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#1 SkyGTRline
Member since 2009 • 58 Posts

What drives you to continue using this peculiar system? I think its a great system with shovelware in its way of shining and could make some quality games. What are your reasons?


Games that aren't possible on any other system other than Wii. Franchises that you won't find on any other system other than Wii. Sure, the system could use much more quality software, but the ones it currently has are top-notch and 2009 has the potential to be the Wii's biggest year yet.

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#2 SkyGTRline
Member since 2009 • 58 Posts
They're both completely different games with Resident Evil 4 being a action packed survival horror and House of the Dead being one of those shooters you'd find at arcades. That said, if you only were to choose one and you haven't played Resident Evil 4, I'd recommend picking it up for the Wii over House of the Dead. It is a very nice game with endless replay value even if it has no multiplayer, with high incentives for such replay. If you're looking for a multiplayer game though, I'd recommend House of the Dead.
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#3 SkyGTRline
Member since 2009 • 58 Posts

[QUOTE="clicketyclick"]Well I've never played Ninja Gaiden but aren't they supposed to be maddeningly difficult? This game seems to have a very different approach - I don't think they're even in the same genre. Also, it's a little hard to gauge the AI from watching other people play unfinished versions of the game.Madmangamer364

Yeah, the Ninja Gaiden games are challenging, but is done so in a way that once you get the hang of the game, it's pretty rewarding. Anyways, wouldn't you consider Madworld an action game? I really didn't see anything else that would suggest any other genre. I won't argue with the fact that being an unfinished version game and all, the difficultly could have been toned down just for the purpose of playing it. If it was just how easy the game looked, though, I wouldn't have been so concerned. The actual combat system itself just seems to be kinda lacking when compared to other games I've seen in the genre. It wasn't even so much that the AI was easy, but the fact that it seemed like nothing was actually be done but watching different killing animations. The game actually did give off sort of a NG-ish vibe in a few ways (pretty much the reason I brought it up, alongside someone else saying the same thing), but it just didn't seem fulfilling to have any advanced techniques under your belt here and there. Seeing as how this game is being made for the more advanced gamer in mind, I don't think it's too much to ask for a little depth.

Still, for all I know, Madworld could be just that. I was merely speaking my own impression of the video. It's not like I'm the one that was actually playing the game, though, so take my words with a grain of salt. :P

Naruto fan eh? Real nice anime, one of my favorites especially if you've been paying attention to the manga where all hell is breaking loose at the moment.

From what I've seen with Madworld, I hate the art style but I'm still going to give it a rent. If it had multiplayer co-op though, it'd be one of the first reasons I'd buy it. I'm not too sure why, but the game reminds me of Super Double Dragon on SNES.

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#4 SkyGTRline
Member since 2009 • 58 Posts

What does nintendo gain from taking their sweet time with releasing games? Earthbound would be a huge money maker along with majoras mask. I'm just getting really impatient for earthbound and frustrated with nintendo in general.kingofcosmos231

Logically speaking from a business standpoint, the timing of their releases now would be much more profitable than releasing it all at once. This allows everyone to give each game - regardless of whether its great or not - much more focus and attention as there are countless titles you wouldn't have heard of or even thought about trying if it weren't for this system. Just my opinion.

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#5 SkyGTRline
Member since 2009 • 58 Posts

DK64 was one of the best games ever made. Imo

It was a awesome single player and had some of the best muiltplayer modes also.

We need more DK!!!



With WiiMotion+! Everyone's favorite oversized baboon has been M.I.A. for quite a while now, he deserves his shot at the Wii spotlight.

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#6 SkyGTRline
Member since 2009 • 58 Posts

You have proven my point. Super Mario Galaxy is what many consider the best of what the Wii has to offer and I feel that the Wii could do so much more than what is being produced on it right now. Thus the low score that I gave to the game for the reasons I put in my review.

How am I supposed to act as the consumer? Should I be all happy and cheerful and say that everything is all right when it is not? NO! Things need to change and you even agree with that. I am not being pessimistic, I am being realistic with the state of game releases for the Wii.

In your own words, you mentioned titles such as Super Mario Galaxy are worth keeping because you consider it the best of what the Wii has to offer and then went ahead and gave it a 4.5 - implying a score such as that is among the best of what the Wii has to offer which is what I find a direct contradiction, unless you're saying the latter holds true in which case I find any further participation in this discussion on my part pointless.

Disliking a game because it doesn't suit your tastes is one thing, giving it a bad score in a review due to your dislike is another. You seem unable to differentiate the difference between opinion and fact, so let me bring up an example from your Super Mario Galaxy review:

The next thing that I noticed was how terrible the graphics for the game were. I know that the Wii is very lacking in this department, but Nintendo could have put much more effort in this department.

Your opinion here states that the graphics are terrible in Super Mario Galaxy and that Nintendo "could have put much more effort into this department" - and achieve what exactly? Surpassing what the general public and media have come to accept on what is arguably the best looking game to date on the console? Again, you're free to have your own opinions on the matter but you can't expect to be taken seriously when subjective remarks are labeled as absolute facts in this regard especially when it comes from someone who hasn't yet enjoyed a single game on the Wii. I doubt I'm too far off when I say I'm doing you a favor by suggesting you to sell the Wii that you've been so unsatisfied with, because chances are if you haven't enjoyed a single game on the console to date, you're better off spending your "hardcore gamer" dollars elsewhere.
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#7 SkyGTRline
Member since 2009 • 58 Posts

Same problem every year

Users wont have all the good games and if they do have all the good games they have another platform to go to

I do get sick of people (not you thread creator, just getting a rant out of the water) who can't buy all the good games out there and then complain of the release schedule.

It's like "do you have all the games?"


"Then shut up of your face"


I own all three consoles and the Wii is the only one that I don't buy games for. All of the other systems seem to be getting big games (ie. Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, MGS 4, GTAIV, etc.) on a monthly basis, where as the Wii gets a big name game once a year from Nintnedo... if we are lucky. What about the people who do buy all the good games for the Wii and are waiting months for the next to come out only to find that it is one of the worst games they have ever played? I agree that people shouldn't go around saying the Wii has no good games because there are a few. But to say that the Wii has a good or even decent library is an overstatement most likely driven by fanboyism. The people who have spent their hard earned money on the Wii deserve to be getting great games to play like the other consoles do, but sadly it just isn't happening.

Again, WHY are you here? Go to System Wars or the 360 or PS3 board. Thank you come again!

I am here because I own a Nintendo Wii and this is the place to talk about the Wii. I entered this topic (NOT made by me) which is originally about the Wii having problems with major releases. I put in my 2 cents about the topic and agreed with the TC. I want the Wii to succeed but tht TRUTH of the matter is, it is not. If you don't like what I have to say then just ignore me, but I would like to be able to post my approptiate opinions in appropriate topics.

Your definitions of success must be very demanding. Of course the current state of software releases could be much better, but there really is no need to go about with that negative tone you've been bringing to this board. Yes as you state, you have the right just as everyone else to post your opinions, but you also have to take into account of the fact that if you contradict yourself in ways such as:

Here are the games I own for the Wii:

Super Mario Galaxy

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Mario Kart Wii

Wii Sports

No More Heroes

Super Paper Mario

I have also bought and sold many other games but these are the ones I hang onto because they are considered the best of what the Wii has to offer. That is a total of 6 games.


And then going ahead to rate Super Mario Galaxy a 4.5 - a game in your own words in the above quotes "considered the best of what the Wii has to offer.", you relieve yourself of whatever credibility you may have had prior by leading people around in circles. I agree that the Wii needs killer applications in a wider variety, but being pessimistic and constantly complaining is certainly no way to go about making that a reality. Think of the time you could've spent renting potential games you may like that may warrant your purchase :idea:
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#8 SkyGTRline
Member since 2009 • 58 Posts

1. Bowser's Castle (Wii)

2. Rainbow Road (Wii)

3. Grumble Volcano (Wii)

4. Airship Fortress (DS)

5. DK's Mountain (GC)

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#9 SkyGTRline
Member since 2009 • 58 Posts

The Wii-mote does take more battery power when the Nunchuck is attached, I don't know how much more however. The batteries that come with the Wii-mote lasted pretty long, but after that each new battery was drained pretty quickly, so I bought some rechargable ones. The rechargable batteries last about two weeks, which is more than 20 hours in my case. sicteliko

I would all recommend all Wii owners the WiiMote Charge Dock. The package comes with a dock and rechargeable battery packs for two WiiMote controllers. You just take out the battery slide on the back of the controller and replace it with the rechargeable pack. It even has a nice blue glow touch to it when its recharging and the glow stops when the battery is full. It takes a few hours to fully charge, but you would eventually just have the habit of just leaving the controllers on the docks when you're done playing. No more AA batteries this way:

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#10 SkyGTRline
Member since 2009 • 58 Posts

Wow, some of you people are unbelievable and deserve to see more shovelware and mini-game fests on the Wii.

Most of you though appreciate when developers bring us more traditional, long term, classic gaming with high production values and a dedication to the traditional gamer that owns a Wii.

This is not a thread to promote violent blood spewing games, grow up, do you consider a game where you're a tarantula such a game?

Deadly Creatures is both imaginative in its presentation and dedicated in it's production values.

Do I think us traditional gamers buying these games is going to lead to more such games, yes, don't be ignorant. If Deadly Creatures moves a million copies your damn right were getting a sequel.

You don't want people on boards telling other people what to buy, I don't care, last Holiday was the WORST Holiday period for a Nintendo console owner I can ever remember. If coming on a board and urging people to buy high production value games on the Wii is going to prevent another 08 Holiday period, then I'll do it.

Do you think I care this is the umpteenth thread like this? No, lets get another dozen of these threads going. This is a Nintendo video game forum, what else are we supposed to talk about politics? Or maybe the internet is running out of room and I'm not aware of it?

At the very least look into these games, maybe you haven't even researched them to see if they are games you'd want to buy.I've listed a variety of games, one is a ninja stealth game, one is a classic arcade shooter, one a unique platformer/action adventure in the world of bugs, one a black and white beat em up with twistedhumor, and he last a zombie survival game. I'm not shoving one game and game type down anybody's throat.

Go over to IGN and read up about the game Winter, a more traditional 3rd person horror game that the developers could not find any interested publishers in because those publishers simply did not believe the audience for such a game existed on the Wii.

So put your cynism aside just this once, because the only thing that speaks to publishers are sale numbers, period.

(And I agree Dead Rising Wii looks pretty bad, but I'll reserve full judgement until review scores come out. But games like Deadly Creatures and House of the Dead have already nabbed good reviews, so I'm not urging people to but crap games here for ulterior motives.)


Well said. I think the least we can do is give some of these games a try by renting them, then decide on your purchase from there. Many of these games are originals and while it may not seem interesting to you, it doesn't hurt to give them a shot and these are the titles that need the most support. I've stated many times before and I'll say it again; publisher and developer notion that such games will not do well on the Wii needs to stop but at the same time one can't blame developers and publishers for not bringing out titles for the hardcore crowd if they are correct in the sense that it'll drown in the sea of shovelware.

From what I've read and seen about the concept of Deadly Creatures and Madworld, I don't think it'd suit my taste, but I'm still going to give it a shot and rent it in the off-chance that I'll like it - as you'll never know unless you try. Reviews aren't everything and in the end, it is all on paper and the only deciding factor that counts is if it has the potential to be an enjoyable experience worth the purchase for the original and potential sequels for years to come. My games list has many excellent examples of succesful franchises that've been out arguably from the start of the gaming industry that never would've been known for what it is today if it was never given a chance to show what it is capable of through its original.