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#1 mattmachine
Member since 2005 • 1565 Posts
The one thing about Rockstar that has inspired millions of people to keep buying the GTA sequels is the ability to give you everything that the prequel had and multiply it by a factor of 100! 

Not only does Saints Row make an obvious attempt to directly copy the GTA series, it leaves out so many things that made GTA an awesome game.  For a next gen. title, I am dissapointed with what Saints Row brings to the table.  Better graphics and online play should be standards for all next gen. games. 

I expect the next GTA to make Saints Row look terrible not only in graphics, but the gameplay and features.  Never underestimate Rockstar!  They haven't let us down yet.
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#2 mattmachine
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[QUOTE="HD_Gamer_J"]I have spent a long time looking at Oblivion since E3 and thought it was gonna be awesome because the graphics would be amazing even with the fact that it's so huge. I mean the reviews said "Best looking game I've ever seen" in the OXM advertisement. But I recently downloaded the trailer which has actual gameplay footage in it and I have 720p and it didn't look all that special. Kinda like an original Xbox game. What gives?

Yeah really, put in your contacts!  The game's detail for 16 square miles of area is phenominal and the downloads always look like crap didn't you know that.  I played the COD2 demo and it looks a lot worse than the actual game so don't worry, it will be the blockbuster everyone hopes it will be.
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#3 mattmachine
Member since 2005 • 1565 Posts
Who will wait out for the game reviews before they buy a game? I am just gonna chill out and play Halo 2 for awhile on the 360 until the reviews are up. I am kinda thinking If don't wait for the reviews i'm gonna buy a game that will flop.dstunt504

I agree with you 100%.  I expect a lot from my game for $60 so waiting a few extra days for a game so that I can read several professional gamer and consumer reviews about the pros and cons of a game is only common sense for me.  I have rented or played demos of every 360 title and I am happy that the only one I bought was COD2 and that is because I read the reviews.  There are games, however, that are assumed that I will get without reading reviews, ie...Halo series, and GTA series.  (haven't been let down yet)  At least if you read the review, you know what to expect and you won't piss and moan about buying a crap game later.
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#4 mattmachine
Member since 2005 • 1565 Posts

Nintendo has done this 2 times now. The game boy advance SP came out and sold very little because nobody wanted to buy it a SECOND time. Now the ds has the new, "Ds lite" and the same thing will happen. Only the hardcorest fans of DS will buy it, and there are very few...

Nintendo really doesn't know how to sell worth crap. You can't just come out with the SAME exact handheld, make it look a little different and expect it to sell...

Go look at that poll on the Gamespot home page. The majority of the people voted the Ds Lite, "Indifferent".

No one will buy this thing... No one.

Nintendo made 479 million dollars last year on handhelds and psp wasn't even close in numbers to Nintendo. Don't forget they have the DS and Gameboy advance. Maybe this year will be different, but NIntendo has many loyal fans and a stranglehold on that market. Don't look for them to loose it to Sony too quickly.
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#5 mattmachine
Member since 2005 • 1565 Posts
[QUOTE="markiemarkie231"]Why the PC version owns it First it only costs $40 bucks on the PC and shotty MP in the X360 version and it deletes saved games LMAO "but...but it's not rushed"-Lemming's

Every rating/review said the 360 version is smoother and smoke effects are better than any high end PC. Watcha think about that? I have a 65" hdtv and a leather recliner. I'll take playing COD2 on that setup instead of hunched over a computer desk fiddling with my mouse and keyboard while looking at a 19" moniter any day.
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#6 mattmachine
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[QUOTE="markiemarkie231"]Why the PC version owns it First it only costs $40 bucks on the PC and shotty MP in the X360 version and it deletes saved games LMAO "but...but it's not rushed"-Lemming's helbent_revenge

(no offense) because some of us dont have uber PC's and are more into the habit of using controllers instead of keyboards and (mice?), just a way we like it

It's cool I get this hate all the time I don't have an uber PC either but you can't deny it or maybe you can M+K owns a Controller in any FPS game

NOTHING owns the 360 controller as it is a work or art and perfectly ergonomic and contoured to shape of one's hand. As it stands now, best controller of all time. Keep your keyboard for typing and your mouse for looking up porn.
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#7 mattmachine
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also on the PC for $40 so why bother with getting a 360 to just play that game.chairguru22
My Pc is from 1999 ( all I use it for is internet and school) So I'd rather pay $400 for 360 than a couple of G's for a top notch gaming pc. Call me kooky.
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#8 mattmachine
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100-120 every other day
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#9 mattmachine
Member since 2005 • 1565 Posts

ever since PS3 was officially announced Sony has been behind closed doors trying desperately to scrap whatever they can. At E3 last year, the one prototype of Sony's Playstation 3 was a 3,000 dollar individual unit. The biggest prices were due to the prototype blue ray dvd which now costs 1,800 alone (less in mass quantities, but not less than 1,00 each), the $200 radio board and most of all, a state of the art still prototype cell processor costing about 3,000 dollars on its own. I.E. PS3 will not be cheap despite the rumors that it will cost $400 dollars. Given that, Sony can get price breaks, so you won't end up skipping college to pay for your PS3. However, the price tag WILL be over $500 dollars if not that price exactly. Combined with an increased price for videogames ($66 with tax), you will be getting into the $600 range just for the console and one game. Bundled with 2 games and a controller, the price jacks up to $750 and up. I am a fanboy, but all that aside, Xbox 360 is very pricey. Whenever a console bundle gets up to $2000 dollars with under ten games, then you know something is expensive in a big way. That being said, $400 dollars for a premium is still at a minimum $100 less then the basic PS3 model stripped down to the core. WIll super prices effect PS3 sales?

high prcies werent the problem with the xbox 360. Ps3 will always have its core audience that will buy its super console no matter how much overtime they must endure to get one. But the question is all about the casual gamers who want a console for $300 bucks and a copy of the newest madden every year, nothing more. PS2 was first and it was cheaper then the xbox. I think casual gamers who just wanna play games for fun and only once in a while will be more attracted to what doesnt brake their bank, not what would put them in bankruptcy. Will casual gamers abandon the Sony empire? you decide...

The average 360 sold 3.9 games per console! Not including extra peripherals, thats about $700 the average person payed for the system when it came out. I don't think people will have a problem paying a hundred dollars more than that which I doubt will happen because that means that PS3 will cost $500. It should sell fine.
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#10 mattmachine
Member since 2005 • 1565 Posts
Ive seen or played ALL of the 360 launch titles including DOA4 and it is my opinion that NONE of them are worth $60 with the exception of the aformentioned COD2. If you've read the sales #'s from, you must see my point. Even though it was out for less than two months of 2005, it was in the top 20 for game sales! It sold far and above any other game for the 360 and you know why? It was near flawless, a quality none of the other games shared. Every sports title launch was too close to a ps2 or xbox port graphics wise and/or it lacked key game features/options that make a complete game and warrant an extra 10 bucks. Condemned and Kameo had great graphics, but could easily be beaten in 12 or less hrs. making them a no brainer for renting. PDZ and Quake 4 had contoversial campaign and/or framerate problems, which means you pay 60bucks for online only. PGR and NFS get old after a few hrs after you see all of the tracks. DOA4, while gorgeous, has bland and boring character models that stick out like a sore thumb and highly annoying computer AI. For $60 I expect perfection or at least a universal 9/10 rating which leads me back to my original point, COD2 is the only game that meets these standards. I feel sorry for other people that are easily amused and waste $$ on crap just for the sake of owning every title that might be good.
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