Hardcore gamers, it's time to step up with your wallets.

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#1 -Despacio-
Member since 2002 • 1881 Posts

Forever we've moaned about the lack of "hardcore" or "mature" games on the Wii.

In the next 30 days we are getting:

House of the Dead: Overkill

Deadly Creatures

Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop



Throw in Tenchu: Shadow Assassins from a week ago and there is no room for any more whining. You wanted these types of games, and thanks mostly to Sega (who are also publishing High Voltages The Conduit in June) your getting them.

On top of this, three of the games have already scored 8.0 or higher at IGN, so this is quality stuff.

So get out there and buy at least one of these games, let developers (and that includes Nintendo who are taking their sweet time with bringing us Disaster: Day of Crisis and Fatal Frame IV) out there know there is an audience that enjoys their zombie chopping, bug biting, chainsaw weilding games as much as they like their WiiSports. Urge your Wii doubting friends or your family of these games, word of mouth is the best form of advertising.

The ability to sway perception of the Wii is now in our control. Let's do something about it.

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#2 Toysoldier34
Member since 2007 • 2384 Posts
there may be a few games like this. but none of these make me wanna leave my PS3 or Gears of War 2 (got my 360 for it lqtm)
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#3 -Despacio-
Member since 2002 • 1881 Posts

Nonbody as asking you too, I have a PS3 and XBOX too that I enjoy a lot. But five of these type of games in a month and a half time for the Wii is a big step

forward after the AWFUL Holiday period.

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#4 Skie7
Member since 2005 • 1031 Posts
I'm so tired of these threads. You provide me the money and I'll gladly purchase a copy of these games.
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#5 ganga_
Member since 2007 • 790 Posts
I'm so tired of these threads. You provide me the money and I'll gladly purchase a copy of these games.Skie7
true. it feels like there is a thread like this every 2nd day.
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#6 maxgil2
Member since 2004 • 785 Posts

Nintendo Wii - House of the Dead Overkill
Release Date: 2009/02/19

Nintendo Wii - Tenchu Shadow Assassins
Release Date: 2009/03/19

Nintendo Wii - Mushroom Men The Spore Wars
Release Date: 2009/03/01

Nintendo Wii - Sonic and the Black Knight
Release Date: 2009/03/26

Those are the game Im getting for the Wii :) its gonna be an expensive 2 months, beside XBOX360 + SF4 + RE5. :D

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#7 stike22
Member since 2009 • 3401 Posts
ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS!? I'M A HARDCORE GAMER AND A NINTENDO FAN! BUT I AM NOT A FANBOY. The only new games their are Mushroom men and Madworld but I think Mushroom men is going to be crap and I don't need Madworld when I have Fallout 3...but I will probaly still play it. As for the rest even if they are good they are just sequels to games I already have bring back the...I WANT NINTENDO GAMES!!! STARFOX!!!!! MARIO!!!! ZELDA!!!! F-ZERO!!!! METROID!!!! DONKEY KONG!!!!! LUIGI'S MANSION!!!!! AND SUCH!!! You know...all I want as a true hardcore game is a remake of the N64 because of all Nintendo's consoles it was number 1 and always will be...it just was...if you don't think so then its because you were either a noob gamer back then or you weren't born in that gen. But its is very unlikely that they will remake a console that plays N64 games so I just want the sequels to these games...thats all!!! god I mean is it too much for a Hardcore fan to ask for actual Nintendo games!?
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#8 Videodogg
Member since 2002 • 12611 Posts
I already bought Tenchu ( great game ) and i have already pre-purchased House of the Dead:OK and Deadly Creatures from Amazon. I am doing my part. I hope the rest of you slackers get a job and buy some games, or Nintendo is going to think you dont want these types of games.
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#9 GameOverKayo
Member since 2007 • 471 Posts
Please don't count Dead Rising as a game people should purchase since it's one of the laziest and worst ports on the Wii. People done buy this game. I would in the other hand recommend: House of the Dead: Overkill Tenchu Shadow Assassins Sonic and the Black Knight Deadly Creatures and of course MADWORLD!
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#10 Bigboi500
Member since 2007 • 35550 Posts
Please don't count Dead Rising as a game people should purchase since it's one of the laziest and worst ports on the Wii. People done buy this game. I would in the other hand recommend: House of the Dead: Overkill Tenchu Shadow Assassins Sonic and the Black Knight Deadly Creatures and of course MADWORLD!GameOverKayo
I agree with this post, support all those games EXCEPT Chop 'til you drop. Wii owners should stop supporting Capcom altogether until they give the system better support. If you own a 360 or PS3 AND a Wii you should rent SF4 and RE5, not purchase them.
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#11 g1rldraco7
Member since 2008 • 2988 Posts
I already preordred Madworld. I'm getting house of the dead overkill and tenchu shadow assassins for my birthday so my hardcore status is full. Don't forget the sequel to marble mania, Marble Saga Kororinpa.
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#12 _BlueDuck_
Member since 2003 • 11986 Posts
Meh. I don't buy games with ulterior motives, I simply buy games that I wish to play, regardless of what category it falls under. When I buy a game I don't buy it to benefit a developer or to forward a message, I buy them for myself. That being said out of the games you mentioned I'm interested in House of the Dead and Deadly creatures, and certainly Madworld.
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#13 Madmangamer364
Member since 2006 • 3716 Posts

*sigh* ANOTHER "Buy this *insert "Hardcore" game here*, so we can show somehow show developers something" thread. I would say this is getting old, but the getting is far gone by now. Why do people feel inclined to urge people to buy games like this? I can't believe that there are so many people out there thinking that encouraging people on a forum or two to buy a certain game would really impact what developers do. I understand that supporting a game could urge developers to make more games like it, but does anyone really think that this is the solution? I can't think of anyone that would be willing to drop a project that appeals to a wider audience of people and has a great chance to do well to work on a game that has limited appeal and has a better chance to bomb than anything else. It's also one thing to make a positive review of a game and recommend it to people, but most of the time, these games haven't even been released before these "Buy this game" threads start spreading like wildfire.

Are we now saying it's ok to promote any game that has violence or mature themes in it, regardless of quality, just to try to prove that these games can sell well? If so, are we really helping ourselves or developers at all? I don't think being stuck with M-rated shovelware is any better than being stuck with E-rated shovelware. The only difference between the two is that the M-rated shovelware is likely to sale a lot worse. Of course, this may not be the message that anyone is trying to send, but I wish that some careful thought would go into threads like this before they are actually posted. Once again, there's nothing wrong with recommending a game if one is looking for something to play or giving out a positive opinion on a game that you've already played. However, it's this idea that threads like this can control the way developers make games that annoys me to no end, as it's nothing but wishful thinking.

Here's a great idea for a thread, though. I call it the "Buy the game you want to play and forget about perception" thread;)

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#14 clicketyclick
Member since 2008 • 7136 Posts
ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS!? I'M A HARDCORE GAMER AND A NINTENDO FAN! BUT I AM NOT A FANBOY ... I WANT NINTENDO GAMES!!! ...all I want as a true hardcore game is a remake of the N64 because of all Nintendo's consoles it was number 1 and always will be...it just was...if you don't think so then its because you were either a noob gamer back then or you weren't born in that gen.stike22
[QUOTE="stike22"] As for the rest even if they are good they are just sequels to games I already have bring back the...I WANT NINTENDO GAMES!!! STARFOX!!!!! MARIO!!!! ZELDA!!!! F-ZERO!!!! METROID!!!! DONKEY KONG!!!!! LUIGI'S MANSION!!!!! AND SUCH!!! ... I just want the sequels to these games...thats all!!!

Irony at its finest?
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#15 dan543
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Yes you are.

Anyway, yeah, those are cool games Despacio, but we do not need you telling us what to do or telling us what we already know... lol

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Member since 2005 • 4969 Posts

*sigh* ANOTHER "Buy this *insert "Hardcore" game here*, so we can show somehow show developers something" thread. I would say this is getting old, but the getting is far gone by now. Why do people feel inclined to urge people to buy games like this? I can't believe that there are so many people out there thinking that encouraging people on a forum or two to buy a certain game would really impact what developers do. I understand that supporting a game could urge developers to make more games like it, but does anyone really think that this is the solution? I can't think of anyone that would be willing to drop a project that appeals to a wider audience of people and has a great chance to do well to work on a game that has limited appeal and has a better chance to bomb than anything else. It's also one thing to make a positive review of a game and recommend it to people, but most of the time, these games haven't even been released before these "Buy this game" threads start spreading like wildfire.

Are we now saying it's ok to promote any game that has violence or mature themes in it, regardless of quality, just to try to prove that these games can sell well? If so, are we really helping ourselves or developers at all? I don't think being stuck with M-rated shovelware is any better than being stuck with E-rated shovelware. The only difference between the two is that the M-rated shovelware is likely to sale a lot worse. Of course, this may not be the message that anyone is trying to send, but I wish that some careful thought would go into threads like this before they are actually posted. Once again, there's nothing wrong with recommending a game if one is looking for something to play or giving out a positive opinion on a game that you've already played. However, it's this idea that threads like this can control the way developers make games that annoys me to no end, as it's nothing but wishful thinking.

Here's a great idea for a thread, though. I call it the "Buy the game you want to play and forget about perception" thread;)

Please do.:P
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#17 dotWithShoes
Member since 2006 • 5596 Posts

You know...all I want as a true hardcore game is a remake of the N64 because of all Nintendo's consoles it was number 1 and always will be...it just was...if you don't think so then its because you were either a noob gamer back then or you weren't born in that gen. stike22

I don't think the N64 was Nintendo finest. And yes, I was around during that time and yes, I owned and OWNED the N64.(a few of em actually) Very little if anything can match the sidescrolling awesomeness of the Super NES. I would love for more companies(nintendo and 3'rd party) to make more side scrolling games. A new sidescrolling Double Dragon or Contra for the Wii would make me buy another one.

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#18 Pikminmaniac
Member since 2006 • 11514 Posts

ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS!? I'M A HARDCORE GAMER AND A NINTENDO FAN! BUT I AM NOT A FANBOY. The only new games their are Mushroom men and Madworld but I think Mushroom men is going to be crap and I don't need Madworld when I have Fallout 3...but I will probaly still play it. As for the rest even if they are good they are just sequels to games I already have bring back the...I WANT NINTENDO GAMES!!! STARFOX!!!!! MARIO!!!! ZELDA!!!! F-ZERO!!!! METROID!!!! DONKEY KONG!!!!! LUIGI'S MANSION!!!!! AND SUCH!!! You know...all I want as a true hardcore game is a remake of the N64 because of all Nintendo's consoles it was number 1 and always will be...it just was...if you don't think so then its because you were either a noob gamer back then or you weren't born in that gen. But its is very unlikely that they will remake a console that plays N64 games so I just want the sequels to these games...thats all!!! god I mean is it too much for a Hardcore fan to ask for actual Nintendo games!?stike22

PIKMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miyamoto's finest creation. Nintendo is undoubtedly among the greatest video game creators of all time. It is very easy to argue that they are THE best. It is this reason alone that I continue to buy Nintendo's consoles.

A Nintendo System is a sure thing. the other two companies are always a gamble.

As for the games mentioned in this thread, I am not intereseted in any. However, I well be getting DRAGON QUEST X the first day it releases. Dragon Quest is the best RPG series of all time (you know, the one Final Fantasy ripped off) and Dragon Quest VIII was easily PS2's best game.

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#19 clicketyclick
Member since 2008 • 7136 Posts
I understand that supporting a game could urge developers to make more games like it, but does anyone really think that this is the solution? I can't think of anyone that would be willing to drop a project that appeals to a wider audience of people and has a great chance to do well to work on a game that has limited appeal and has a better chance to bomb than anything else. Madmangamer364
You've got it the wrong way around. Developers have made non-casual mini-game compilation games, but publishers over here in NA (as opposed in in Japan) are hesitant to pick them up, even when they think they are quality titles. For example, that Winter game. Publishers say they're still figuring out the Wii: they're still uncertain about what will sell on it. Just look at the market: they're still throwing nearly everything they can think of at the Wii to see what will stick. Core games have a greater potential to spin off sequels and establish a strong fanbase than casual games do, so there are benefits to making core games. It's just that publishers - and devs - are hesitant to invest the resources for the Wii. Devs and pubs have repeatedly said that they're watching what does well and they'll respond accordingly. Well, I mean, that's how the industry works, after all.
Are we now saying it's ok to promote any game that has violence or mature themes in it, regardless of quality, just to try to prove that these games can sell well? If so, are we really helping ourselves or developers at all? I don't think being stuck with M-rated shovelware is any better than being stuck with E-rated shovelware.Madmangamer364
Except, as the TP noted, most of those games already have glowing reviews and all have good previews. You're really not addressing what's going on here at all and I think you're being unfair to the TP.
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#20 SkyGTRline
Member since 2009 • 58 Posts

Are we now saying it's ok to promote any game that has violence or mature themes in it, regardless of quality, just to try to prove that these games can sell well? If so, are we really helping ourselves or developers at all? I don't think being stuck with M-rated shovelware is any better than being stuck with E-rated shovelware. The only difference between the two is that the M-rated shovelware is likely to sale a lot worse.


Exactly why out of all the games mentioned lately that fit into that theme, the only one that has me interested is The Conduit. I might purchase House of the Dead Wii though, as I remember playing past versions and they were pretty fun. From what Deadly Creatures looks like, its a bit too short and the concept seems a bit weird for my taste. I'm not so sure about Madworld's art style. I'll probably give a few games a rent, then decide on my purchase after. That way, at least I gave them a chance in my book.

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#21 randomguy15
Member since 2008 • 1981 Posts
Why should we ever even ever really ever get to know what we need to buy and what we like if we dont even have them to play yet? I can make my own decisions on whats hardcore or not my freind.
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#22 -Despacio-
Member since 2002 • 1881 Posts

Wow, some of you people are unbelievable and deserve to see more shovelware and mini-game fests on the Wii.

Most of you though appreciate when developers bring us more traditional, long term, classic gaming with high production values and a dedication to the traditional gamer that owns a Wii.

This is not a thread to promote violent blood spewing games, grow up, do you consider a game where you're a tarantula such a game?

Deadly Creatures is both imaginative in its presentation and dedicated in it's production values.

Do I think us traditional gamers buying these games is going to lead to more such games, yes, don't be ignorant. If Deadly Creatures moves a million copies your damn right were getting a sequel.

You don't want people on boards telling other people what to buy, I don't care, last Holiday was the WORST Holiday period for a Nintendo console owner I can ever remember. If coming on a board and urging people to buy high production value games on the Wii is going to prevent another 08 Holiday period, then I'll do it.

Do you think I care this is the umpteenth thread like this? No, lets get another dozen of these threads going. This is a Nintendo video game forum, what else are we supposed to talk about politics? Or maybe the internet is running out of room and I'm not aware of it?

At the very least look into these games, maybe you haven't even researched them to see if they are games you'd want to buy.I've listed a variety of games, one is a ninja stealth game, one is a classic arcade shooter, one a unique platformer/action adventure in the world of bugs, one a black and white beat em up with twistedhumor, and he last a zombie survival game. I'm not shoving one game and game type down anybody's throat.

Go over to IGN and read up about the game Winter, a more traditional 3rd person horror game that the developers could not find any interested publishers in because those publishers simply did not believe the audience for such a game existed on the Wii.

So put your cynism aside just this once, because the only thing that speaks to publishers are sale numbers, period.

(And I agree Dead Rising Wii looks pretty bad, but I'll reserve full judgement until review scores come out. But games like Deadly Creatures and House of the Dead have already nabbed good reviews, so I'm not urging people to but crap games here for ulterior motives.)

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#23 Greatfox424
Member since 2009 • 30 Posts
I think I am just going to save up for madworld... Deadly Creatures and HoD; Over Kill look good...but I don't have enough money for them...
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#24 deactivated-62cbf5c22ef38
Member since 2004 • 16051 Posts
hellow... yea.. I`m getting all.. thus I would not put deadly creature as mature game :P I`m still thinking about tenchu thus... BTW: for the love of god to those of you sick of this thread then do not come and read them. I was out for a while so I like this thread bc they are giving me good update/news that I have missed. I never imagine/knew that tenchu was going to do that well. So to the TC thanks.. :) (assuming you are being informative no in a fanboy campain :P )
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#25 SapSacPrime
Member since 2004 • 8925 Posts

I can think of two Capcom titles out in the next couple of weeks I would rather spend the same ammount on ty :| the games you listed look like desperate rentals at best :(. I do think the Wii will have a better year this year though, but I still expect better than this.

Edit:Sorry I take that back about madworld, that game looks above the others in quality (not sure if its for me though).

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#26 hobonamdjojo
Member since 2009 • 127 Posts

Hopefully the Wii will see more and more in depth gameplay over the next year.

So far it looks promising.

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#27 cadtalfryn
Member since 2009 • 36 Posts

My wallet is going to take a beating on games this year...Things I'm realistically looking at purchasing include:MUSHA for the VC,Lit for WiiWare,Onechanbara Bikini Zombie Slayers if it gets decent reviews.Madworld and The Conduit for sure...and Fatal Frame 4 if they ever bring it over.

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#28 SkyGTRline
Member since 2009 • 58 Posts

Wow, some of you people are unbelievable and deserve to see more shovelware and mini-game fests on the Wii.

Most of you though appreciate when developers bring us more traditional, long term, classic gaming with high production values and a dedication to the traditional gamer that owns a Wii.

This is not a thread to promote violent blood spewing games, grow up, do you consider a game where you're a tarantula such a game?

Deadly Creatures is both imaginative in its presentation and dedicated in it's production values.

Do I think us traditional gamers buying these games is going to lead to more such games, yes, don't be ignorant. If Deadly Creatures moves a million copies your damn right were getting a sequel.

You don't want people on boards telling other people what to buy, I don't care, last Holiday was the WORST Holiday period for a Nintendo console owner I can ever remember. If coming on a board and urging people to buy high production value games on the Wii is going to prevent another 08 Holiday period, then I'll do it.

Do you think I care this is the umpteenth thread like this? No, lets get another dozen of these threads going. This is a Nintendo video game forum, what else are we supposed to talk about politics? Or maybe the internet is running out of room and I'm not aware of it?

At the very least look into these games, maybe you haven't even researched them to see if they are games you'd want to buy.I've listed a variety of games, one is a ninja stealth game, one is a classic arcade shooter, one a unique platformer/action adventure in the world of bugs, one a black and white beat em up with twistedhumor, and he last a zombie survival game. I'm not shoving one game and game type down anybody's throat.

Go over to IGN and read up about the game Winter, a more traditional 3rd person horror game that the developers could not find any interested publishers in because those publishers simply did not believe the audience for such a game existed on the Wii.

So put your cynism aside just this once, because the only thing that speaks to publishers are sale numbers, period.

(And I agree Dead Rising Wii looks pretty bad, but I'll reserve full judgement until review scores come out. But games like Deadly Creatures and House of the Dead have already nabbed good reviews, so I'm not urging people to but crap games here for ulterior motives.)


Well said. I think the least we can do is give some of these games a try by renting them, then decide on your purchase from there. Many of these games are originals and while it may not seem interesting to you, it doesn't hurt to give them a shot and these are the titles that need the most support. I've stated many times before and I'll say it again; publisher and developer notion that such games will not do well on the Wii needs to stop but at the same time one can't blame developers and publishers for not bringing out titles for the hardcore crowd if they are correct in the sense that it'll drown in the sea of shovelware.

From what I've read and seen about the concept of Deadly Creatures and Madworld, I don't think it'd suit my taste, but I'm still going to give it a shot and rent it in the off-chance that I'll like it - as you'll never know unless you try. Reviews aren't everything and in the end, it is all on paper and the only deciding factor that counts is if it has the potential to be an enjoyable experience worth the purchase for the original and potential sequels for years to come. My games list has many excellent examples of succesful franchises that've been out arguably from the start of the gaming industry that never would've been known for what it is today if it was never given a chance to show what it is capable of through its original.

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#29 Madmangamer364
Member since 2006 • 3716 Posts

You've got it the wrong way around. Developers have made non-casual mini-game compilation games, but publishers over here in NA (as opposed in in Japan) are hesitant to pick them up, even when they think they are quality titles. For example, that Winter game. Publishers say they're still figuring out the Wii: they're still uncertain about what will sell on it. Just look at the market: they're still throwing nearly everything they can think of at the Wii to see what will stick. Core games have a greater potential to spin off sequels and establish a strong fanbase than casual games do, so there are benefits to making core games. It's just that publishers - and devs - are hesitant to invest the resources for the Wii.

Devs and pubs have repeatedly said that they're watching what does well and they'll respond accordingly. Well, I mean, that's how the industry works, after all.clicketyclick

Heh, maybe I do have it wrong, but I don't think I'm as wrong as you're making it out to be. :P Trust me, I've noticed the games that have been ignored as far as NA publishing goes, but I've also noticed the attitude of developers that have made some of these games. I've seen the articles where developers like Suda 51 have expressed the disappointment of games like No More Heroes doing poorly. Even they feel like it's easier to take the "casual" route of gaming right now, as opposed to going out making games strictly for the self-proclaimed "hardcore" audience. I didn't say that it's a cool thing, nor am I saying that it's what everyone will do all of the time. What I am saying is that this seems to be the typical trend for developers looking to "find it's way" on the Wii. It's funny because there was that interview with 2K's president about the Wii library being loaded with half-baked games aimed at the younger/less experienced audience. The problem with the interview was the fact that 2K is responsible for one of the main parties responsible for this trend in the Carnival Games series. What I've also noticed is that even when that rare non-casual mini-game compilation game does appear, it gets nowhere near the marketing push that the minigame compiliations do get.

We can all say that publishers are still trying to find their way on the Wii, which is fine and dandy. However, after 2+ years of seeing rip-offs of the Wii brand games Nintendo has made, I believe most publishers and perhaps many developers know very well what they want to do with the Wii audience. Normally, I would agree about the statement regarding core games, but not this time. We're coming off of a year where Wii Fit outsold the total sales of Grand Theft Auto IV on both the Xbox 360 and PS3 combined, among countless other accomplishments Nintendo has accomplished with its lineup of Wii and DS games, including Brain Age and Nintendogs. Normal rules about core vs. casual games do not apply in this case; the more people you're able to attract with games on those systems, the better. This means creating games that can reach out to a more diverse group of people and not solely the main gaming demographic, as most developers are able to do on other systems and succeed with. Sadly, this has also meant that most developers and publishers aren't even bothering pushing the Wii right now, but instead is more focused on just getting as many of these games out as possible (I'm especially looking at you, Ubisoft). Heck, you even made a thread about not finding certain Wii games on store shelves, and this is largely to do because developers are mostly interested in making as many games that reach out to as many people as possible for the sole purpose of generating sales. At least that's how I see it, but hey, maybe I have it the wrong way around... :P

Except, as the TP noted, most of those games already have glowing reviews and all have good previews. You're really not addressing what's going on here at all and I think you're being unfair to the TP.clicketyclick

Good. I can nail two evil birds with one stone (I said 'evil' because I like birds normally, but I digress :P). In the case of the positive reviews, that's great. Let the reviews encourage people on whether or not the game is for them. Once again, I have no problem with that, as that's the purpose of most reviews to begin with. The positive preview thing is a bit more uncertain, as games tend to be played for short bursts just to give people a general idea of what the game is about. Unless you're already dead-set on getting whatever game is being previewed, chances are that it's not going to be everything you need to know to go out and get the game. The problem with threads like this is that they're not previews or reviews. They're more or less advertisments being posted to get you to get a game for the sake of making some "noble" cause. I'm not entirely sure what is here to addres anyway, so maybe you're right on that (and please let me know on what I should be addressing in your mind). What I'm saying is that threads like this are rather annoying when you've already heard as much about these games as you want to, not to mention the fact that these aren't very productive, since they say almost next to nothing about the games themselves.

As far as being unfair goes, what exactly do you call the idea of promoting these "hardcore" games when most of the time, they haven't been released? Also, why is it that I'm only seeing certain kinds of games being 'hyped' like this. I didn't see any "Buy Wii Music" threads going on prior to that game's release, and I have to believe that no one ever intended to make one because of what kind of game it was. This has less to do about the quality of these games and more to do with the popularity of certain "mature," "hardcore," or "epic" games and wanting people to support them almost mindlessly. I'm not going to lie here. As a gamer that's willing to get whatever game I want only because I want it, I find this extremely disturbing. This is why I said that gamers should be free to get whatever they want without seeing oodles of threads like this. If it happens to be the games that are mentioned here, cool, but at least make sure you want it and not being pressured to buy something out of false hope or fear that your purchase/non-purchase will solely change the landscape of game development. However, if individuality makes me unfair to this topic, I guess I'm being unfair. ...Oh well...

Exactly why out of all the games mentioned lately that fit into that theme, the only one that has me interested is The Conduit. I might purchase House of the Dead Wii though, as I remember playing past versions and they were pretty fun. From what Deadly Creatures looks like, its a bit too short and the concept seems a bit weird for my taste. I'm not so sure about Madworld's art 'work' I'll probably give a few games a rent, then decide on my purchase after. That way, at least I gave them a chance in my book.SkyGTRline

Hey, I have no problem with that. If you're interested in these games and want to try them out, more power to you. That's not really the problem I'm having with threads like this. The point is that it feels like these games are being pushed just because they happen to be labeled "hardcore" or "mature," as if that's what everyone should be getting right now. I just feel that we all have the right to get whatever game we want without that kind of pressure. No one should go out buying any of these games just to prove a point to anyone. I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't get into video games to make a statement, and I'm not about to go out buying games for that reason, either. Because I don't wish this on myself, I'm not going to wish this on anyone else. Play games to enjoy yourself. That's the message in short. :)

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#30 GatCloudX
Member since 2008 • 1459 Posts
if alot of u buy these games then they might stop making shovelware
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#31 piratedrunk
Member since 2003 • 341 Posts

I agree with madmangamer on this there is no good reason to spend your money on a game unless you intended to do so because you thought it looked fun.

voting with your money takes on a natural form without people being concious of it because you buy what you want to buy and the developers see that. If these games don't do well it will be because they are poorly made. They say the cream rises to the top and this is almost always true for games. If they are really good people will know and let everyone else know and they will sell. If they are only okay but people buy them anyways to prove a point then all you will get in the future is okay games.

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#32 JordanElek
Member since 2002 • 18564 Posts
Also, why is it that I'm only seeing certain kinds of games being 'hyped' like this. I didn't see any "Buy Wii Music" threads going on prior to that game's release, and I have to believe that no one ever intended to make one because of what kind of game it was. This has less to do about the quality of these games and more to do with the popularity of certain "mature," "hardcore," or "epic" games and wanting people to support them almost mindlessly.Madmangamer364
I just want to point out that there was a pretty big push in this forum to spread the word about Zack and Wiki back when it was released (and somewhat before). There was a very popular "Buy Zack and Wiki Campaign" thread, even. It's interesting to see how sentiments can change so quickly. Something tells me that if Zack and Wiki were to be released next month instead of when it was, people would be complaining that Capcom is only giving us "casual crap" instead of "the stuff we want" like Resident Evil 5.
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#33 johnnyv2003
Member since 2003 • 13762 Posts
i play Carnival Games 5 hours a day, does that make me hardcore?....but I'll be purchasing House of the Dead: Overkill, and MadWorld and play those on my breaks between marathon sessions of Carnival Games...I'm telling ya, nothing gets the blood flowing like that game. A true test of gaming skills.
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#34 DogAndRice3252
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts

Nintendo Wii - House of the Dead Overkill
Release Date: 2009/02/19

Nintendo Wii - Tenchu Shadow Assassins
Release Date: 2009/03/19

Nintendo Wii - Mushroom Men The Spore Wars
Release Date: 2009/03/01

Nintendo Wii - Sonic and the Black Knight
Release Date: 2009/03/26

Those are the game Im getting for the Wii :) its gonna be an expensive 2 months, beside XBOX360 + SF4 + RE5. :D


okay. lets get something straight.

House of the Dead Overkill - didn't they already make one of these games? last time i checked i could get it for $10 at bestbuy.

Tenchu Shadow Assassins - another wii game that all-of-a-sudden pops out of nowhere. quickly and badly put together.

Mushroom Men The Spore Wars - c'mon. thats not hardcore. thats just a little game for kids and tweens.

Sonic and the Black Knight - okay. this one made me laugh. Sonic unleashed, sonic/mario at the olympics, sonic the hedgehog (360/ps3), and sonic and the secret rings were all EXTREMELY BAD. remember them? good. cause they were all bad also. i remember everybody said that sonic and the secret rings was gonna be an amazing game. a wii killer app. not. this wont be different.

think that over.

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#35 guitarist4292
Member since 2006 • 503 Posts
[QUOTE="GameOverKayo"]Please don't count Dead Rising as a game people should purchase since it's one of the laziest and worst ports on the Wii. People done buy this game. I would in the other hand recommend: House of the Dead: Overkill Tenchu Shadow Assassins Sonic and the Black Knight Deadly Creatures and of course MADWORLD!Bigboi500
I agree with this post, support all those games EXCEPT Chop 'til you drop. Wii owners should stop supporting Capcom altogether until they give the system better support. If you own a 360 or PS3 AND a Wii you should rent SF4 and RE5, not purchase them.

Hahaha yeah, the port is bull crap. But I tell you what, I'm finishing up Okami as we speak, and if there's a sequel, I want it. So let's stay on their good side for now. :P
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#36 Sepewrath
Member since 2005 • 30689 Posts
Yeah you realize that we are in an economic downfall right now and we cant just run out and buy all these games. I would like all of these games, well not Dead Rising but unfortunately I cant afford them all so I have to pick and choose.
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#37 maxgil2
Member since 2004 • 785 Posts

Nintendo Wii - House of the Dead Overkill
Release Date: 2009/02/19

Nintendo Wii - Tenchu Shadow Assassins
Release Date: 2009/03/19

Nintendo Wii - Mushroom Men The Spore Wars
Release Date: 2009/03/01

Nintendo Wii - Sonic and the Black Knight
Release Date: 2009/03/26

Those are the game Im getting for the Wii :) its gonna be an expensive 2 months, beside XBOX360 + SF4 + RE5. :D


okay. lets get something straight.

House of the Dead Overkill - didn't they already make one of these games? last time i checked i could get it for $10 at bestbuy.

Tenchu Shadow Assassins - another wii game that all-of-a-sudden pops out of nowhere. quickly and badly put together.

Mushroom Men The Spore Wars - c'mon. thats not hardcore. thats just a little game for kids and tweens.

Sonic and the Black Knight - okay. this one made me laugh. Sonic unleashed, sonic/mario at the olympics, sonic the hedgehog (360/ps3), and sonic and the secret rings were all EXTREMELY BAD. remember them? good. cause they were all bad also. i remember everybody said that sonic and the secret rings was gonna be an amazing game. a wii killer app. not. this wont be different.

think that over.

Erm, ...

1) House of Dead Overkill - is a new game made for the Wii ...the older one was House of Dead 2 & 3 ported.

2) Tenchu - Do you even know abt this series? ..sounds like you don't. Its a decent title.

3) Mushroom Men - ?? ..from review seems like a good platformer to me.

3) Sonic & Black Knight - Im on the fence with this one..I'll admit

Obviously your definition of hard-core or whatever is different to mine. These games won't be a 10 minute waggle fest then its complete. If they are challenging, I'll get them.

If you think hardcore or whatever -> blood, gore & violence ..then you need to grow up.

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#38 Madmangamer364
Member since 2006 • 3716 Posts

I just want to point out that there was a pretty big push in this forum to spread the word about Zack and Wiki back when it was released (and somewhat before). There was a very popular "Buy Zack and Wiki Campaign" thread, even. It's interesting to see how sentiments can change so quickly. Something tells me that if Zack and Wiki were to be released next month instead of when it was, people would be complaining that Capcom is only giving us "casual crap" instead of "the stuff we want" like Resident Evil 5.JordanElek

Hmm... thanks for bringing that up. It seems as though my statement was a tad off now, but I still believe in what I say. :P You also bring up a rather interesting point about the reception of Zack&Wiki had it been released at a later time, even though I truly doubt how the game would have been received differently from a larger sacle either way. Anyways, this just tells me that forum users alone aren't going to be the determining factor of whether or not a game succeeds, as the aforementioned Zack&Wiki Campaign thread seems to indicate now. I still like to believe that it probably should have done better, but I actually blame Capcom for not doing all it could have done to promote a great Wii game on its own. I don't have anything against the games themselves, but I think it's only fair that gamers are able to use their own judgement to determine what game they should buy, which naturally determines how well they sell. Giving games a chance is fine, but it should only be that way if you want it to be.

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#39 deactivated-62cbf5c22ef38
Member since 2004 • 16051 Posts
[QUOTE="DogAndRice3252"][QUOTE="maxgil2"]Nintendo Wii - House of the Dead Overkill

Release Date: 2009/02/19

Nintendo Wii - Tenchu Shadow Assassins
Release Date: 2009/03/19

Nintendo Wii - Mushroom Men The Spore Wars
Release Date: 2009/03/01

Nintendo Wii - Sonic and the Black Knight
Release Date: 2009/03/26

Those are the game Im getting for the Wii :) its gonna be an expensive 2 months, beside XBOX360 + SF4 + RE5. :Dmaxgil2

okay. lets get something straight.

House of the Dead Overkill - didn't they already make one of these games? last time i checked i could get it for $10 at bestbuy.

Tenchu Shadow Assassins - another wii game that all-of-a-sudden pops out of nowhere. quickly and badly put together.

Mushroom Men The Spore Wars - c'mon. thats not hardcore. thats just a little game for kids and tweens.

Sonic and the Black Knight - okay. this one made me laugh. Sonic unleashed, sonic/mario at the olympics, sonic the hedgehog (360/ps3), and sonic and the secret rings were all EXTREMELY BAD. remember them? good. cause they were all bad also. i remember everybody said that sonic and the secret rings was gonna be an amazing game. a wii killer app. not. this wont be different.

think that over.

Erm, ...

1) House of Dead Overkill - is a new game made for the Wii ...the older one was House of Dead 2 & 3 ported.

2) Tenchu - Do you even know abt this series? ..sounds like you don't. Its a decent title.

3) Mushroom Men - ?? ..from review seems like a good platformer to me.

3) Sonic & Black Knight - Im on the fence with this one..I'll admit

Obviously your definition of hard-core or whatever is different to mine. These games won't be a 10 minute waggle fest then its complete. If they are challenging, I'll get them.

1. agree

2. @Dog: the game got a good review 8.0/10 in case you r one of those that just follow numbers. In case you are not, they have being a talk about that agme for a while (I`m sure bc I`ve being absent of gaming for at least 2 month and I knew about it for quite a time. I do not admit did not expect to be any good, that surprise me :P

3. imo... "almost but not quite" for what I ahve read and see. i do not own the game. And is not on my top queue.

4. I dislike sonic on every lvl :lol: :oops:

Extra: and the funny thing is that that is his list of games to buy, nor you have to like it (to Dog) nor I have.... My list is ridiculous long... sadly... :lol:

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#40 nintendofreak_2
Member since 2005 • 25896 Posts
It's too bad that not a single game coming out until Muramasa even slightly interests me. I'll buy what I want to because I want to. I'm not going to buy games that got good scores if I don't like the game.
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#41 Skie7
Member since 2005 • 1031 Posts

Do you think I care this is the umpteenth thread like this? No, lets get another dozen of these threads going. This is a Nintendo video game forum, what else are we supposed to talk about politics?

Who do you think you're really going to persuade with your thread? I'd much rather see a thread discussing any one of those games you think we should buy. Instead you post garbage propaganda with no substance.
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#42 doomsoth
Member since 2003 • 10094 Posts
So about 10 games? I no longer use the Wii for the new garbage that Nintendo puts out; the VC is the only reason to own the Wii.
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#43 dotWithShoes
Member since 2006 • 5596 Posts

Nintendo Wii - House of the Dead Overkill
Release Date: 2009/02/19

Nintendo Wii - Tenchu Shadow Assassins
Release Date: 2009/03/19

Nintendo Wii - Mushroom Men The Spore Wars
Release Date: 2009/03/01

Nintendo Wii - Sonic and the Black Knight
Release Date: 2009/03/26

Those are the game Im getting for the Wii :) its gonna be an expensive 2 months, beside XBOX360 + SF4 + RE5. :D


okay. lets get something straight.

House of the Dead Overkill - didn't they already make one of these games? last time i checked i could get it for $10 at bestbuy.

Tenchu Shadow Assassins - another wii game that all-of-a-sudden pops out of nowhere. quickly and badly put together.

Mushroom Men The Spore Wars - c'mon. thats not hardcore. thats just a little game for kids and tweens.

Sonic and the Black Knight - okay. this one made me laugh. Sonic unleashed, sonic/mario at the olympics, sonic the hedgehog (360/ps3), and sonic and the secret rings were all EXTREMELY BAD. remember them? good. cause they were all bad also. i remember everybody said that sonic and the secret rings was gonna be an amazing game. a wii killer app. not. this wont be different.

think that over.

Ok? HotD: Overkill is an entirely new game so no, you can't get it from Best Buy for $10. I guess you've not been keeping up with the gaming news on the Wii, Tenchu has been talked about for a while now. And I doubt you've ever played Mushroom men if thats what you believe. You believe Mario is a little game for kids and tweens to don't ya? And I'm up in the air about Sonic. Perhaps you should think things over before posting.
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#44 mariokart64fan
Member since 2003 • 20828 Posts

ya , um those saying there isnt enough games i think you should look at gamestops shelfs, i did counltess times and i still see enough games to make me go broke i just bought my 65th disc based game i think let me count 45 total disc and over 30 more vc and wii ware , thats just the tip of the ice burg you see, with these coming

house of the dead iv overkill


dead rising chop til you drop


the condult


metroid prime 1/2 wii makes

mario power tennis-the only mario sport b eside golf i liked

then theres more i dont have yet like

bully se


the god father

bloom blox

animal crossing

wario land shake it

that all right there would bump my total into the 60 for disc based games alone, add the 30 or what ever vc ganes i own ,

id have 90 , or more then we add my 97 gamecube games i still enjoy today, id say wii has its own nich selection of games, yes not many are hyped,

but ive found many i liked, chrysler classic racing, (which could possibly be made bvy the same ones who brought classic british motor racing,,

i have to check wel no they aint made by the same one but i liked em both , much more then say monster 4x4, and chrystler classic racing actually uses a traditional control scheme, the stick is steering, a is accelerat and b is brake, of course you can select wii style if you choose, but ya,

those nay sayers out there, i got this message for ya, go look , stop looking into message boards and looking into the most hyped game, out there ,

and just rent if you like i personally think people do not give wii a chance,

theres a select few that sell their wii , whislt only trying one or 2 games, and looking at a list,

honestly, how can you sit there and say theres no games if you havent really given it a shot, 3 years on shelf and has already exceeded gcs game and sale count,

by a lot

gc only sold 24. somthing million whilst wii sold over 45 million,

gc only has a 400+ game selection for 5 years wii at 3 yrs has over 1000 ,, this includes any wii ware and vc games,

even without (300 games total on vc,) that put wii at 700 total exclusive software made spacifically for wii or third party multiplats designed for wii ,

thats 300 + more then what gc had at this point in time actualy double since it past gcs lifetime amount,

the other 2 are very great systems yea, i own them all , ive once thought ps3 didnt have anything for me, but i was wrong even if it only consist of 17 games, it still offers me somthing,

gc had a much more rocky start then wii did , and that continued on until wii , so if some ones gonna complain now , then i dont know which rock their laying under for 2 whole gens, bc clearly if it werent for gba , or dses high success nintendo would have gone completely, remember i wata said, if they werre to quit gaming, it be for good, not as a software developeer like sega, and believe me you dont want that to happen bec then a crash is likely to happen because no one would change gaming, it would be a remenisance of what atari and colicovision did, sure good graphics is good, and all ,

but when you cut the amount of content, or fun , what is that gonna do , look at madden , yearly franchise , not much has changed, since being on xbox and ps2 and gc etc, just the way it looks, and if thats worth the 10 extra dollars then you may as well just throw out good gamesl ike gears of war mario galaxy gta iv mgs4 r6 vegas mariokart, etc,

and continue to play that lol, but i know not all of us want to just play football that never changes ,

so ya think of it this way, if it werent for wii, or any of the past consoles we had that evolved gaming n64 being the most promanant one, (it was the first 3d oriented console if that helps) another thing, it helped is the first person shooter genre finally being successful on consoles, sure doom was on snes but that was only a port,

sadily, nothing original in the genre for consoles, until n64, another thing until n64 consoles came standard with 2 controller inputs, it was possible via add-on which was worth less to begin with becausenot many games supported it on the snes nes and etc,

also nes brought gaming back to begin with, it all started when nintendo came in really, sure atari was good for its time, but it doesnt stand the test of time ,

not like nes, does, or n64 or any other consoles you can name after the nes, or alongside nes you lnow then name im not gonna turn this into a war lol but any how

they should respect the fact nintendo is making the attempt, and be thankful for it succeeding because you and i know 3 consoles aiming at the same objective wasnt gonna go any where,

why do you suppose sega went out, dont say bc of etc, no its because it was segas time, you cant keep doing the same thing over and continue down the road to no where, i think nintendo had enough of being behind,

and this is how they came up with wi, took a page from some ones book , whilst creating a whole new way of playing games,

follow that up with your already established franchises i think that is the selling point,

for all these years, its alwayss been nintendos top franchises and some help not many 3rd party after snes, that had success ona nintendo platform, until now

im glad they did this,

i dont know why but i am,

after years of playing the same games over and over, (it really got boring) back in the last gen we saw to many fpses, just like now , with a few exceptions,

thankfully wii doesnt have that problem , therefore when i do want to play fpses i enjoy them more so because i dont have to always play them in fact the last fps ive played from day to night was timesplitters, there wasnt much else out there that hAD THAT FUN FACTIOR even today, you cant tell me one game i aint played already thats better then timesplitters and i know your dying to say blank here, no, that dont cut it,

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#45 so_hai
Member since 2007 • 4385 Posts

The ability to sway perception of the Wii is now in our control. Let's do something about it.

So what made the sway initally away from "these types of games"? A lack of people buying "hardcore" games? Maybe people don't want these types of games... The market for films, games and TV is self-correcting, so if there aren't many types of games that you like, chances are you're in the minority. With three consoles fighting for their market share, it's ludicrous to think that it's a sellers market.
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#46 Pices
Member since 2005 • 3910 Posts
So about 10 games? I no longer use the Wii for the new garbage that Nintendo puts out; the VC is the only reason to own the Wii.doomsoth
Haha, funny dude. 10 games? Look at 2009 for the Wii Zelda - TBA Mario - TBA Dead Space - TBA Deadly Creatures - End 2008 Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars - End 2008 Another Code R/Trace Memory R - 2009 Arc Rise Fantasia - 2009 Bleach Versus Crusade - 2009 Boom Blox 2 - 2009 Calling - 2009 The Conduit - 2009 Cosmic Walker - 2009 Cursed Mountain - 2009 Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop - 2009 Dynamic Zan - 2009 Endless Ocean 2: Beautiful Ocean - 2009 Fatal Frame 4: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse - 2009 Final Fantasy CC: The Crystal Bearers - 2009 Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon - 2009 The House of the Dead: Overkill - 2009 Kizuna: Golden Bonds - 2009 Klonoa: Door to Phantomile - 2009 The Kore Gang - 2009 Line Attack Heroes - 2009 Little King's Story - 2009 MadWorld - 2009 Marble Saga: Kororinpa - 2009 Monster Hunter 3 tri~ - 2009 Muramasa: The Demon Blade - 2009 Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers - 2009 Overlord: Dark Legend - 2009 Pikmin 3 - 2009 Punch-Out!! - 2009 Red Steel 2 - 2009 Rune Factory Frontier - 2009 Rygar: The Battle of Argus - 2009 Sadness - 2009 Sherlock Holmes - 2009 Sin and Punishment 2 - 2009 The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces - 2009 Sonic and the Black Knight - 2009 Spawn Smasher - 2009 Spyborgz - 2009 Tact of Magic - 2009 Mothership Tales of... - 2009 Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes - 2009 Tenchu IV: Shadow Assassin - 2009 Toshinden - 2009 Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga - 2009 WiiSports Resort - 2009 No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle - 2010 Dracula: Son of the Dragon - 2010
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#47 craigalan23
Member since 2006 • 15879 Posts
House of the dead overkill might be pretty good i enjoyed Resident evil umbrella chronicles a lot so i'll probably buy it. The other games look pretty good besides Dead rising i have it for the xbox 360 already so i don't plan on buying the wii version.
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#48 Videodogg
Member since 2002 • 12611 Posts
I would say, judging from most of the responses, whoever does buy all these cool new "hardcore "games in the next few weeks better hold onto them like gold, because it seems the average Wii gamer only wants Carnival games and Nintendo remakes.
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#49 ShuichiChamp24
Member since 2009 • 5014 Posts
Damn, this year I guess I know where my money is going. Good games are coming out for both the Wii and DS. House of the Dead looks good and so does Mad world. So many games that look good, i'm going broke this year, better start looking for the second job then:D
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#50 clicketyclick
Member since 2008 • 7136 Posts

I've noticed the games that have been ignored as far as NA publishing goes, but I've also noticed the attitude of developers that have made some of these games. I've seen the articles where developers like Suda 51 have expressed the disappointment of games like No More Heroes doing poorly. Even they feel like it's easier to take the "casual" route of gaming right now, as opposed to going out making games strictly for the self-proclaimed "hardcore" audience. I didn't say that it's a cool thing, nor am I saying that it's what everyone will do all of the time. What I am saying is that this seems to be the typical trend for developers looking to "find it's way" on the Wii ... We can all say that publishers are still trying to find their way on the Wii, which is fine and dandy. However, after 2+ years of seeing rip-offs of the Wii brand games Nintendo has made, I believe most publishers and perhaps many developers know very well what they want to do with the Wii audience.Madmangamer364

I think you're absolutely right. But I think this is a product of the uncertainty over what'll work on the Wii with its "new demographic". Devs and pubs aren't sure that traditional efforts will float on Wii, since the Wii is all about "innovation". Certainly, the library is unlike the other consoles, for better or worse (mostly the latter...) What I'm saying - and I think what the TP is saying - is that by showing devs and pubs that core games (or at least non-minigame collection waggle-fests) are viable, they WILL invest in them.

The casual market may be larger, but the core market is more savvy, dependable and infinitely more predictable than the "new demographic", and pubs are willing to put money down on anything that seems likely to make money. If they see that new core IP can do well on Wii, they'll want to get a piece of it too.The reason we haven't been getting much of it yet is that a) there aren't many new core IP precedents to point to and the pubs are all just a tad nervous about jumping into the pool first, and b) the few core games on Wii haven't sold that well, unless they were part of an established franchise.

It's a mistake to think that all casual titles are doing well. Actually, aside from Ubisoft and Nintendo, no other dev/pub is making much money off the casual trend. Everyone's just trying to copy the success but not really achieving it. In fact, Suda 51 and Square Enix prez Yoichi Wada said just that! So don't think that pubs have figured out a surefire way of making money and wouldn't ever make niche games. Most aren't doing well, but they know the casual market is the motherlode... if they could just land it.

This has less to do about the quality of these games and more to do with the popularity of certain "mature," "hardcore," or "epic" games and wanting people to support them almost mindlessly. I'm not going to lie here. As a gamer that's willing to get whatever game I want only because I want it, I find this extremely disturbing. This is why I said that gamers should be free to get whatever they want without seeing oodles of threads like this. If it happens to be the games that are mentioned here, cool, but at least make sure you want it and not being pressured to buy something out of false hope or fear that your purchase/non-purchase will solely change the landscape of game development. However, if individuality makes me unfair to this topic, I guess I'm being unfair. ...Oh well...Madmangamer364

The reason I said you were being unfair is because you have no solid basis upon which to claim that the TP is merely hyping these games "mindlessly" and without consideration of their quality. You seem to have already formed your own hypothesis of the trends occurring in this forum and are simply trying to fit this thread and the TP as another data point in your hypothesis. You don't consider the possibility that - even if your hypothesis is true - the TP could be an outlier.

More bluntly, it is an assumption, and an unkind one, to say what you're saying about this thread and the TP. Something I've taken to heart from Wikipedia is that, if you're going to make assumptions about other people, it should only be to assume good faith.

There are many games that we know far less about than these that people are very excited about: for example, the next Zelda and Pikmin 3. There's nothing suspicious about their excitement over this game and their hype threads about it, even if they might get a tad annoying. People get excited about upcoming products of all kinds - not just games - and like to share that excitement with others, giving them a justification to check out your pet love. The only thing better than giddiness and anticipation is shared giddiness and anticipation. People don't want what they love to fail, so they hype.