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#1  Edited By casharmy
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@ArchoNils2 said:

@vfighter: Neither you nor the TC ever reduced the topic to consoles only. Yes, it's true that Sony has a fantstic run with their consoles, but I really don't see how Sony "dominating" in last gen. But again, we need to define how a console dominates. If it is by sales, as you said, Wii won. Even if you ignore the Wii, most of the time there were more x360s sold. ....

lol FALSE...why do you keep spouting BS?

Damn dude why do you keep posting the same shit that was already proved wrong? I don't even need to post a sales list to logically point out how what you said is FALSE.

1. 360 launced 1 year ahead of PS3 and Wii. Thus at the time it was on the market it was competing against no current gen systems FACT.

2. By the time PS4 and Wii launched 360 had a 10 million user install base.

Most important note

3. By the end of the generation Wii destoryed PS3 and 360 in sales and...PS3 and 360 BOTH ended up with 80 min units tied....

So...How did you come to the conclusion that "most of the time there were more x360s sold"?

Wrap your head around this concept buddy...

360 was getting OUTSOLD the entire time other console from the same gen were on the market! There is no damage controling for you here, this is a FACT. Wii dominated and 360 and PS3 ended up tied...this after a 1 year start and 10 mil install base for 360 at the time PS3 and Wii launched.

360 can't outsell something that isn't being sold (the time other systems weren't on the market) 360 was LOSING the entire generation.

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#2  Edited By casharmy
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@ArchoNils2 said:

@quadknight: @casharmy: How exactly am I a "fanboy" (of whatever) when I stated in my post that the Ps3 was my fav. console last gen? oO Do you guys actually read what I wrote? And I'm still waiting for your definition of how a system "wins". Is the definition of "winning" that the system has "Last of Us" on it? If so, that's a pretty silly definition

lol..YOU'RE...the one who said PS3 "lost" to 360 so it's pretty funny to see you sit here and try to ask ME what my definition of winning was.

So what were you thinking when YOU made that statement? (it's pretty clear you were referring to sales but wutever, play dumb)

Then when I showed how 360 actually DIDN'T win, you deflected to trying to talk about GAMES (goal post maneuver) and out of damage control and desperation YOU tried to belittle Sony's exclusive catalog by making the idiotic statement that only fanboys of the system liked them...THEN I bought up TLOU so yeah, you got OWNED there too.

The only reason that game was brought up was because of how idiotic your backtracking, goal post maneuver argument was. Stop damage controling, deflecting and attempting to change the subject and it wouldn't even have been bought up.

Take that L dude.

You made some really dumb statements and then made yourself look worse tring to defend them. Think before you post BS next time and you wont have to backtrack. Best thing for you to do is accept the loss and move on.

Common knowledge on here that whenever someone talks about "winning" or "losing" a generation it's referring to sales. So lets not play dumb here as to what the definition of winning means here unless it's other wise stated. Nice try but your profile says you've been a poster since June, 27 2005...Hold this L!

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#3  Edited By casharmy
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@i_p_daily said:
@charizard1605 said:
@aroxx_ab said:

Japan got bad taste i see...

No, that's just you

Well to be fair 4/5 games are japanese and not many if any would be considered GOTY material, well except by a few people on here.

Don't get me wrong as i'm not saying these games are bad, but a Japanese game winning Japanese game of the year is hardly news worthy, now if a non Japanese game won Japanese GOTY that would be news worthy lol.

You're an idiot. Yes xbot, Japanese games are some of the best games the industry has to offer, always has been, but you mad because they are on PS4? lol

Your profound xbox fanboyism has turly damaged your brain it seems. News flash butthurt and damage controlling xbot, Japanese games usually end up winning about half of all the GOTY awards during any given generation and yes I talking in the western region.

Lemmings always talking out of the delusional fantasyland where their simple minded restricted tastes are the voice of the industry...REALITY CHECK you're the minority opinion.

In case you forgot there are already 2 JAPANESE games that have already received 10/10 on this website alone but keep preaching your silly "lol japanese games" nonsense as if any games you stand behind have the same reception.

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#4 casharmy
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@mems_1224 said:

So like 3 people?

Sorry this isn't talking about how many people own xbone in japan.

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#5 casharmy
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lol what is, "as good as PC" do you know how abstract and idiotic that sounds? PS4 pro is $400 or less and a complete system.

Can you build a complete PC for $400 that's much better than PS4 Pro if not then...yea I is "as good as PC" based on respective pricing.

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#6  Edited By casharmy
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@ArchoNils2 said:
@uninspiredcup said:
@mojito1988 said:

PC. That is all.

PC will never dominate when it comes to sales outside of RTS and MMO's.

Even then, with the likes the Destiny, that is changing rapidly.

Are you serious or just horrible informed?

@casharmy: I guess the problem is how we define "dominating" and "losing". If you look at (console) sales, it's obvious that the Wii won. If you look at which console offers the best experience of most games (3rd party), the x360 won. So what does Sony have? Exclusives that resonate well with the fanboys of the system?...... sound like an idiot now and I know i'm dealing with a fanboy that talks out his ass to try to make arguments.

Look you do realize that Sony has exclusive that not just win at GS, but the MAJORITY of GOTY awards throughout the entire industry right? 360 xbox NEVER had any games to accomplish that feat. You're asking what it has? Wow I guess you forgot how the generation panned out then.

I can see you also tried to move goal posts when I logically disproved your argument about PlayStation "losing" to 360 and tried to come with an even more idiotic one trying to discredit it's games that really makes you look desperate.

You just said some really stupid and fanboy driven shit that pretty much kills any credibility you had on the topic we were discussing.

I guess you like to make up your own reality covered in whatever nonsense you can think of to cover for your brain dead post. Want to argue professional journalist are all Sony fanboys as well...that would be a good one, that should be your next damage control post......

@ArchoNils2 " Exclusives that resonate well with the fanboys of the system"

"Bu but...teh fanboys of the system?"

Whatever you say nub, keep typing stupid shit, it goes good the first post of yours I quoted.

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#7  Edited By casharmy
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@uninspiredcup said:
@mojito1988 said:

I think we just game on different planets. My Steam account alone has over 400 games from all eras of gaming ready to go at the touch of a button. Some were made by 3 people in a basement, others are budget blockbusters. That is the joy of open dev. Consoles cannot offer what PC can. It is what it is. I own all the Consoles, but now with Steam, I am starting to fail to see the point of them. Consoles just seem to limiting for me now. Open dev inspires creativity and I love that. To each their own.

Steams library grows every day. Sadly, while Sony gets blockbuster titles the likes of Uncharted 4 (System Wars as well as my own personal game of the year) pc gamers get incredibly low quality titles that both Sony and Microsoft would vehemently reject out of company reputation, if nothing else.

Valve have no qualms. In fact, a huge portion of steam library appeared recently, not because of a sudden rise of interest, but because of a flood gate being open for any have-a-go developer with unity assets.

This is the standard the self proclaimed, "master race" and their apparent ideological gods have attached themselves too.

PC gamers still mad that out of their hundred millions game selection they so brazenly brag about that none of them have the quality to win GOTYs.

Funny that we hear how amazing PC games are but none of them get the kind of critical reception of console exclusives like The Last of US, Uncharted, Zelda or Mario Galaxy get which are EXCLUSIVE CONSOLE games that win the majority of GOTY awards over the PC's countless titles that hermits rant about on these forums like now.

"Bu but the bias" right?

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#8  Edited By casharmy
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@ArchoNils2 said:
@vfighter said:

They haven't lost a gen yet so I see them dominating as long as they stay in the console game. The delusional fanboys on this site are amusing, but they can't seem to face or look at reality very well.

They haven't "lost" a gen in your opinion maybe. I think they "lost" both handheld gens against Nintendo and "lost" against the x360 last gen.

lol NO...they didn't lose against the 360 last gen.

360 was the biggest loser last gen no matter how you try to slice it. They ended up TIED with PS3 and completely dominated by the wii...when 360 had a 1 year head start and a 10 million lead to start off the generation.

Do you understand how that translates my friend? If not let me break it down for you.

Translation: 360 was being outsold sold by BOTH PS3 and Wii the entire time it was on the market. 360 completely lost.

lol how the hell do you come to the conclusion that playstation "lost"against 360 is a mystery but the reality is even if it lost (to Wii) 360 didn't win over them (when PS3 factually out sold it the entire time it was on the market)

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#9  Edited By casharmy
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@Alucard_Prime said:

Are you talking about the machine or the games portfolio? As far as games are concerned, there is no domination. Some genres are handled better and are overall better represented on the Sony machines, whereas other machines such as the Xbox One .... handle some other genres better. ....

XOne currently is selling very close to PS4 numbers, so there is no "domination" on the hardware front either,...

@speedfreak48t5p said:

Didn't even know Sony was dominating anything.

@Phazevariance said:

Pretty sure MS is already dominating seeing as Windows 10 is their top gaming platform, far far above what Sony has in sales.

And..........THIS is why you can't take lemmings opinion on anything seriously.

To even suggest that Sony isn't dominating is delusional and detached from reality at this point.

Sony's white wash this gen is the reason why MS stopped reporting ALL sales figures for either console or videogames figures, but let's remember, according to the rodent defense squad, there is no domination lol.

These posts from rose tented xbox fanboys can roughly be translated to...

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#10 casharmy
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@kingtito said:

Nope cause what you said has nothing to do with the actual article. I just found it a typical response from a moronic cow such as yourself.

Those claims are going off actual sales and again typical fanboy rhetoric. Still has nothing to do with what Phil said in the article. What he said is pretty true of any company selling a product. You're just sooo full of hate for MS that you'd see and make up what you want from an article.

Dense I tell you. I just explained what the article states you moron. I never made any claims because this isn't an article about any specific sales for any particular game. Your hate is going to cause serious health issues you angry little cow. I suggest you take a break

Well, actually the only losers here are the ones that actually think their opinion is a fact....guess that means you're a loser

lol man you are so mad it's funny.

Go ahead be angry and lash out at me with tears in your little rodent eyes because the truth is the mortal enemy of xbox fanboys like you. I won't hold it against you little guy.

I understand, you xbro fanboys don't buy games and Phil pretty much confirms that in the article that they need games to sell in order to take a chance on making sequels and you're upset and hurt because I pointed it out.

Too bad so sad. Call me names and scream at your computer screen and maybe it will help you sleep better at night but the reality won't change.

Happy meltdown xbot lol.