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#1 Lavenders2001
Member since 2014 • 58 Posts

I picked Riot Games. I would also have liked to see paradox on this list, I may have voted for them instead. My reasoning:
Valve Corp - Everything these guys have done in the past few months has done nothing but make me hate steam and it is getting scary considering its monopoly. Trading restrictions, actually allowing paid mods onto their service and shitty features that nobody wanted like that ripoff attempt at twitch tv (which is a disaster and nobody uses it). Thankfully, the pros outweigh the cons for now, and their games have always set a high standard
CD Projekt RED - Practically irrelevant due to the fact that they now make games for consoles. They do have nice business practices which I can appreciate.
Obsidian Entertainment - The sole reason these guys were probably even considered for this list is because of PoE. They are a developer whose games have ranged from excellent to buggy, and for the most part haven't really made anything that was OMG MUST GET, but also haven't made anything that is shit. Solid developer all round.
Blizzard Entertainment - They have gone through a massive period of **** up after **** up recently, but have started to pick up their slack. Latest D3 expansion was nice, Hearthstone has skyrocketed in terms of popularity and in my opinion is the best (and somehow the worst) blizzard game made. Unfortunately, in recent memory nothing they have made was of the true quality blizzard is known for, and stuff like the latest hearthstone adventure feels rushed and the cards aren't all that great. Still a high up contender I suppose.
Bethesda - I hate these money grubbers. They practically invented and popularized DLC, and then tried to further that innovation through paid mods. Their games are good, but they have made some awful decisions that have had some large impacts. Skyrim reviews dropping from 98% positive to 84% positive is proof of what these guys did to piss off players.

Riot games ultimately wins because:
1. They haven't majorly fucked up or done anything in my mind that is stupid or wrong
2. Their one game is a MASSIVE success and I continue to play it to this day. The game is also extremely well supported and frequently updated to this day
3. They have a huge focus on community. They frequently talk to players on reddit and their own forum boards, and actually LISTEN to the feedback. Players wanted female characters that weren't overly sexualized, and we got champs like Reksai, Kalista and (arguably) Vi. Players wanted the URF gamemode to return, it returned bigger and better. They also admit to their mistakes, and usually try to fix them.
4. Their payment model is innovative and incredible to a point where games like DOTA 2 basically were forced to incorporate it and now numerous other F2P games are held to the standard of Riots model. It was during a time when F2P was considered Pay2Win, and then Riot comes along and removes that concept entirely. DOTA 2's payment model probably wouldn't be the way it is today without Riot taking the risk of implementing such a model.

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#2 Lavenders2001
Member since 2014 • 58 Posts

Titanfall was a solid game that lacked in content for its price point. Titanfall 2 would be able to build upon what they had already made and probably make a much better game (assuming they don't **** it up)
Destiny was a badly designed experience from the start, adding more content would not fix it. It would need to be changed somewhat before it is good.

So Titanfall 2

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#3 Lavenders2001
Member since 2014 • 58 Posts

@MirkoS77 said:
@lavenders2001 said:

The jump will probably be the same.

I thought the whole point of consoles was that you got an inferior experience to PC but it was cheaper (even though many PCs today seem to output console levels of performance cheaper anyway). So there is no reason to make a super powerful console because then nobody would buy it. The audience of people who want the best graphics/performance are already satisfied by the PC market.

Remember the PS3? They made a console that was supposedly more powerful than any PC you could get at the time, but the console was nearly $1000 on launch. It was a giant flop and even the 360 outsold the shit out of it, despite the fact that the PS3 had superior hardware.

If a console wants to be powerful like a PC (or at least a fair bit more powerful than the last gen) it needs to cost more, and console players won't pay big money for that, as evidenced by the fact the PC exists, as well as the PS3 flop at its launch.

The PS3 was not a grand, it was $599 at release.

Sorry it seems that this was the case in other countries outside Australia. In Australia it was priced at $900-1000 depending on the hard drive space you got for it.

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#4 Lavenders2001
Member since 2014 • 58 Posts

The jump will probably be the same.
I thought the whole point of consoles was that you got an inferior experience to PC but it was cheaper (even though many PCs today seem to output console levels of performance cheaper anyway). So there is no reason to make a super powerful console because then nobody would buy it. The audience of people who want the best graphics/performance are already satisfied by the PC market.
Remember the PS3? They made a console that was supposedly more powerful than any PC you could get at the time, but the console was nearly $1000 on launch. It was a giant flop and even the 360 outsold the shit out of it, despite the fact that the PS3 had superior hardware.
If a console wants to be powerful like a PC (or at least a fair bit more powerful than the last gen) it needs to cost more, and console players won't pay big money for that, as evidenced by the fact the PC exists, as well as the PS3 flop at its launch.

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#5 Lavenders2001
Member since 2014 • 58 Posts

There are so many things wrong with this I don't even know where to start. I could literally make a list of all the issues with this shitty move by valve.
I'm going to list 8.

1. So valve thought it was a brilliant idea to allow the devs/publishers to earn some money for this. Oh great, what a better way to earn money than to release a half finished game, let some modder make a nonofficial patch, and then actually MAKE money from doing this. Wow, I wonder what kind of games we will see now that we know devs and publishers will actually make more money from releasing half finished games!
2. There is absolutely no system in place to prevent stealing or downright copy pasting another's work and then sticking it on the workshop and charging for it. And people are probably going to buy it too. Even if one person falls for it and buys it, we could run into a lot of legal issues from this shit implementation.
3. There is no option to make payments optional, either your mod is free, or your mod requires money. In other words, there is no option to make a free mod and allow those who like it to donate money
4. A lot of people use the argument that this is already being done in other games like Planetside 2, DOTA 2, TF2 and so on. There are two things that differentiate these games from what is going on with Skyrim right now:
- The above mentioned games are free to play
- The games mentioned are charging content for cosmetic items only, it is impossible to charge for gameplay related stuff in these games (this also applies to something like CSGO, even though it is not free to play)
Skyrim is a full price game (or at least it was, it is still 35USD in Australia, minus the sale) that is charging for official DLC's, and now has the option to charge for shittier DLC's made by randoms for more or less money. And you wonder why companies still shove so much micro transaction shit into their games.
5. Who is actually going to moderate this? So like, what happens if our friend Joe makes a mod, but then all of the sudden Bethesda updates their game and his mod no longer works, and he is still charging for his mod and people can still buy it. I mean our buddy Joe could be just like "nah I can't be fucked fixing it" and nobody can do anything about it. So ok, maybe there could be community driven votes or some official guys at valve or the devs could moderate it, but how are you going to moderate 100+ pages of paid mods? Likewise, what happens if I pay for two mods and try to use them together, but they aren't compatible with each other? The "24 hour refund" system doesn't address any of this, except possibly the two mods not being compatible issue.
6. Some will argue that this will give a chance for the big boys to come out with some amazing mods, maybe stuff we haven't seen before, because now it is potentially lucrative. I mean, this system is very similar to how DLC works now, so I mean we should expect the same, high quality perfectly priced content we get in DLC's today from big major companies...
7. Mods now have the potential to involve piracy. Gee, console players liked to claim that PC players are just pirates, and I'm sure not EVERYONE is going to pirate paid mods, but its certainly gonna be easier to pirate mods than it is actual games. I mean the fact that these mods aren't necessarily good, and they are being charged for along with the mods that aren't being charged for is certainly going to encourage some to pirate these mods. It gets even better when compounded with issue 2, when some guy could just reupload somebody else's mod that costs money and make it cost nothing! This is the reality of a faulty service because the way this was implemented is complete and utter horse shit. It reminds me of this excellent quote that some guy made about piracy:
"We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem" - Gabe Newell
Yeah Gabe, you said it... wait, *YOU* said that?
8. Mods are created by the community, for the community. There is a reason the workshop is labelled under the "Steam community" section. If this is true, then why do valve get a cut of the money? Because they are distributing the mods, right? So why does the mod maker only see 25% of this money? You know, if mods are community driven then why doesn't the community, as in the mod makers, see most of this money when at the end of the day it is mostly their work?

And shit, these are all the issues I can come up with for just this one game, and this one implementation of this fucked up, easily abusable, silly system. Mods have always been, and always should be, free to use with the ability to add donations for those who want to earn a bit of money. But even if that were the case, this system is just so badly designed and so completely against the spirit of mods that I don't think a system like this is ever going to work.
TL;DR Get rid of this fucking stupid idea.

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#6 Lavenders2001
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Seriously, how do people screw this up? The difference is almost night and day, save for maybe 1 or 2 where there are little moving parts, and even then it only took maybe another 3 seconds of looking to be 100% sure. The difference is extremely noticeable when you move the camera.
However, I will admit there is one thing that makes this test far easier than it could be, and that is because we are COMPARING framerates, not actually looking at one picture and saying "oh that is 30fps" or "oh yeah that's 60fps". I reckon if you just showed one video rather than two and asked the person to say if it was 30fps or 60fps, the scores on average would be a bit lower. Either way, solid proof that there is a clear difference between the two.

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#7 Lavenders2001
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"Can we all agree that this game is graphic king?"
- Presents two games, both of which are already outclassed by games either coming out soon or already out (the order 188flop)

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#8 Lavenders2001
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Well it certainly didn't take long before the lowest PC settings became better than console quality again.

The difference between PC trees and PS4 trees is like night and day.

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#9 Lavenders2001
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I don't know what to think of the idea of Capcom going out of business.
Monster Hunter and Phoenix Wright are probably my two most favorite game series and they continue to deliver with the two series (Monster Hunter 4G (4U outside of Japan) is regarded as the best monster hunter game, PW5 was the best since 3 and 1). Street Fighter is also a series I enjoy more than I should, although I do not appreciate the silly amounts of DLC (albeit only 1 of them is not cosmetic in USF4) and the netcode on PC has seen better days, hilariously through GFWL. I couldn't give a damn about the other series tbh.
The signs definitely indicate some struggle on the financial front but there are some hopeful signs, like the Monster Hunter 3DS being completely sold out everywhere.
Of course, my opinion might be a bit off from the norm because I do not play the other series people complain about like Resident Evil.

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#10  Edited By Lavenders2001
Member since 2014 • 58 Posts

@DarthaPerkinjan said:

#1 - 'Next-Gen' is all about how powerful the systems are. What a complete and utter joke. For starters, did anybody ever deny the Wii was 'Next-Gen' even though Wii Sports looked like a PS1 game? No. Next gen gaming is more then just visuals. The enhanced social features and options of the new consoles is more then enough to make them next gen. Its not all about power. People who say the Xbox One or PS4 arent next gen because they werent bleeding edge tech make me laugh.

#2 - Conosle Gamers spend a chunk of money every year for Xbox Live/PS Plus. Again, false. I havent been subscribed to PS+ for a while now. A large portion of console gamers do not play online, and thus do not need PS+. Theres no game out there currently or in the near future I want to play online, so I did not renew my subscription.

#3 - PC software is so much cheaper then console software. Nope. amazon and other websites have sales just as frequently as steam on next gen games. Driveclub was 40% off at one point on Amazon within 4 weeks of its launch and this is the case with most games. Keep in mind low PC software prices are driven by rampant piracy and poor sales. They're not cheap because Gabe loves you.

#4 - You can build a PC that equals PS4 for the same price. One that includes Windows 8, a Dual Shock 4, a 3D blu-ray player, and is the product of fine, fine Sony quality craftsmanship? Doubtful. And even if you could, why would you? PC gaming is about playing multi plats in higher fidelity then on console, so why would you?

1. I agree with your point here but that does not change the fact that the generation is still crap because it just isn't as powerful as it probably should be, last generation consoles started stronger than basically every PC but this generation started so far behind a high level PC it is laughable.

2. I don't understand why you say this is a myth, many console gamers DO spend a chunk of money so they can play online with others, and that means getting live/PS+. It is a myth for you, but for anybody here who talks about console gaming online, like talking about the horrors of MCC matchmaking, it is definitely not a myth.

3. This is not a myth. As everyone else has pointed out console software prices do not even come close to beating pc software prices. PC software prices are not driven by piracy or poor sales, they exist solely because the game makes more money when it is on sale.

Here is a picture proving my point. Notice the spikes that happen before a new year and around the September period. Notice that if Garry's mod was selling X units at a time just before a spike, then the units sold at the spike would be 10 times X more often than not (IE you make 25% of a normal sale if you put your game at 75% off, but you sell 10 times as many copies, effectively more than doubling your profit).

A different yet more interesting perspective can be seen here:

There is a graph of one of his games and the sales figures, you can see similar spikes just like Garry's Mod, but he also reveals how he stopped participating in the sales in 2013. Note how there are no spikes during this period and his overall sales declined. While he makes interesting points, you can see that by not putting his game on sale he effectively hurt his profit, which is why you see frequent sales on PC games.

It is similar to the Angry Birds phenomenon, you release a game at 0.99$ and suddenly every game has to either match that price, go F2P, or just not do well. Premium games at 2.99$ on the appstore constantly struggle.

4. Well the reason you would buy a PC that runs like a PS4 at the same/similar price is for the mountain of PC exclusives you can play. You can try genres that are exclusive to PC, like RTS games (Starcraft, AoE, RoN), the ever so popular MOBAS (League of Legends, Dota 2, Heroes of the Storm) or you can just play whatever the console guys are playing, since many exclusives are now either coming to PC (GTAV), are already on PC (Ryse) or are timed exclusives (Rise of the Tomb Raider). Any other exclusives are either poorly rated or just not worth your time (5club, MCC, Destiny)

PC gaming has nothing to do with playing multi plats in higher fidelity, in fact the most popular games on PC don't even exist on consoles. League of Legends continues to be one of the most popular games in the world, and how about steam?

Check out the 5 most played games on Steam. All PC exclusive. Dota 2, CS:GO, TF2, Garry's Mod and Civilization 5. Ignoring Skyrim you also have Civ: Beyond Earth, H1Z1 and Football Manager 2015, followed by Saints Row 4 because it is currently free and on sale, and if you don't want to count that, yet another PC exclusive, Arma 3. In fact look at the top 100 most played games on steam, you will find the majority of them are all PC exclusive.