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#1 jeffhardy141
Member since 2007 • 6151 Posts
well i miss the wolf i miss the old sig, andred typing!
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#2 jeffhardy141
Member since 2007 • 6151 Posts

Since theres no more votes except two that are diffrent I've been thinking for a day whether i do B or c and I decided that C is more of a plot.

I lowered my sword and said "Gan Ning welcome back to WU". he got up and we waited for the guys to come". Taishi Ci and Lu Meng raised they're sword ready to fight Gan Ning when i told them we coudl trust him. We broke down the gate and as expected there were way more. We all charged and after killing a few I saw Guan Ping. He wasnt a real fight as he rushed I just put my sword in front and he drove himself into my sword. Sun Ce had just finished of Shu's volunteer officer Jia Ku. I then saw Cao Ren. It was going to be impossible to kill him with all that amor. Gan Ning came to my aid and we both attacked but it did no affect. Then Ling Tong came and still the armour protected him. Then ling tong's nunchuncks smacked Cao Ren in the face. I then told Gan Ning to distract him. As Cao Ren was fighting Gan Ning I stabbed him in the unprotected face. He then fell down dead. We all separated when I saw the palace Lui Bei was in. I forgot all about other officers I just came rushing and then I reached the garden as i took another step I fell into a hole. It was 10 feet and i was only 6. I then saw Zhuge Liang smiling down and he said "I knew that you will go with Lui Bei so much you wouldnt bother looking down". He then said "Now we will bury you alive"! He walked and I saw that ridicously long robe in the hole. I then saw a nail sticking out of it.

I grabbed the robe and tied it up in a huge knot and he couldnt move then I jumped on top of the nail that was five feet from the floor. Then since i was six feet i managed to get up. I then pushed Zhuge Liang and he fell into the hole. I then saw the soldiers carrying huge whellbarrels. I killed them all and position them around the hole. When Zhuge Liang looked up I said "One of the best strategists is now defeated". i tipped them all into the hole and all the dirt filled up the hole, he was buried alive. Then Jiang Wei came and said "Why are you here where is Zhuge Liang." he looked where i was standing and he said "So you kileld the prime minister, I shall avenge his death". i then said "get out of the way or i will kill you". he then tried to slash me and I put my sword in front. He then tried to bring down the sword and my sword was fighting back. I then gabbed all my weight and pushed him of me. He got up and said "I am the new strategist of Shu and I will continue the name of Zhuge Liang". i then said "You may continue the name in Wu, because if you can tell Shu is going to lose". He turned around and he said "Zhuge Liang recruited me and he left me books with so much startegy and wisdom". he turned and said "I wil join Wu".

I told him to tell everyoen youre part of WU. i then entered and Lui Bei was in his throne. he got up and said "You killed Zhuge Liang, and got Jiang Wei to be part of Wu, you are stronger than Zhuge Liang thought". I said "Enough talk let's fight". He had two swords and I only had one. He attemped to slash me so many times but it was harder to defend myself. Lui Bei said "Gan Ning killed Ling Tongs father just for a victroy while we killed you're father for a good reason". He kep talking while trying to kill me "Yet ling Tonfg has forgiven him". i then said "Because of you I never got to even talk to him". I then tried to slash him so hard that when he tried to defend himself with his sword but when he did the sword flew out of the window. HE then had one small sword. He backed away and then I did the same with the other sword. he was now defensless. I then walked to him pulled him toward me and the sword sank into him. He then looked up and he said "Im sorry" and he landed on the floor and died. I looked at the defeated Lui Bei and I thought I took down one of the three kingdoms.But there was one thing the shu survivors.

A)Put the Shu officer survivors in prison

B)Excecute the Shu officers.

C)let them run away

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#3 jeffhardy141
Member since 2007 • 6151 Posts
Youm ight wonder why my other topic is empty. well i got the book! Ive been reading it this whole time no stooping. I really need a break from all that reading so I'm back! Thanks Harden fro bestom wisdom or all that other ancient words
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#4 jeffhardy141
Member since 2007 • 6151 Posts
hthx but right now i dont ave time to keep on going until like tommorow lol but whats helluva?
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#5 jeffhardy141
Member since 2007 • 6151 Posts

We must both go and warn Sun Jian! i got on a horse (because of harden) and rode to the main camp. We told Sun Jian and then Sun Jian said "Where is Gan ning". I then told him he betrayed Wu. Sun Quan then said "Father Zhang fei has come with many troops we must stop them". I then said "Sun Jian I shall challange him to a duel, if he dies does soldiers are ours"! Sun Jian said "if you lose and die"? I then said "Well you'll have a wounded Zhang Fei in you're clutches". i then ran to Zhang Fei and he said "Well, looks like you ran from Guan Yu". i then said "Zhang Fei I have killed on of the first men who killed my father". Zhang Fei said "YOU FOOL YOU KILLED GUAN YU, HE DIDNT DESERVE IT BUT YOURE FATHER DID".

He got of his horse and rushed at me and I got out of the way then he swiftly turned his spear and slashed me across the chest. Lucky I had armor so I wasnt hurt I staggered and fell on the floor. Zhang Fei then said "I'll wait until you get up". I then stood up and Zhang Fei then hit my back with his spear. he then smacked my back so may times I saw lights flickering and everything darkened as i was getting beaten. I then saw Zhang Fei fall on the floor as Sun Jian stabbed him in the leg. HE took out his sword and then I saw him kneeling on the floor. I then said "He shall be in the prison for life"! Then the I turned to the soldiers and then they bowed and they went to the camp.

As this was happening Zhuge Liang and Lui Bei were in the tent. lui Bei said "Zhuge Liang we need a plan we are losing against Wu". Zhuge Liang then said "I have of course perusaded gan Ningt,hreatened to kill everyone close to him which got him in to Shu this will help". Zhuge liang then said "we have also borrowed Cao Ren, Wei wants Gian Chan dead for deserting them". Lui bei t hen said 'It's still not enough as we saw Zhang Fei lost and he Wu has captured 300 of our soldiers". Zhuge Liang said "We will make sure all officrers remain in the camp, chan will come to Shu and come to you for revenge this we will use as our advantage". lui Bei then procceded to the palace.

Zhuge Liangs prediction came true Chan and officers Ling Tong, Lue Meng,Taishi Ci, and Sun Ce were following Chan and the troops to Shu. When they came into the camp they swarmed in but they were also in Guan Du. They all began battle with many volunteer officers, and troops. As i came in I saw a swift movement and horrified I saw Zhou Yun. He smiled and said "you have come to you're death sentence". In a flash he came to my and i dodge him then he did a twirl that made me duck and when I ducked he almost be-headed me. after this he lunged at me and I moved sideways and stabbed his leg. he then ran at me but all this was slow and I slashed him across the chest. When he fell I grabbed his dragon spear and threw it in his chest. i avoided a death from him three times in only 1 minute!

i reached the gates to the path to the palace where more officers will be there. I Then saw gan Ning gaurding it. He looked sad when he saw me then quickly changed it to a violent stare. he then tried to stab me and I blocked it, he was getting pumped up after a few minutes swordfight our swords hit each other in the same time and we struggled and Gan Ning won and he pushed me with my arms out. he then did his most powerful move in his arsenal. he rushed at me sword in front. I jumped over him and turned backwards and slashed Gan nings back. he fell and looked at me and said "Im sorry Shu threathened me and you dont konw how"!

A)Kill him

B)Accept the apology but tie him up so he could go to the jail

C)Accept it and put him back in Wu ranks

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#6 jeffhardy141
Member since 2007 • 6151 Posts
lol its not like excactly me its just in the point of veiw of the story lo....
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#7 jeffhardy141
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I rode on Guan Yu's red hare and Zhang Liao and Gan Ning followed. I told them that I will focuse on Guan Yu and his adopted son. They were to hold of Guan Ping and Pang Tong. We reached the hill and the three of us saw us . Pang Tong and Guan Ping rushed back with Gan Ning and Zhang Liao in pursuit. I was ready to kill one of the three murderers.

Guan Yu said "You must understand you're father betrayed us we had a good reason to kill him, as he tried to kill me". I yelled "I dont care what he did all that matters is you killed him". He then almost hit me with his sword. I then did the move many fall for. I rushed at him and he tried to slash me I then ducked and was about to stab his stomach when his knee hit my nose. I fell and he said "I am no fool i am one of the best in Shu". he was about to behead me when i realized i was still in the position for my finished. I grabbed my sword and stabbed him in the stomach. I kept on stabing until he hit a tree. The first of the murderers were killed. Then I heard Gan Nings bells and i felt a pain in my back. i then fell on the floor seeing my blood. Gan Ning didnt stab me in th back he slashed me.

Gan Ning thought I was dead he said "I know you can't hear this my good friend, but i am now an officer of Shu". He continued "I have been promised more in SHu, Guan Ping and Pang tong are going to Shu camp to tell everyone to set a surpries attack on Wu". Gan Ning walked away and i stood up. Zhang Liao then came and pulled me up. I turned and to Zhang Liao and told him we must

A)Go to Pang Tong and Guan Ping and kill them before they could reach Shu

B)Tell Zhang Liao to warn Sun Jian while I go after those two

C)Both go and warn Sun Jian

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#8 jeffhardy141
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this one is short i should tell you

I told the high table about my plan. Lu Xun then stood up and said "We have an oppurtunity, Pang Tong,Guan Ping, and Guan Yu is havign a small party for the return of Guan Ping". I said "Thats perfect im on my way". Lu Meng stood up and said "You are ocne again forgetting you are not the best warrior ever"! Sun Jian then said "Well Gian Chan you must choose two men to come with you".

A)Lu Meng and Gan Ning

B)Zhang Lia and Gan Ning

C)Sun Quan and Gan Ning

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#9 jeffhardy141
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Well in my opinion Grand Theft auto is a little repetive and onlyt graphics is update? and for Bioshock it was the top 10 games of 07 so if i get a 360 ill probably buy it.Any more recomendations?
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#10 jeffhardy141
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Now in this topic each player will have a turn to recomend a game and who knows after this topic is all over maybe more people will play the game you want people to play.

Ok i recoomend a website called

Runescape: I give it a 10