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#1 ThreeVo
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Personally, I was disapointed with Chrono Cross. Partly because I absolutely love Chrono Trigger and was expecting a game of its calibur or better as a sequal (which turned out not to be the direct sequal...Radical Dreamers was for an add on to the Super Famicom. Playing it answered questions that Chrono Cross seemed to jump over regarding story and timeline).

As for LoD, I rather liked that game. It had a slightly more unique battle system in how you attack (though original it is not). Regarding the resemblence...Vayne's final form appearance is far more intricate as GuttersnipeMav stated than Dart's. I wish they had come out with a second...but it just couldnt compete.

Are you even aware of the intentions that Masano Kato was implying to Crono cross? It is truly aggrivating when u have blind poeple who praise Chrono trigger and expect something in the same relevnce whith chrono corss... read some of the directive/screen writer interviews and learn why chrono cross was made that way. Kato CLEARLY stated that he wanted to make a game that shared the same universe but portray a different expierence alltogether, it is NOT a direct sequel to chrono trigger in that digree, but rather its own stand alone game with references. And for the record i have a english rom of Radical dreamers and truth be told... it tells a small tale that can be placed within chrono corss but doesnt hold any key links that would in any way hamper chrono crosses storyline.
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#2 ThreeVo
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i did not like final fantasy 12. reminded me way to much of ffxi when u play that for 3 years about you kinda don't really want to play the samething again. it was like final fantasy 12 was trying to be a mmorpg like .hack but fell way short of it. my opion anyway. ffx-2 also 3 people and no tidus wtf lol...deathknightleo
ff12 and 11 alike? can u be a little more specific than compareing it to .hack?
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#3 ThreeVo
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I have liked them all ive played so far i wouldnt say ive disliked any. then again you are talking to a fanboyjohngebreadman
Meh.. i dont mean any disrespect, but everyone here hold Final fantasy on special regards... saying u like them all because your a fan boy is a copout imo, surely there has to be some titles that didnt strike your attention as much as others, then again it all depends on when you first started playing final fantasies.. and if that time is around the release of ff7 and on then technically your "fanboy" claim is less then stellar
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#4 ThreeVo
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ok even though they kinda made a sequal to it. i would like them to some how bring back ramza from hell in final fantasy tactics. this a "SPOLIER" if you have never played final fantasy tactics so don't read unless you want to know. ok ramza goes to hell with eveyone else you have on your team i don't understand this all to well kinda like plz let me die to deffeat the end guy. i thought it was a great great story line you see him at the end riseing off on a chocobo. so they probly could do something with that. also delta getting stabed by the assains princess was just like wow. did not see that comeing was very sweet to see at the end of the game. with all that going on the ycould remake a sequal to final fantasy tactics i say. probly would be sweet. have not played fft for a while so probly messed certain facts up. but i don't think so >deathknightleo
That wiould be completely obsurd in every fasion.... ff tactics ending was prim and proper, and provided the EXACT amount of closure that story line needed, bringing ramza back removes ALL of the games tragic irony to the tragic hero, the opening of the entire epic states the sad truth that ramzas endevors went unoticed while delita came out as the hero of ivalice, again.. bnringing him back would ruin all the emotion that ending provided.

If they want to craft a new Original fft game that takes place in the SAME ivalice that tactics did, not some stupid one that is filled with bangaas and veras, that takes place many years after, involving the zodiac stones rebirth and the curch revealing the real events that took place so many years ago, that would be far more itneresting, playing a game were ramza and his tale is the true history of ivalice. That would be great imo

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#5 ThreeVo
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My regular routine is this,

i play through any new ff game the first time with out aiming high, that means to high levels or post game bosses or gatting every item, i just straight shoot the main story.

Then i go back and replay it, blizkreig style, get absolutley everything the game has to offer in terms of maxed stats all items.

ive replayed ff7 3 times, the last play through consisted of obtaing omnislash on disc one (it can be done, stop hating) and morphing everyhting into stat boosters (255 for every stat for every cahracter = 210 hours of playtime)

I did the exact same for ff8, on the 3rd playthrough, i obtained the lionheart on disc one (redicuouls amount of card games played with zells mother was an excrutiating grind)

played 9 4 times, 3rd playthrough was a 15 hour clear for the excalibur 2 and the 4rth playthrough was to obtain everything else

im still playing ffx again for the 2nd time, and im sitting at 310 hours, doing the monster arean, earning all thes tat boosting spheres and putting them in all the empty nodes on the entire sphere grid to get everyoen at 255 in all stats, including luck!

beat 12 twice and did everything it had to offer, probably not going back to that anymore

ive beated 4 once and 5 once, and cleared 6 3 times twice on the snes back when it was released and once again on anthology for the ps1

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#6 ThreeVo
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ff2, mystic quest, and all the ff legend titles for the GB, ffx-2 was less than stellar but had a fairly entertaing gameplay system and incredible post game challanges to pull it through the mud that is known as terrible storyline and story completion prgression as well as appauling OST.
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#7 ThreeVo
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so u honestly do not think there is any similarities with the movemnt... and with selecting commands during battles, all executed with the constant mashing of the x button.. while u dodge with the square button, or any other form evasive command? or selecting a spell form ur menu?

Is the dmw not inconsistant? sure positive effects occur more frequently later on in the game, but its still random. not having a grasp on your own amount of exp.. u can earn 4 levels worth of exp but not level until u hit that lucky 7 7 7, trying to despretly level that materia up.. soo close to the attribiute u need allocated to zack, yet u have to fight constantly with ur fingers crossed that it will occur during ur current playing session. Is it too much to ask that they at least allow u to to apply some sort of playre controlled timing to trigger leveling up.. when ur exp is at the appropriet amount? or likewise for limit break?

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#8 ThreeVo
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Im not going to lie. i absolutley love the grind mechanacis as far as power leveing zack by upgrading materia.. there is plenty of looting and creation fiddling involved, and that is what keeps me hooked to games. The voice acting is fine and the story is satisfying for what its worth but i have a few issues with it that some of u might want to look at or agree with me (highly unlikely at this point : / )

In the end FFCC is still 50% Kingdom hearts when it comes to the game play fluidity.. The DMW unfortunatley is weak imo. Not having control of your limit breaks and summons and level up is saddening, at least let the player manualy stop the slots during a modulation phase.this is aggrivating especiallly when attempting to max zack out statistically.

Normal mode is a joke to say the least.. i played through half the game mindlessly mashing the x button in norm and got completley uniterested due to its difficulty curve suited for a 7 year old. So i restarted on hard mode, wich for the most part keeps fights incredibly intense but theres somthing unsatifying about "hard modes" that simply hack ur atk power in half and double the enemies, intense and challanging it may be, but a cheap way out nontheless, but that cant be avoided due to the battle motions and performance strilingly similar to Kingdom hearts. Your constantly running in and out poping cure on your self every other second, and in instances where your outnumbered, its fairly easy to get imedietly KO'd not because of your lack of skill and awarness but becuase of the games setup. Why GS didnt shine any light on the camer issue is beyond me, in hard mode u almsot have to aimn for back atack crits to increse ur odds to stagger bosses and such.. but quite often the camera is going in directions u dont want it to.. and sometimes u cant even see your self if ur fighting bigger that usual enemies.

The enviorments for a psp game are pretty nice but stagnent, comparable to early titles like mgs:po wich came out alot earlier but was never regared for its scenic performace that FFCC has been. personaly, i find the sound track incredibly annoying 75% of the time, must they put distorted rock guitar in nearly every climatic part of the game? Also, as far as the "feeling" of ff7 goes... FFCC is almost entirely absent of it aside from the familar areas, midgar is bland as ever and fails to capture to same vibe received when u first got off the train after the first mission, and meeting aris in the allyway. Dark. Industrail. appealing, it compltely set the mood. And why does everything have to be so damn cliche :(.

But since it was designed to be a handhled game, i disregard this issues and focus on the events in the main story line and take on the missions in my climb to max zack out completely, regardless of how long it takes due to an inconsistant growth system, dispite the percentage increases that u get on all teh images later in the game.

Good luck beating the game on hard with the curse ring... thats stupid, not challanging.

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#9 ThreeVo
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tbh when it comes to RPG's im not fussed with graphics (especially FF) obviously if it does have great graphics then yeah bonus, but anyway 'good' FF graphics, i thought 10 was beautiful, i much prefered it to XII.

IX had very nice graphics, i usually dont like the cartoony look but i thought it looked excellent in IX.


I agree. As i said b4, graphics is really not a fiar attribute to apply when complaring games that have been out from 86-2008 and encounting, they will constantly evolve.

This is more of a discussion of wich final fantasy provided the most attractive enviorment or atmosphere and theme, wich unfortunatley can usually only start with ff7 and up, being as they were the first offical 3d rendered final fantasies,so its much easier to immerse yourslef, not that ff1-6 were not imersive in there own right, but imo thats on another degree.

in this case i can say that its a straight tie between ff7, for its steem punk industrial feel, ff8 for its semi classic style mixed with Advanced technology, idk.... somthing about deling city and its song gets me every time, just like dollet and timber, they had to have gotten some artistic inspiration from the 50s, wich is definetley unique, and lastly, ff10, and i think it goes without saying but ill say it anyways in one word - Besaid.

12 was also appealing to me but it reminded of starwars more often than not, especialy ogre yensing sand sea area lol.

9 as well was nice but for the most part there werent too many unusual atmospheres in it, it pretty much stuck to the tried and true formula of setting, wich threw me off after experiencing 7 & 8 and there flip mode in direction

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#10 ThreeVo
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Wether you found the story great or not is shearly opinion based... but one thing is undenaibly undebatable and that is that ffta's story is on par with titles like Never Ending Story and the same degree as somthing streight from Disneys animated staff..

FFT and FFTA can not be comparedd story line wise because they are completley different in elements, You can like both, by all means, but it seriously depends on your age, me being 21, i simply cant get involved with anything other than the fun gamplay, its just not appealing.. whould u go out and watch a new disney animated movie at the same age, i deffeninetly wouldnt.. But in contrast even at the age of 14 or so i was completley able to appreciate FFTs in depth story line even though i had a hard time fallowing it the first run through (for those who dont know, fft for the psp was completley retranslated due to poor translation of the original psx version, it was much harder to fallow key plot points and character involvement).

For those who enjoy the story elements of ffta, grats, in the end its only important if the player themself enjoys the story, but plz dont put in in the same catagory as FFT.