 1TB SSD and I just don't see it happening. It's pretty easy to blow through a 500 GB HD even on the PS4.

I'm also not convinced at all that we need a super fast SSD. SSDs in general, sure but even the slowest non-hybrid SSD is fast enough.

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Edited By nedrith

"Currently, the only way to play Nier is to buy an expensive physical copy and haul out an Xbox 360 or PS3, so this remake will make it easier for many Automata fans to check out where the series began."

Since when is $35 expensive. Gamestop has is for $25 used, $19 for xbox if you want to trust a used copy from them. Could probably get it for the same price from my local game store once they are allowed to open back up.

When you guys said expensive I was thinking the price actually went above or near $60.

It's quite sad and annoying how troubling people find it to play a game on a last generation console that such a game is expensive and you have to "haul" out your old console. Somedays with all the people requesting remasters of last-gen games I feel like I'm the only person with last gen consoles sitting around hooked up to my TV for whenever I feel like playing them.

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@sqlrob: Americans in general, not really. American media and such, yes. We cater to the 10%-20% of Americans who would get offended. The % might be higher, maybe but it's not that high. Even worse the majority of those are the but what if my kids see it type of excuse for why it's bad.

Of course. those are the same 10-20% of people that republicans are generally afraid to piss off which is why we get stupid court rulings and a lack of change in our laws.

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@WarGreymon77: It has to do with the fact that you need more data at a time than can be reasonably read by a disc. So switching from one stage to another might require 4x or more loading time to swap all that data from disc to RAM.

Blu-Ray in a PS4 will give you 25 MB/S. Whereas a HDD will give you 100+ MB/S. Now when we get to a PS5 that might hit 550+ MB/S in it's SSD depending on what they are using even with a bit better blu-ray drive it's still not getting anywhere near that SSD speed.

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@wahsobe: Eh, never had the need for batteries laying around. My TV remote doesn't die that often, honestly most things I do on my TV don't even require the remote and I use my phone more often to cast things to my TV than the remote. Quicker and easier.

Like nothing I use often uses batteries. No I don't use wireless stuff, atleast nothing wireless that can't be plugged in to charge. Other than a phone I've never had issues with battery life either.

Rechargeable batteries are a pain in the butt. Especially if the item doesn't support charging the batteries inside of the device. As long as the battery life for the built in battery is decent(8 hours atleast) on the controller it's fine. For consoles I use a controller storage unit that doubles as a charger. Simple and easy, don't have to plug in controllers or worry about battery life ever unless I play a PS4 game for quite a while.