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#1 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

The graphics are not mind blowing.. Nothing compressed. Multiple languages. Would work on 2 DVD9 disks.

All true MGS fans should be used to 2 disks and im sure none of them had a problem with it.


You must be 10. Even a 50GB Blu-ray isnt enough for MGS4, which is why Kojima has to compress some parts of the game.

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#2 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

Nothing new to cows, its been happening for years

Ps2 multi-tab to have more then one person play with you

Memory cards

Additional Network adapter

Hard drive

Now this :)

I think it says in the bible, Thow cow shall be milked by sony.


While i agree the price is somewhat ridiculous, your post proved you know nothing.

-Mulitap to play with more than 1 person? um no, there was two ports dude, typical for a a multiplayer (not like Super smash bros is on the damn system)

-Memory cards? PS3 doesnt even support memory cards, everything is HDD. I can tell you what other systems does, and one doubling the price just to have "Wii" written on top of it.

-The new PS2s dont have addictional adapters, its internal. And those were the majority of the sales. But if you want to talk about the $30 modem you get... um it was only $30. And it was released 2 years after the PS2 was, there was no time o bundle. But hey, i can name a company (again) that charges a crapload for a wireless adapter, something that comes free in the Wii, PS3, and even the cheap DS and PSP. wow.

-Hard drive. Probably your only good point, but they more than made up for it with the PS3 support.

Good luck.

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#3 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

[QUOTE="mouthpeace01"][QUOTE="linkin_guy109"]re5 is on the ps3 to you know...and gears 2 and uncharted 2 possibly?mouthpeace01

who then why not say MGS4 is going to MS....by that logic???

uhh...re5 was always supposed to be on the ps3 along with the 360? mgs4 is (as of right now) a ps3 exclusive?

but you just compared one of the best games from this gen and compared it to dude raider?

no, he compared gears to another one of the great games this gen. dude raider? grow up already.

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#4 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

[QUOTE="Hydrolex"]Multiple disks ? LOL that's sad dude. do you think that's good ?BambooBanger

As if swapping disks has ever been a problem:roll: Unless you're a lazy, fat, useless person who can't stand up walk 2 feet to your console and change CDs:| But I doubt that's the case here.

Some of you ( like the person i quoted) are complete retards. This is not a linear game like FF, or Lost Odessey. This is a SANDBOX game, like grand theft auto, or crackdown. Moving and driving from place and to place having to change disks every 5 mins will be annoying, and not an option.

This is where full game installation on PC and Blu-ray come into place.


...where does one begin....

I dont know, you tell me

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#6 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

[QUOTE="Anti-Gamer"]People still play tekken?anotherhaloguy1

Why wouldn't they?

Because it's terrible. Give me my VF and SF.

you couldn't be any more right


You agree and yet you havent played a tekken game since the PS1 era?

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#7 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

Killzone 2 was announced in May 2005. It looks like it will be three full years before it is actually released. Why should we think that this game will be released less than a year after it's announced?Detlev

Because its Insomniac. they delivered a full luanch game for the "so hard to develop for" PS3 and then 11 months later released ANOTHER full game for the same system.

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#8 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

For you tards who has never played Resistnace and are downplaying and saying this is a bad idea, dont know the structure of Resistance 1.

Here are some things to know:

1. Cercerning the issue (omg 60 players??! how can you communicate with everyone talking at once).

-Easy, just as in R1 (resistance 1) there are squads within your team, where only those people can hear you.

(Oh but that sucks ifonly 5 people can hear you, what about the rest of the team?!?!). It's open mic within the squad, and you press and hold R3 (?) to talk to the rest of the team on the fly.

(But its the PS3 and no one has mics!!1!) - Shush it, its true in games like WArhawk and even COD4 no one talks, but the community in Resistance is just as alive as any community on any console/platform. Plus theres actually a reason to communite even more now, with squads and medics and etc.


2. Concerning the issue (omg its 60 players?!?! wtf its going to be chaotic!!)

-True, if that was the default/mandatory setting. Resistance 1 had many game types fit for 40 players, and usually deathmatches were much smaller maps of 16 or 32 players. that was the usual. From experience, 40 player matches were very rare, and not every map supported it anyways.

-(The lag? omfg the laggag.) shush it, its well known now that Sony online games DO NOT LAG. warhawk with all those planes at high speed and missles flying and explosives and 32 players never lagged. Same with resistance and their 40 players online. Even my friend who had a constant bad connection over games like Socom, FFXI, and CAC never lagged in those games. Its simply amazing and is nothing to be worried about.

-The only cercern should be map design. Respawn points shouldnt be an issue, they learned and patched R1 of those problems.

map design if the key and only cercern for this to work. Everything else is covered.

As for graphics, etc. Just check the upgrade from Resistance to R&C, all within a year. Keep in mind Resistance 1 was also just a launch game. PD0 looked like complete crap compared to games 2 years later on the 360. Pus, you cant go wrong with 60 artists employed under that team.

and, this has been confirmed by Jstevenson. no BS here. and...

please, fanboys, I understand you love your console but give respect to this annoucment. This will only make your favorite games better. This is competition. I appreciated it when Halo 3 went ahead with the features they had online, with recording ur matches and such. That only will make online gaming better. So chill out, and be happy thatt with atleast conole gaming, things are being pushed ahead.

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#9 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

I was also surprised at GS not putting up Uncharted in any of those categories. Even in platforming (which the game can be a platform, somewhat) there was only 4 choices, while the usual max is 5?

Those of you saying it got an 8.0, why would it deserve a nomination? It's graphics, sound and character performance were over the top, yet its not recognized for it? the 8.0 reflects on the game length and difficulty more than what it actually there. And whats there is a great looking game.

"Oh, maybe it was released to late into the year". Really? So why are Mass Effect, Rock Band, and Unrreal Tournament all nominated when their official release dates were all after Uncharted?

There's simply no excuse, except that GS flat-out dislikes Uncharted.

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#10 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

But Uncharted looks way better then GeoW. Soo... um yeah. The PS3 is better.


Discounting the pre-render cutscenes and just going by gameplay areas then uncharted isn't that much better then Gears of War. Sure uncharted is better then Gears graphics wise but its a puddle not a canyon in the comparison chart and thats running them both at fully supported resolutions.

Its the animation system that sets the major difference. When you play both, you will notice there is a "canyon" of a difference.