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Edited By davedrastic

If they release the PS4 in 2013, how many games will there be? I can't imagine that there'd be that many, and most launch titles are dogs.

PS3 will have a banner year in 2013, and possibly another in 2014. I just can't see much of a pull for the PS4.

As such, I can only think that the PS4 won't be a revolutionary step forward, and that even if it is, developers will not be able to invest as much as they would need to in order to make a revolutionary step forward. I also think that too many gamers are satisfied with their 360 or PS3 to be in a hurry to adopt a new console.

I think alot of us bought at least 2 consoles this generation (Wii + PS3 or 360), and most of us will have a very capable smart phone, a lot of us will have a very capable tablet, or will over the next couple of years, and any PC bought in the last 4 or 5 years is likely to be able to play some pretty top notch games. Because of these factors. and the proliferance of cheap or free casual games (on PC, iOS, Android or even PSN/XBLA) we don't have the need to invest into more hardware. Afterall how long ago did we all just buy Move or Kinect.

If Sonys entry is as weak as the Wii U, then Apple could sweep in and take the whole market.

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Edited By davedrastic

@bekyuubi "Far superior" isn't a word, it's two words. And just expressing my opinion is all. I stumbled across Internal Affairs and found it enthralling. I was massively looking forward to The Departed, which I didn't realise was based on Internal Affairs, and found it disapointing and clearly inferior.

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Edited By davedrastic

Internal Affairs is far superior to The Departed

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Edited By davedrastic

Good news. Is PSN getting aggressive?

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Edited By davedrastic

Why would you expect Max Payne to be lighthearted.

RE: Studio 38. Can we all now learn that governments need not invest in game development. Of course there would be a public relations disaster if the company went pop. A $5,000 grant for a independent release is one thing, but $75 million. Nuts.

Why so sad about the closure of yet another failed developer. They're paid employees, they're not magic pixies. Closure of developers of unprofitable games is just the nature of our global economy.

The Techland trailer was funny, but not that funny. It's hardly ground breaking- breaking the fourth wall is no longer new. Of course game trailers are formulaic. Techland were smart to have fun with their trailer because the game appears to be completely derivative - it looks exactly the same as Nail'd - which Techland developed and which I liked quite a lot. By the look of it they don't have anything particularly new to the genre so what else can they talk about. They're using social media effectively but beyond that it's not that exciting. I'd imagine that the game will be fun.

Actually I do think that the trailer is misleading. It said 74 fps I think - I thought that was genuine. I thought that it was hyping the graphics in terms that i'm not overly familiar with. But seemingly they were "joking" which of course makes their lies perfectly acceptable.I don't think they should be applauded for being deceptive.

So they use sexual images to sell cars, magazines, alcohol, soft drinks and whatever else. What's the issue with games. I was in GAME and on the TV they had some advertorial looping with a buxom lady writhing on a bed. Those guys (GAME management) are just stupid and deserve to close - it's a kids and family oriented store, have some class.

The problem that i've had with EB has been with trading games They have had particularly good deals and if you take advantage of them they give you an interrogation and make you feel like a criminal. If I want to trade in 2 copies of the game, and you don't have a rule against that, they should let me trade in 2 copies of the game. I should not be required to explain as to why i'm trading in 2 copies of the game - it's none of their god damned business. The staff at EB are just following their local area managers approach which is seemingly to treat their regular customers with derision and scorn, and their focus is to leech off the families that are too time poor to realise that $110 for a game is too expensive.Added to that their lack of support to the gaming industry by presenting consumers with the opportunity to buy pre-owned games they really don't offer anyone anything. They're a bit evil really.

Dans suggestion that EB might buy GAME is perhaps unlikely but by no means impossible. I'd think JB would be a safer bet though. But more likely it will just die. People don't want to invest in dead ducks any more.

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Edited By davedrastic

Square Enix will not be the only very concerned developers. How many developers have fallen over this generation? And now the developers have to create even bigger and better games than before meaning bigger and bigger investments.

And how many triple A games / franchises have financially succeeded? Not that many. Look at Assasins Creed, that's done well but has had massive resources poured into it and if it had of failed Ubisoft would have been on its knees, and the specific developers likely closed.

I've read that Crysis 2 lost money, and that was a pretty huge game, what chances does the like of The Darkness II have when it's retail value plummets 50% within 2 months of release. Apparently Dead Space lost money first time round, Mirrors Edge failed despite being a solid and innovative experience.

And in the meantime the market place gets more and more complex, especially given the prominence of Apple, Android and the proliferance of cheap to play games.

So much competition = a much lower chance of success than previous generations.

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"They're late in the cycle"

He views the Wii U as being current gen.

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Edited By davedrastic

@9Dguy Nice post.

Couple of things...

The Xbox does have good first party games, Halo and Gears are pretty big draw cards.

The Move's potential is worthless if it's not adequately supported, and it looks like it whole heartedly hasn't been, and given that it's no longer a new product wouldn't it be naieve to think that it will be. Having said that, it's encouraging that the Wii U is using the same Wii controllers so it would be very good if Move got continued support with the PS4. Personally i've spent $300 on Move controllers and used them once. Bit disapointed with that.

Other than the hard drive less version, the 360 price is still high, very much so for a 7 year old piece of kit. I'm very surprised as to how well its maintained its price.

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Edited By davedrastic

PS4 needs to have fair pricing. If they price it high it will still sell, but will not gain the market share that it would if it was priced competitively, and they've already given way too much market share to Microsoft and Nintendo, and have also lost out to Apple and Google (Android).

They ought to focus on cross platform downloadable distribution, with no or little DRM. And they need to put an on/off switch on their machines. My PS3 hangs frequently and pulling the plug out and putting it back in is a real pain.

I'd also say leave the controller alone. One of the reasons i've stuck with the PS2 and PS3 is because of the controller. Having said that, my hands have hurt a lot this generation. Sore thumb nails, aching inner hand. My thumb has even been numb for 2 days straight. So that's not at all good.

And it must have PS3 backwards compatibility. I've never cared for backwards compatability previously but there are so many good games this generation, and games that offer tremendous multiplayer, that it really ought to be catered for.

I also can't imagine that the PS4 would be a massive improvement on PS3. For me, the PS3 is a massive improvement on PS2, not only graphically, but perhaps mostly because of the wireless controllers and beng hooked up to a 42" plasma the overall experience is far superior than playing PS1 or PS2 on a dodgy CRT screen and being hampererd by wired controllers.

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Edited By davedrastic

Why are so many commenters saying that the case is for a billion dollars? I didn't read that. It just mentions that CoD has made Actviision billions of dollars, it doesn't say V and Z want all of it, just the agreed to amount that they're entitled to as per their contracts, of which we don't have the particulars.

Sounds to me that this lawyer is very confident, but I suppose they all do. The $42m payout seems like an admission of guilt to me. Whoopsy, we forgot to pay you, no matter it's only $42m, all sorted now, right?

The interesting part to me is if V&Z do get half rights to MW, what will that mean? If they make a new MW game will Actiivision get half the profits? Will V&Z be able to effectively take over the MW franchise if they see fit?

As far as I can see, V&Z developed what is still the best FPS engine out there and so we can only hope and expect that they can replicate that and take things to the next level. From that their next game ought to be pretty special. The one after that even better.