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People were saying Xbox One has Ryse. Didn't see many, or really any, saying PS4 has Knack.

They were saying PS4 has Killzone, as well as the best looking and running 3rd party games.

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@dono14 @myjota

But knack wasn't one of the games people were hoping to justify the $499 for a console that has $100 in graphical guts that is hampered to be even less thanks to only having 32mb's of ESRAM.

900p and 16-30 FPS is horrible. It looks good paused. But in slideshow motion and the actual act of playing it appears to suck.

..and that 32 MB's of ESRAM is never going away. 1080p literally needs 64-128mb's.

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Edited By jmc88888


Actually some reviewers actually broke out good ol Panzer Dragoon to see if they were just remembering the series a bit too fondly.

Nope, they said they had more fun with Panzer Dragoon's first few stages then in the entirely of Crimson Dragon.

The power up weapons aren't as good as the original weapon, needing to replay missions to kill guys to get the points to play another level... or upgrade something... on rails... Kinect controls not adding anything useful... useless wingmen that don't help out but you have to pay them with the same credits your grinding for... 360 level graphics... even the help menu isn't in game so you have to exit out to main screen to get at it.

Basically everything that pisses you off in games, is pretty much in this game.

While $20 can forgive some things... like maybe the graphics part, so many of these are just asinine design decisions and has nothing to do with $20, except probably make some people glad they didn't have to pay more for it.

Look online, many of the reviewers are giving it about the same thing 3.5-7, and one 8 so far.

Overall the metacritic average of all that's been reported is a 56 (or 5.6). While this means a few might have fun, most won't have much fun.

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Edited By jmc88888

@LonelyHippie27 @jmc88888 @highlanderjimd @LordCrash88 @evildead6789

Really? You mean like I've known about for over a decade?

What you are are a dumb **** about is that someone X+X = More than X.

So hey douchebag (lonelyhippie) why don't you elaborate how having more spying devices, one much more powerful than anything else, is somehow not an extension of that spying, and not somehow worse.

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Edited By jmc88888


When did M$ do a 180?

It's only a 180 if you do a FULL about face.

In order to do a FULL about face, they need to drop mandatory Kinect2.

Otherwise they did a much smaller pivot, more akin to 90 degrees.

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@highlanderjimd @LordCrash88 @evildead6789

So PS4 has a mandatory NSA device boxed in?

Not only boxed in, but NEEDING to be plugged in?

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@Dandyslayer13 @evildead6789

Well that was a dumb an needless design decision.

Also since they haven't made a single Xbox One console, also a correctable one.

Why is it that they don't want to...

Because 'your privacy is our priority' slogan I'm sure.

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@Hvac0120 @rolla020980

Depends on how you classify it. 33 percent decrease is the same as a 50 percent increase.

1.2 vs 1.8 , thus the PS4 is 50 percent more powerful than the Xbox One, but the Xbox One is 33 percent less powerful than the PS4. Both statements are equal.

But of course the unified pool makes the games easier to code for while the Xbox One eSRAM makes it harder to code for and if not done the harder way is significantly less powerful. (like 1/3 the memory bandwidth if not done right).

Then that's IF they maintain the same clock rates of CPU and GPU's despite the reports of overheating and yield issues.

Perhaps they will and perhaps they won't.

But then even further is that the Xbox One holds more cycles and memory in reserve for their OS'es. 3 OS's...technically 2 plus a bridge OS to make 3.

So you could see the PS4 being 50-250 percent faster. It all depends on if they downclock. How much a hit that OS does have.

....and whether or not the devs code the harder way and don't just lower the specs and bypass the eSRAM as much as possible.

Like the PS3 had some great games when done in-house utilizing the cell properly, those PS3 games did well.

But for the multiplatforms games...the Skyrims, the CoD, the Battlefields, etc ,etc...this generation may find some similar problems, except this time with the Xbox One being the harder to code for system like the PS3 was this time. (not to the same degree of course). But overall it will be much easier to use the unified memory structure of the PS4.

So on those specific games that go the easy route instead of taking the time to utilize the eSRAM, then you might see the bandwidth cut by a 1/3 and in those games, you'll see a massive difference in power and visual between the two consoles, so that in effect the PS4 may be 200-250 percent more powerful, maybe more.

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Edited By jmc88888

So constant content updates...ooh. The 1990's called, it's called a game update via the internet.

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@pspearman @outlawoftorn

Advertising purposes.

Because if they say on the box that you get free games, kids will sell their parents on free games and that might be one of the lies that helps sway them to buy the console.

It's optics. It looks like you get free games out of the box...except you don't.. you need to get through the pay wall first.

So it's not 'the reason', it's something kids use to sell their parents and one of those threshold pushers. (gets you over the threshold) type advertising.

On the flip side, M$ knows that without it, others will use free games to sway people their way.

It's just their paywall that gets in the way and once again like all of M$'s other stupid policies, it was a decision they consciously made.