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#1 mikasa
Member since 2003 • 4060 Posts

But it hasn't ever happened. That's the point.

While I'm here basing an argument onthe results of every previous console generation, your argument is based on a hypothesis that has never occured.



So because something has never happened before, it won't ever happened now or in the future?
What kind of stupid reasoning is that?

So to you, facts have no bearing on a debate, right?

is a game of baseball decided by how many runs are scored or by how many hits there are in a game?

another weak strawman.

Runs can equal sales or game reviews.
And hits can equal sales or game reviews. Depending on what you think is important.

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#2 mikasa
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#3 mikasa
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[QUOTE="CaseyWegner"]why would votes that don't go my way not count? :? i_like_pizza

Like I said, I wasn't here, but I have read of a vote being taken and "option 4" (the option to not have a system dedicated to determining a winner, and rather leaving it up to free debate like it has always been) beating out the options of games. But, apparently, you thought that was a broken system, so now it's going to be up to another vote. Oh, and option 4 won with over 50% of the vote.

Who started that vote?

cake started the one you're referring to. it was indeed broken because it matched three subcategories of games vs. anarchy and sales combined.

Well that's what I'm talking about. The vote didn't go the way that you (and cake) wanted it to go, so you find the flaw in the system (there is a flaw inany system you couldever try to create for this) and call it "broken."

The new vote is no better. First, no matter who the winner of the vote is, anarchy will still be prevalent in SW, because the losers will keep their opinions. Second, if games win, we will be left with another vote to decide how games should be implemented, leaving even more people unhappy with this broken system.

I have been on these regularly visiting these boards for well over half a decade. I am not new to this, and I know that it has never simply been "games" or "sales" that have determined a "winner." There has never been a true "winner" for any one reason. This is so much more complicated than a 3-answer poll because there are over 100 million gamers out there with individual opinions.

This whole process is bogus, and it wreaks of injustice to me. And, like I said, it will change nothing but to give fanboys the ability to say "teH AAAs" and have it be System Wars rules. "Officially," the PSP will be the better system than the DS. "Officially," the PS2 did not win last gen. Ha. Laughable.

One result would be people ignoring even more the "rules" if such a farce is enacted. When someone says NG:S doesn't count as an exclusive game based on SW rules, they'll say you mean the same rule that has the multi-vote (til we get the outcome the mods want) Games is the only thing that counts rule?
So first the sheep will ignore it then the cows will ignore it and then the lemmings. only thing left will be the hermits saying by the rules this and that. While the conosle guys go on discusing consoles.

Hey maybe it's a good idea to get some more crazy rules encated...if the rules become too silly everyone will ignore them and we'll be back to where we were 6 months ago.

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#5 mikasa
Member since 2003 • 4060 Posts

[QUOTE="CaseyWegner"]why would votes that don't go my way not count? :? CaseyWegner

Like I said, I wasn't here, but I have read of a vote being taken and "option 4" (the option to not have a system dedicated to determining a winner, and rather leaving it up to free debate like it has always been) beating out the options of games. But, apparently, you thought that was a broken system, so now it's going to be up to another vote. Oh, and option 4 won with over 50% of the vote.

Who started that vote?

cake started the one you're referring to. it was indeed broken because it matched three subcategories of games vs. anarchy and sales combined.

Class is now in session. Casey's orginal poll that many or most thought was a weak strawman that would ONLY result in Games being selected as the winner is the one that counts. It wasn't broken, because it was creatd by Casey and his outcome won.

The poll started by Cake was also just as fair as the first poll, but since teh outcome didn't reflect games as the winner it was obviously flawed because everyone knows there can be only one right answer.

Did I get that right? Or is there another reason why the 2nd poll was flawed and the first one wasn't?

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#6 mikasa
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So you're basing your entire argument on a possibility that might not even happen? Talk about putting the cart in front of the horse.


you're basing your entire argument on something that's uncertain. i'm basing mine on something that's 100% guaranteed.

Wait, what? Explain that to be. I wanna see what you did there.

the system with the best games is the best. the system with the best sales might be the best.

Wow, that's weak. In other words, you're saying "Game ratings is the ONLY thing that matters". And you use that as the basis to prove why Game ratings only matter. see that is some broken logic.

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#7 mikasa
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[QUOTE="mikemil828"]Good games generally sell well. Bad games generally don't. Consoles with lots of good games generally sell well (PS2) Consoles with not a lot of good games generally don't (PS3). This is how the console gaming market works. Therefore good games drive good sales over the long term. LosDaddie

They generally do, but there are exceptions to the rule. Seems to me that sales are just as important as games because without them, there would be no good games and the console would die out. That's just the point I'm making.

Same here.

Sales & games go hand-n-hand for a console's success.

The old which came first, the chicken or the egg? Can't sell consoles without games. Can't sell great games without consoles.

But then again Sony has sold PS3's without anything special games-wise.

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#8 mikasa
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Why can't we have multi-categories?

-Bestselling system
-Most AAAE/AAE games (2 point/1 point)
-Most AAA/AA games (2 point/1 point) (we count all games even if they are counted in the Exclusive category here)
-Mostselling games (attach rate type thing)

We can track all 4 of those areas then at the end determine the winner. Based on something like this:

-AAAE/AAE games winner = 4 points
-Console sales = 3 points
-AAA/AA games winner = 2 points
-Most sold games = 1 point


I guess no one wants to do a hybrid model.

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#9 mikasa
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WTF is that in the driver side mirror? It looks like poleposition for the Atari 2600! LMAO!:lol:

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#10 mikasa
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GT5 has some great looking cars, but the buildings (like the houses in the TC post) look flat. Reminds me of FNR3's crowd. Also the cars look off to me as they are on the track...something just just doesnt' look right. Might be that the cars are too polished with no dirt and always perfect weather.

PGR has models on par with GT5, but win in environments, track, buildings weather, "dirt" on cars.