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#1 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

Man some of you guys can be really dumb sometimes (im looking at you especially, pimpshiggity).

First off, how are those pictures ANY proof that they are the PS3 version? I dont see any X and O button icons.

Second, those pictures were taken with a digi camera from a SDTV, its so obvious because of the rainbows in the clear background. The pics are way too low quality to even discuss about, for wwhatever system, Discuss over OFFICIAL pictures at the very least.

Third, no way in hell is COD4 going to look that bad. We all seen the trailers, we all see official pics. Some amatuer posts his own pics of the game from his low-end TV and some fanboy (whos not man enough to call himself a fanboy) decides to claim its the PS3 version.

Then someone with a PIMP in this name was blind enough to follow his lead like a puppy on a leash and quoted a meaningless quote from PSU.com. If ur allowed to quote that opinion countless times, why arent the cows allowed to quote that opinion about the PS3 having better textures and lighting? hmm?

Anyways, PC 360 or PS3, COD4 will look and play wonderful. Stop trying to down the efforts of these devs just to try to ruin the rep of the console you hate so much. Infinity Ward doesnt deserve that.


Actually, these pix are shots of the game running in HD. The pix were taken by someone who owns the retail PS3 version of COD 4 (He has pix to prove it). Sorry but you self-owned yourself kid. =(

and proof of the HDTV? or you're going to say you were at his house when he took the pics. either way, read my whole post, and u'll see i wasnt "self-owned" or whatever meme u wasnt to use.

It's obvious that it's in HD. 1. The size of the images. 2. COD 4 in SD would look almost like an Xbox game which isn't the case.

Btw, how am I trying to ruin the rep of the the PS3? How do I hate it? I own a PS3 and I love it. PSN= DaBay650. Self-owned!

lol who are you trying to fool? no one who "loves" a system will go this far to claim it has an infurier version of a great game on a set of forums full of immature kids that believe anything someone says.

its NOT obvious its in HD. It looks more SD than anything. maybe its the compression of the pics, but that quality is terrible, which is probably whats creating those jaggies.

but regardless, show me a pic from the 360 version in the same spot, same TV, and show that there are no jaggies there. i will claim "self ownage". til then, or atleast until the game reviews come out, please stop trying to riddle the forums with nonsense

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#2 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

Man some of you guys can be really dumb sometimes (im looking at you especially, pimpshiggity).

First off, how are those pictures ANY proof that they are the PS3 version? I dont see any X and O button icons.

Second, those pictures were taken with a digi camera from a SDTV, its so obvious because of the rainbows in the clear background. The pics are way too low quality to even discuss about, for wwhatever system, Discuss over OFFICIAL pictures at the very least.

Third, no way in hell is COD4 going to look that bad. We all seen the trailers, we all see official pics. Some amatuer posts his own pics of the game from his low-end TV and some fanboy (whos not man enough to call himself a fanboy) decides to claim its the PS3 version.

Then someone with a PIMP in this name was blind enough to follow his lead like a puppy on a leash and quoted a meaningless quote from PSU.com. If ur allowed to quote that opinion countless times, why arent the cows allowed to quote that opinion about the PS3 having better textures and lighting? hmm?

Anyways, PC 360 or PS3, COD4 will look and play wonderful. Stop trying to down the efforts of these devs just to try to ruin the rep of the console you hate so much. Infinity Ward doesnt deserve that.


Actually, these pix are shots of the game running in HD. The pix were taken by someone who owns the retail PS3 version of COD 4 (He has pix to prove it). Sorry but you self-owned yourself kid. =(

and proof of the HDTV? or you're going to say you were at his house when he took the pics. either way, read my whole post, and u'll see i wasnt "self-owned" or whatever meme u wasnt to use.

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#3 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

Man some of you guys can be really dumb sometimes (im looking at you especially, pimpshiggity).

First off, how are those pictures ANY proof that they are the PS3 version? I dont see any X and O button icons.

Second, those pictures were taken with a digi camera from a SDTV, its so obvious because of the rainbows in the clear background. The pics are way too low quality to even discuss about, for wwhatever system, Discuss over OFFICIAL pictures at the very least.

Third, no way in hell is COD4 going to look that bad. We all seen the trailers, we all see official pics. Some amatuer posts his own pics of the game from his low-end TV and some fanboy (whos not man enough to call himself a fanboy) decides to claim its the PS3 version.

Then someone with a PIMP in this name was blind enough to follow his lead like a puppy on a leash and quoted a meaningless quote from PSU.com. If ur allowed to quote that opinion countless times, why arent the cows allowed to quote that opinion about the PS3 having better textures and lighting? hmm?

Anyways, PC 360 or PS3, COD4 will look and play wonderful. Stop trying to down the efforts of these devs just to try to ruin the rep of the console you hate so much. Infinity Ward doesnt deserve that.

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#4 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

when Killzone 1 scored a 6.9 here


And only sold 750k copies on a systemwith a 120 million userbase?


......really? :?


Jesus rose, if you're going to include the worldwide sales numbers of the PS2, atleast include the worldwide numbers of Killzone as well.

Syou forgot to include that it sold well over 2 million in Europe alone.

Way to go to bend information.

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#5 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

I give it a 7.5. Too much colors.

All jokes aside, thats a pretty good pic. Hours of effort def shows in the quality of the pic.

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#6 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

[QUOTE="Chutebox"]Wow, lots of ignorance towards PSN on this thread. Maybe people should look it up first before posting false claims.farrell2k

Oh man ur terrible. Play resistance online. You will never see lag, i promise you that. Play warhawk, you will hardly ever see lag, only some of those members that has ridiculous connection issues. and its a case by case type of thing, not as if the entire room will lag.

EXACTLY! Anyone who makes ridiculous claims about PSN being lag free is just plain dumb. There is no such thing as lag free online anything. There is always lag. Always.

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#7 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

**Response to VoodooHak, since For some reason i cannot quote you**

True, it wouldnt be a problem if voice chat was a standard. But it also wouldnt be a problem if they werent lazy devs. Why other games have it yet they cant simply implement it? They still have 5 months to work on this game and yet they made this poor decision this early. And whos going to play they crappy Blacksite game anyways? Thank god its been delayed, that game needed work.

Also, you forgot to mention PS3 version doesnt support Coop

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#8 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

[QUOTE="Mardil"]Cool, but isn't the experience what matters? The 360 version is going to have the better online, but of course the PC version will be the best one.mastarifla

what's the difference with live and psn ? besides the uber achivements ?
i'm getting sick of you 360 fans always saying live is better.. psn is free and lag free.

Lag free? Have you noticed there are much less people playing on PSN rather than XBL? XBL has to keep up all of the Xbox 1's titles online as well, then you have to realize that when a newer installment of a game comes to the PS3 they will discontinue online play of the older title. Just look at MGS3 Substance for a great example. Konami shut it down to promote playing of the PSP version. Whereas with XBL you can still play games like crimson skies online.... you get what you paid for.

This is a example of a post from someone who is not smart at all.

First off, try playing Madden 06 on the 360. Or any EA title that has 07 at the end. Can't get online cant ya? thats because NO MATTER WHAT SYSTEM, ONLINE PLAY FOR MOST TITLES WILL BE RETIRED. dont be a fool, MGS3:substitence online was just a test for the upcoming MGS4 online. If you play it, and read the opening message, it was clear that what it was. Socom 1, for the PS2, which came out in 2002 is still online. And free. SO what are you talking about lil kid? Get a brain.

And yes, PSN is lag free. Each game has their own dedicated servers. Its not on PSN as a whole. Think a little bit, research a little bit, and you can not sound like a fool and correct ur false statements yourself.

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#9 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

No lag, check!


Idiot cow

Lag occurs in all of the on-line gaming platforms. Dedicated servers don't mean no lag fool. If there are players connected to that server that have a high ping than that will lag the server.

Its obvious you havent done any online gaming on PSN. Theres no lag, especially in Resistance. And in Warhawk, its super rare to see a plane skip ahead. And that game runs really fast.

Hes not an idiot cow

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#10 bkslayer
Member since 2003 • 367 Posts

[QUOTE="bkslayer"]Im laughing at everyone here speaking about grips and physics and "omg, driving on grass is same as asphalt". Not only is this a video of someone playing a "demo of a demo", but you cant see taht there are options to play in "professional" and "simulation" which are the real deal. this guy is playing on the default option, which is made for a casual to play. theres assistance in driving and it is not so difficult to lose control of the car. but of course, u boys only see a video some amatuer made and judge the ENTIRE game on it. hilarious. play the damn thing urself, then judge all u wantChofee

The only assistance in driving that gets you through the grass like that is the assistance from God.. I really don't see the point of a track in this game.. They should remove it alltogether and plant grass everywhere.. It seems to work wonders for car handling..

the guy did a straightaway on the grass. he wasnt even "driving" on it. he barely made a turn.

play the damn game kid, and YOU try driving on the grass, and report back here if they still need to "remove the track and add grass everywhere".

stop trying to thrash the game you havent even touched.