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#1 jeffhardy141
Member since 2007 • 6151 Posts

I said "I just want revenge on the people who killed my father". Sun Jian then said "Very well attempt to do a task imposible". Then Lu Meng said "Sun Jian I've been telling you he's not fit for Wu his ego has grown ever since he killed Meng Hou". Sun Jian then said "Lu Meng please, its not an ego its revenge". then Lu Meng said "He belives he could single-handedly kill the three brothers, something even Lu Bu could not do". I then stood up and I said "I'm the one who stooped the reign of Lu Bu". Lu Meng answered "With help of the Qaiou sisters, i was also told if they didnt come you would've died"! Sun Ce stood up and said "Enough, if he wishes to do a suicided task it's his probelm, but i would not have two Wu men arguing". I sat down and after two days i was ready.

As i left Gan Ning was outside and he said "In case you fail on this journey, Wu would get back at Shu so no matter what the three brothers will die". I thanked Gan Ning and went to the Shu camp. It was night and I saw no one everyone was asleep. I porcceded to the tent with Lui bei, and saw that GUan Yu, and Zhang Fei were there. I thought how easy this would be. Then as i raised my sword i felt Huang Zhong's arrow hit my shoulder and he screamed "Lui Bei he attempts to kill you". The three brothers woke up and before Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei coudl do anything Lui Bei said "I knew this moment of revenge would come". i then advanced to Lui bei but he moved out of the way. Lui Bei then said 'You're mother told you that you'e father helped the wrong people she was right but theres more". I then got up and tried to rush at Lui Bei but Zhang Fei hit me in my back with his spear and i fell back down. Lui Bei then said "You're father was a great officer of Shu, but he wanted more glory than he already did, he heard rumors that Cao Cao finally was succeding in his army". I stooped strugling to listen. Lui Bei contimued "He joined Cao Cao without me knowing it and spied for a year". Then he took two warriors and got them to Wei, Ma Su, and Sima Yi". I looked up in shock "Few know Sima Yi was with us but of course we replaced him with Zhuge Liang". Lui Bei then said "After gettign Wei a strategist they made attacks on us and tried to kill me, they took a few of our terrirories but never kileld any our officers". He finally came to the reason why "So then you're father combated me face to face and this was a distraction while Wei took some of the most important terriotory,after that we were scattering for two years until we settled down". Lui Bei said "he tried to take over this territory and we knew that you're father will never rest so we killed him and that ended his attack on Shu". He finally said "Wei never tried to mess with us again and focusing on killing the rebels". Guan Yu said "Now we have another chance of killing a Chan". Lui Bei raised his sword and then then Lu Meng came in. He stabbed HUang Zhou to his death and grabbed me and we captured Guan Yu's red hare and went back to Shu.

Lu Meng turned and said "I knew you wouldnt succeed so i decided to save you". Lu Meng continued "You need our help what do we do.

A)Kill Shu officers one by one

B)Forget about shu now that i know the reason why he was killed

C)send everyone to attack Shu and finish what my dad started

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#2 jeffhardy141
Member since 2007 • 6151 Posts

Enraged I rushed to the Wu main camp and told Sun Jian "I want the high table ready and everyone in this force". After two minutes everyoen was there and I told them about the death of my father and that hey killed him. Sun Jian stood up and said "Listen Chan, I feel sorry about you're father but, we have a situation with Wei and we need to take out Wei". Also Sun Jian contued "even if we beat Shu, then we deal with Wei and we will not be strong enough". I protested and Sun Jian said "Let the court decided those who want to face Shu raise youre sword". Everyone i was familiar raised it The Qiaou sisters, Gan Ning, Lu Xun,Sun Quan, and Zhang Liang. I was out voted and I stormed out into a local pub. After a few drinks I saw the shu officer Zhou Yun. I grabbed my sword and as he saw me he took out his Dragon Spear and blocked at it slashed me on the arm. I fell on the floor in pain. He then said "I don't kow why you did that but if i see you again ill finish you of as easily as i wounded you".

I got up and went back to Wu main camp when Gan Ning saw me he took me to Sun Jian and Sun Jian asked "How did this happen"? I told him it was Zhou Yun not mentioning I strated the fight. Gan Ning said " A Shu officer did this well I should cut em all up so they learn not to mess with us". he turned and Sun Jian stopped him. Sun Jian turned to me and said "If Shu tries to kill on of us then it declares war". he then said "You get youre wish now how do we do this"?

A)Send a few officers to end Shu.

B)Send all officers to end Shu.

C)Go by youre self and just kill the three brothers.

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#3 jeffhardy141
Member since 2007 • 6151 Posts

so that has all 4 volumes in it or its as logn as 4 volumes....... lol...

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#4 jeffhardy141
Member since 2007 • 6151 Posts
Guya i noticed something in Amazon the one Moss Roberts with brownish color and man in oval shape it has a one. Those that mean thats the 1st volume? If it is whats the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th volume called. Of course the other 3 bu Moss Robets unabridged edition?
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#5 jeffhardy141
Member since 2007 • 6151 Posts

All right now we go to big strory lines but i want to know from harden whats a concubine?

I put Zhange He's hand down and said "I'm staying in Wu". Zhang He looked furious and said "Youre decision will lead the fall of Wu, and the rise of Wei." He continued "Wu, are just the weeds of the three kingdoms soon you will be plucked". He walked away with them. Sun Jian then said "They might be threatning us, we need more soldiers". We sat in the high tablr when Lu Xun the strategist said "Why not sell Guan Ping back to the Shu forces in exchange for 500 soldiers which will be neccasery. The day before the trade i had another nightmare. Ever sicne i visited her I've had flashes of my fathers death. For two weeks I first saw three men, then I noticed they were in green, finally tonight I saw all had hair on there face. I really wanted to fidn these three men. We then unlocked Guan Ping and tied him up. SunShang Xiang was to go with me so we could make sure Guan Ping wouldnt escape. When we reached the main camp of Shu I saw many angry faces we went inside the tent and saw Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Lui Bei the three brothers. Then I had another flash when I saw a little boy and now I rember the faces. These were the men that murdered my father. I then was back in the scene and Lui Bei was saying 'Alright ShangXiang I'll give you 500 of our soldiers for Guan Ping". I left and looked at ShangXiang and she said "I'm stayign with Lui bei a bit". I left and even though we got 500 sodliers from Shu I wanted to ask Sun Jian to go to war with Shu not Wei. I must think

This decision will decide which kingdom should fall if decided with the right choises

A)Go After Shu

B)Go after Wei

C)Go after Wei then Shu

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#6 jeffhardy141
Member since 2007 • 6151 Posts
...Tim Allen who.....
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#7 jeffhardy141
Member since 2007 • 6151 Posts

seems like a barman in Hollywood

What will Zhu Rong be doing with Meng Hou

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#8 jeffhardy141
Member since 2007 • 6151 Posts

Dian Wei of course

Who would win in a 1-mile race

Dong Zhou vs. Meng Hou

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#9 jeffhardy141
Member since 2007 • 6151 Posts

by the look on him helping immigrants coem to America.

What will Xu Rong be doing WITHOUT meng HOu

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#10 jeffhardy141
Member since 2007 • 6151 Posts
wow it surprieses me harden has warned them but they still wont post and keep there heads. Well i voe nimbus.