Strategizer's comments

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Edited By Strategizer

@skunkgp1 After finishing the game last night I have to agree that the story is actually pretty good the issue is the way it was told was just confusing to most I got confused most of the way until the ending finally got it to make sense. Don't get me wrong I had an idea of where the story was going but just wasn't sure it kept ramping up then slowing down the pace was all over the place and a lot like the back story was not answered.

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@HyperXT @Hurvl Yea I haven't played the PC version but have heard there are lots of issues. Still I think the fact that all the metacritic scores average close to an 8 and I believe Alien Isolation is up there too is a good sign for the survival horror genre.

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I am a bit confused by the scoring of this reviews. I agree that the story is all over the place although I don't think it is totally bad it was just told in a very confusing way, lacked mostly any development at all I do agree that the autosaves can be a pain especially when they nail you in right in the beginning of a boss fight, although to me I never really found a boss unfairly fairly frustrating. They were just difficult, I may have got frustrated but that's just how I am with all games. The loading times though yes those are a pain. Still you praise the combat system and upgrade system and atmosphere and even say other than the few blemishes game game is tense and fun so how come it only gets a 7. It sounds more like an 8 to me. I just don't understand the way you guys decide the scores on the games.

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@thedarkoil The pistol ammo is all I really have plenty for but I guess you could say thats part cause I am upgrating abilities more than ammo stock and trying to conserve at least one ammo type for when I really need it. I do agree that I thought the ammo pickup rate would be less but still this is only normal and the enemies can still kill you easily for me shooting every enemies head off is not an option and I enjoy using the environment where I can. Also I just fought a boss which I don't want to spoil where just regular ammo doesn't work and you more or less have to use the environment to beat it. I so see the harder difficulties making ammo nonexistant though. I don't really look at this as as good as Resident evil 4 though at least not yet. The story and characters just don't measure up but I do really like the level and environment designs and the enemies. I do however enjoy it WAY more than I did RE5 and 6 I dont think they entirely suck or anything cause I did enjoy the stories but the gameplay in both especially Re6 which had no upgrade system and a clunky inventory system just took me out sometimes.

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Edited By Strategizer

@negativenil Yea I don't understand his thinking here either. Normally I don't question one's opinion but his complaint of it being the same on future playthroughs makes no since since virtually every game back in the day like you pointed out in megaman was the same each playthrough. I replayed them constantly anyway though cause they were fun and Shovel knight is really fun. It's taken the best elements of my favorite games growing up and put in a little new with the dark souls element. Also Tom if you say the checkpoint system is too forgiving then just destroy the checkpoint and try to beat the level without that would be a great challenge. I'm not knocking his score but his reasoning on this review just makes no since to me. To anyone who grew up playing mega man, mario, zelda, ducktales, or even ninja gaiden or should I even say castlevania. I really think you will enjoy this game.

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@Vambran Wow this is funny I was just about to come on here after playing the game for a while and state what you just said. His complaints make no sense. Well maybe the time it hasn't bothered me much I have already done 3 main quests and a bunch of side ones and still have 6 days left on day 5. To me there is more than enough time. especially when utilizing the chronostatsis.

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@ANUBISZER0 I understand her points I just think it's a bit harsh when games like Assassins creed and COD basically have a set formula and just add little features and upgrade graphics in some cases. (Both are great franchises not knocking down either since I have played both)

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@Xx_DemonSoul_xX @RicanV I did the same. I am really not sure bout the season pass yet and besides I am already getting pokemon this month for my 3ds. I am stretching this month to get that and this so I really can't afford another $20 right now anyway and even if I could I would put it towards Blackgate on the 3ds.

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@faizanhd Well thanks for the info on the game. I can see what you're saying but trust me I have seen other interviews with this guy it may sound like he is saying he is a pioneer or something but he respects the history of video games and games like 'No one lives forever' and Silent hill 3 and that's why Ellie was made to show more games with non-sexualized female leads are like and hopefully more companies could make games with leads like those characters.

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Edited By Strategizer

@WheelerJared Yea I know what you mean I sort of took a break on kh chain of memories I will be getting back to it this week though. Just be warned it is hard to break from GTAv at least for me.