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#1 Skull-Fire
Member since 2008 • 2267 Posts

Why is it odd that they knew who was responsible right after the attacks? It was painfully obvious. Go on youtube and listen to the Howard stern show from the morning of 9/11. As the events unfold they have some guests call in and one of them goes off yelling about how he is going to kill the "towel heads" who did this. Stern says he thinks it's the palestiniens. People had an idea of who was behind these attacks. The government officially confirmed it was al-Qaeda a few WEEKS after the attacks, not that day. In the youtube clip they show Bush saying we will hunt down the terrorists. That was his speech the night of 9/11: he had no idea who the terrorists were. Yet the clip claims that he did. Go watch that speech. Bush never says who was behind the attacks only that we will find out who is. So right there is example #1 of total BS in that video.

Also, I do not have to respect those that believe 9/11 was an inside job. I also don't have to admit that it was fishy, because it's not.


It also shows the media saying it was Osama Bin Laden. Yes, that could have been a guess but seriously? Come one, that's one hell of a guess!


My question is why wont they let us watch teh videos of the plane hitting the pentigon?


There has been a video released, from a parking lot on the Pentagon, but it only took a frame every few seconds. People expect to see an airliner in it, but only part of the tail is seen in any one frame. If the settings for the recorder is 3 seconds, a plane can fly through an area in that time frame and not be recorded. Many security cameras only take video frame by frame at a timed interval to save on tape used for surveillance. As for other cameras around the area, they might not have been aimed at the right place or did not record anything at all.

We're supposed to believe that one of America's most important building which would have some of the best security in the world, only had a single, really bad quality camera aimed at that location? HA!

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#2 Skull-Fire
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[QUOTE="mattisgod01"]It would have taken years to plan and involved hundreds if not thousands of people. Not a single one grew a consciounce before the event? Not a single person so called "In The Know" thought to leak the plan in advance and you know...Stop it from happening. If they didn't know about it before what makes you think they did after?


Exactly. With the number of people who hated seeing George W. Bush elected President (and there are many here on this forum), the number of people needing to be involved would mean someone would have contacted the news outlets (who also had some hatred for GW Bush) about someone coming to them and wanting them to be in such and such a place at such and such a time to be killed. To think people would keep quiet about such a thing is idiotic.

Huh? I'm don't know what you're getting at.
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#3 Skull-Fire
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[QUOTE="Skull-Fire"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Deep Throat wasn't killed....


Killing anyone who speaks out against the Government would quickly become too suspicious.

Then I guess we'd have had information on a conspiracy by now had one existed.;)

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#4 Skull-Fire
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[QUOTE="MickeyTheNinja"][QUOTE="MushroomWig"] I know, it's like the moon landing conspiracies , you'd think that someone would of come forward by now.LJS9502_basic

Yeah they'd come forward and be praised...? No, they will be killed. And they would rather not diminish the face of the USA by telling billions the truth.

Deep Throat wasn't killed....

Killing anyone who speaks out against the Government would quickly become too suspicious.
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#5 Skull-Fire
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obama has a custom made iphone.. did you know that?


wait what? you're comparing killing thousands of civilians in open sight of millions of people with 1 guy getting a crappy piece of electronics?

i thought this was an absurd joke thread where we apply troll logic to real events in order to make the funnies, are people in this thread still trying to argue this whole inside job thing?

To tell you the truth, I made this thread look like I didn't believe in the 'conspiracy theory', as if I thought the video I linked to was funny but didn't hold any truth, hence the title of this thread. Normally I don't like missleading people but I thought I'd try a different tactic, because whenever I or anyone else posts a thread openly admitting their 'crazy theories', they're ridiculed, shunned etc. So I thought I'd try something different. I also hoped that after watching the video, some people might start to think for themselves and realize there is more to this than what is said in the Media and by Government etc.
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#6 Skull-Fire
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I think the reason for using a missile, instead of the plane, might be because of the Pentagon's security and they didn't want to risk someone finding out the plane was flying way off course and toward the Pentagon. If someone found out it had been hijacked, they might have shot it down (though I have absolutely no idea of the procedure for situations like that but if they believe all the passengers are going to die anyway, they might do it to save more lives in the end). So yeah, I'm not one of those people that think everyone that could be involved, is.


But this is supposedly an inside job we're talking about here. Obviously they would have the guy in charge of AA take the day off, pay him to keep quiet, or some other crazy nut theory. Doing that would be much better than using a missile and then having to go around, gather FBI tapes, hunt down and bribe all witnesses to keep their mouths shut, etc.,right?

Not having the Towers collapse wouldn't have made the story as good (from their point of view, as well as the Media's). They needed to make sure they could sell it to everyone, or at least enough people. So why not make it as devastating as possible if they have the ability? No point leaving it to chance, even if it's a small one. Skull-Fire

Even if the towers had not collapsed, it still would have easily been sold to everyone. I can guarantee you that mostly everyone on Sep 12th was filled with blood lust, and would have been just as much had the towers survived. And even if there were people left that somehow thought we had no call to take action, they'd be in the minority and certainly couldn't blame our government's reaction. We would have all we needed.

Also, the risk that would be necessary to rig the buildings to blow would be something extra to worry about. I get the impression most who believe the buildings were brought down by demolition have absolutely NO concept of how elaborate and complex a job like that is to do. I mean, think about it. This is not something that can be done in one night, especially with buildings that large. That is a MASSIVE job that probably would take many weeks to set-up, and would most certainly not go unnoticed. Explosives need to be placed on the underlying structure, which is why condemned buildings are gutted before being rigged up. Yea, someone would notice floors and roofs being stripped clean in order to do this.

People go overboard with saying that the Government paid people to keep their mouth shut. One or two people, fine. But some say hundreds are paid to keep quiet. I think that's ridiculous. No matter what side you look at, the official story or the 'conspiracy', there are flaws. No side of the argument is 100% reliable. I just believe the 'conspiracy' side has more evidence but is still far from perfect. A lot of people seem to let it slip somehow that planes hit the building, so obviously a proper demotion is not required. The way the buildings collapsed was just too suspicious. Of course they coulnd't set it up like a complete demolition but just a few bombs to make sure, might be possible. I'm no expert, though. However, experts have said it looks like a demolition.
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#7 Skull-Fire
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Just another person taking advantage of open minded people.

Open minded doesn't mean 'believe everything you hear'. The video just tells the truth.
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#8 Skull-Fire
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It would have taken years to plan and involved hundreds if not thousands of people. Not a single one grew a consciounce before the event? Not a single person so called "In The Know" thought to leak the plan in advance and you know...Stop it from happening. If they didn't know about it before what makes you think they did after?


Why on Earth would they involve thousands of people? This is the most secretive organisation in the world, they make the Mafia look like a tea party and there are still people speaking out, like the ones pictured in TC's video.

If you honestly think that the CIA gives a damn about Bill getting his dick wet and that this incident means the most powerful government in the world can't keep a secret then there isn't much hope of getting any sort of information through to you. Just for the record, I'm not even someone that goes around claiming 9/11 was an inside job - I'm just not going to believe what the media tells me because it's convenient.

Find me 1 person who spoke out about it before the event. Do you honestly beleive the CIA, Military and Government would murder their own people? We are not talking about faceless organisations here but real human beings who are being accused of one of the worst crimes imaginable. For anyone to beleive the Twin towers were brought down by a controlled demolition has no idea how much work it takes to rig buildings the size of the twin towers. We arn't talking about a simple secret here, We are talking about mass murder and treason. I find it very hard to beleive you could find enough people in the US government needed to pull it off to also be 100% complicit and fine with it. Its easy to point out the people who say it was an inside job but you ignore the other 99.9% of people who say it wasn't. Are they just wrong or are they complicit too?

Here (the normal linking way wont work, neithe rwill BBC Code):

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#9 Skull-Fire
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Yeah, you are, actually. You have just been presented with evidence proving it was an inside job and you still dismiss it. I have been called crazy loads of times. One of the main problems with getting people to believe this, is what you're doing. Paying attention to all the little things that don't matter. Finding any insignificant error and concentrating on that, while ignoring the facts. It doesn't matter HOW he says it. It's WHAT he says that matters. Eye witnesses, most plane debris at the Pentagon being non-existent (not even a single wing), people that work or have worked the FBI and other places that have access to this kind of information speaking out about it, Building 7 collapsing when it shouldn't have, it being reported to have collapsed (I think it was 20 minutes) BEFORE it actually did. The list could go on for a long time...


That plane was full of fuel, flying hundreds of miles an hour into a concrete and steel reinforced building. It would disintegrate in an instant, and what didn't would be destroyed by the initial explosion and following fire. I imagine you're referring to the Pentagon being hit with a missile here, and I have a question that I haven't heard those who believe it was an inside job address:

Why in the world would we attack our own building with a missile instead of a plane? Why take that risk? They KNOW tons of people will be witnessing whatever it is that crashes into the building. In fact, many eye witness accounts exist from people who claim they saw a plane strike the Pentagon. So why NOT hi-jack and use a plane to keep the illusion of a terrorist attack instead of intentionally using a missile that would immediately raise suspicion that it was launched from one of our planes? It makes no sense.There is absolutely no reason why they should or would use a missile as opposed to a plane, and if there is I'd appreciate an explanation as to why it'd be preferable. It's much more effort to cover up, and I only see cons.

And I always hear these ridiculous theories about controlled demolitions. All specifics aside, take a large step back and look at the larger picture. Has anybody ever asked themselves if the buildings collapsing was essential to create enough justification for going abroad into the Middle East to do whatever it is that we found killing 3,000 of our own citizens necessary for? You can bet your bottom dollar that if the towers were still standing today we would have taken the exact same course of action that we have so far. The four planes crashing was easily enough rationale. That the towers collapsed was horrific, but it would be overkill in order to accomplish what all the theorists say was required to get support to go to war.

I think the reason for using a missile, instead of the plane, might be because of the Pentagon's security and they didn't want to risk someone finding out the plane was flying way off course and toward the Pentagon. If someone found out it had been hijacked, they might have shot it down (though I have absolutely no idea of the procudure for situations like that but if they believe all the passengers are going to die anyway, they might do it to save more lives in the end). So yeah, I'm not one of those people that think everyone that could be involved, is. Not having the Towers collapse wouldn't have made the story as good (from their point of view, as well as the Media's). They needed to make sure they could sell it to everyone, or at least enough people. So why not make it as devastating as possible if they have the ability? No point leaving it to chance, even if it's a small one.
the president of the us can't even get a bj without the whole world knowing about it yet the government can pull off a cover up of this magnitude?comp_atkins
People DO know about it. Otherwise, this thread wouldn't exist... so your argument is totally invalid.
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#10 Skull-Fire
Member since 2008 • 2267 Posts
[QUOTE="MirkoS77"][QUOTE="MickeyTheNinja"][QUOTE="MushroomWig"] I know, it's like the moon landing conspiracies , you'd think that someone would of come forward by now.

Yeah they'd come forward and be praised...? No, they will be killed. And they would rather not diminish the face of the USA by telling billions the truth.

Sure. Someone involved comes out publicly with evidence showing it to be an inside job, and then those who are attempting to keep it a secret kill him so the entire world can see. That wouldn't even add more fuel to the conspiracy nuts' fire, would it? Please. I wish people would think about these things. Conspiracy theorists piss me off. Not only is it ludacris in so many ways, it's extraordinarily disrespectful to those who died.

How is it disrespectful? Especially since the ones paying for the crmie, didn't actually commit it. If anything, THAT'S disrespectful. Even if you believe the official story, the war has obviously killed a lot of people that had NOTHING to do with the attack in any way. They just want to live their life in peace but they can't. So either way, people are suffering for a crime they didn't commit.