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#1  Edited By Lavenders2001
Member since 2014 • 58 Posts

Absolutely no regrets at all with my PC. The bang for buck on this system is just stupid good. DOTA2 and LoL can each give hundreds (or thousands) of hours for free, CS:GO is perhaps the best $5 I spent this year (over 100 hours and want more), and with excellent games going so cheap, its pretty hard to feel buyers remorse when you are spending so little. I have $100 steam credit right now, I spent $25 and have all the games I pretty much want thanks to the current sale, and its gonna be even better come Christmas sales.

My 3DS was the surprise of the year. Got some great games for it and I have only finished one of them, and it was an excellent experience. New pokemon game, upcoming monster hunter game and fire emblem awakening is keeping me busy, and I might try Xenoblade when that comes out as it looks good too. Kinda strange having to spend so much on a game when you have a PC though, and the sales in AUS for Nintendo are garbage.

I was wise not to buy the new consoles it seems, since they seem to be weak in comparison to the PC, although the WiiU is at least different enough, and with some killer exclusives now to boot.

Xbone seems ok at the moment, but not really enough exclusives yet and its just not a very powerful console. Exclusives will make or break this console, and right now there are only a few worth owning.

PS4 has got to be the biggest joke of the year. It has NOTHING going for it. Nothing. It has average at best exclusives (and by far the worst exclusives of the 4 main systems), it isn't as powerful as a PC so PC gets better multiplats, it has more exclusives, better and more varied control options (including the PS4 controller itself), better graphics and pretty much better everything else. The ONLY thing this console potentially has going for it right now is price to power ratio, but what use is all that money spent on power that doesn't have any good exclusives yet? Stupid, pointless console that needs better exclusives than freaking Infamous: Second Son.

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#2  Edited By Lavenders2001
Member since 2014 • 58 Posts

Pokemon don't die they just faint.

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#3  Edited By Lavenders2001
Member since 2014 • 58 Posts

@KHAndAnime said:

I voted A and that's what it got. Looks like I'm part of the 8% elite. Get better standards losers

A is a 7. There was no option to vote what the game actually got. The game was massively overhyped.
Probably the biggest flop of this year with destiny. 5club was pretty bad but at least people voted low on that one. I think 5club was hyped to a 7, so thats a 2 point difference. H:MCC hyped to a 9 but only got a 6, 3 point difference.
Well, it looks like the two consoles Xbone and PS4 have run out of big hitters this year. All that is left before PC/WiiU ends up being by far and away the best platform this year is Smash Bros on WiiU.

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#4  Edited By Lavenders2001
Member since 2014 • 58 Posts

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#5 Lavenders2001
Member since 2014 • 58 Posts

At this point I would be inclined to give this game a 7.
Some of the activities are just plain boring or too time consuming (going from system to system is a joyless pain in the ass that takes WAY too long to do, with very little excitement)
Combat is top notch. Graphics are also spectacular, as is sound design.
Perhaps I expect too much from games like this but it seems some of the gameplay elements are just lacking, and I am really worried about the scores this game is going to get.

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#6 Lavenders2001
Member since 2014 • 58 Posts

Wait you mean I don't need to pay a subscription fee to get this game for free?

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#7 Lavenders2001
Member since 2014 • 58 Posts

Shame this thread probably won't last, but...

COD: AW - You know a year has been pretty bad when this game hits the "best of the year" list. In fact, it surprised me in that it is probably the best game I have played this year. Exos change the game in more ways than I thought and just the little details like map specific kill streaks, the different little abilities of guns (infinite ammo but overheats, first 5 bullets doing more damage) plus the loot drops for minor stat changes, added together with a pretty great single player campaign (one level in particular stands out as one of the best designed tutorialesque levels I have ever seen in an FPS) makes a pretty dang good package.
Age of Wonders 3 - A dash of HoMM and Civ work quite nice together. I haven't played the expansion, but I hear that is really good and well received. Tactical gameplay is great, and the unit limit seemed stupid till I actually played with it and realized it opened up a lot of choices. Enjoyable game.
Hearthstone - This is not my fav card game but it is a great example of one done right. Addictive as heck arena mode and fun card battling game-play that gets crazier as the game goes on. The various expansions that this game will no doubt receive just make it worth even more, and how can you say no to a free game?

Watch Dogs - Oh man was I so hyped for this game, and so dissapointed when it dropped. I was ready to go all in on this game and just immerse myself in its world, but only made it to chapter 2 before I quit in blind frustration. Awful optimization on PC, shallow "Press Q to hack and win" style gameplay along with many extras that are just pointless or not fleshed out. The two standout saviors to this game are the AR games, and the multiplayer.

Honestly, didn't buy a heck of a lot (I only tend to buy games that get great reviews) so not too many disappointing games if any, but not too many standout stars either.

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#8 Lavenders2001
Member since 2014 • 58 Posts

This is tough to rate with a score due to the fact that it is a collection of games already made an still playable today.
In some ways, I can see this getting a 10. Gamespot gives that rating to games that are "essential" or should be owned and played by every gamer at some point in their life, and this is a nice collection of good games at a good price.
On the flip side, it is just a rerelease of games that have already been and gone with a couple of extra bits here and there.

I reckon it could get a 9, or an 8 if the port screws something up.

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#9 Lavenders2001
Member since 2014 • 58 Posts

@p3anut said:

PC and a Nintendo system.

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#10 Lavenders2001
Member since 2014 • 58 Posts

@Lulu_Lulu said:

Why is it like nobody has seen any gameplay ? I mean they can't even make rumors about it ..... I find this very troubling, but its not like I didn't see it coming.

Since when was Uncharted 4 a video game? Coulda sworn it was a movie.
The worst part? The movie will be in 900p 30fps. I mean PS4 can't even handle CoD: AW at 1080p 60fps without small dips so what makes people think Naughty Dog are going to hit this mark with U4?
But until we even see footage this "Photo-realistic" claim is about as valid as the hobo on the street who said he saw heaven for a few seconds.