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Edited By RageSet

I normally stay out of the comment wars that is Sony vs Microsoft vs Nintendo vs PC since I have and play all of these platforms. Yet, I will call Sony out on this rhetoric. As previous comments have pointed out, if no one used BC, why do they have PS Now or sell PS1/PS2 titles through the Playstation Store?

I have heard some idiotic assertions by corporate execs but this, this one is pretty special. I wouldn't be appalled if he came out and spoke the truth. You rather have your customers rebuy the titles through other distribution channels than enable a service that will not bring in an additional revenue stream.

It's not like Microsoft isn't getting some revenue through their implementation of BC. If you never owned the BC title, you can purchase it and play it on your Xbox One.

And to those that are defending Sony, stop...please stop. The PS4 can easily handle the emulation of PS1/PS2 titles and we all know it.

Lately, it does appear that Sony and Microsoft have reverse spots. Microsoft was the evil empire trying to eliminate hard copies, force DRM, steal lollipops from babies and Sony was completely pro gamers. Microsoft was humbled by us and Sony got cocky. Why don't I see more people calling Sony out for their evil tactics?

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I think a good majority of the folks commenting here about Nintendo and their dissatisfaction with Nintendo over with discontinued NES Classic weren't likely going to buy the device even if it were readily available. While I am disappointed that I couldn't secure an NES Classic myself at its retail price, I am not going to throw Nintendo under the bus because of it.

I believe Nintendo when they stated the NES Classic was never meant to be an on-going production product and why would it be if you think about it? You have many avenues to purchase and consume these titles. Plus like some of you have stated, you would go the emulation route.

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There are many mobile games that require a constant internet connection and you probably have a few of those games installed on your phone. Yet with Nintendo being up front about it, there's hate...damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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What's up with the perceived prejudice I am seeing from a few commenters? He's black, so what? You rarely ever hear, "another white protagonist, I'm skipping this game" and yet it seems whenever a game features a minority, a select group gets up in arms about the race of the protagonist. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Move on with your life.

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For the people crying about GS posting spoilers about the fights, I guess you must live in a box. The results of UFC 196 is all over ESPN and other sports networks. Then, there are the social networks and tons of meme's. We live in the information age, news gets around pretty quick, hahaha.

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Edited By RageSet

@Spartan-1657: MJ's attorneys are going to look VERY stupid in any court if they do end up spewing nonsense lawsuits. Michael Jordon is a public figure and his image is being used in a transformative parody, which is completely legal. However, the whole crying MJ is getting a bit overused now but that's another story altogether.

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EA, just bring back Fight Night. Why put a boxer in a MMA game?

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Edited By RageSet

@Kezzy123: "Do you know when you truly know you are not a racist? When you can actually go out and speak against a race when things are not right instead of keeping it in by fear of offending." That, good sir, is essentially the definition of a racist.

Speak against a race....when things are not right. So a white male speaks his mind about a race (not an individual of a race, but against the race as a whole) about things he views are not right by his own opinion. Yet you call me a racist? (EDIT: The same goes when a black male speaks his mind about a race)

If you knew me, you would know I NEVER use the race card and I constantly battle any and all that use it. I grew up in the inner city of New Haven, CT. Whereas some other black kids were using "they are keeping us down" an an excuse to sell drugs, I got an education and taught myself how to program. I established a small successful development company and got out. Outside of running a company, I spend 10 to 15 hours a week teaching kids ages 10 to 15, of all different colors and backgrounds, how to code after school. I am also instilling my no excuse mentality into these kids, including the race card. If I can become a successful business owner by diligent work in school and out, then they can do it as well.

There are a lot of people in all races that use the race card excuse, but I don't. However, I see you do. "There are thousands of competent white actors who would dream of that role and a black person is selected? it makes no freaking sense. Its flat out offensive to white people." The common thread in all of your comments on this article is that the actor they MAY choose is black. You wrote NOTHING about whether he is a quality actor or not. Your singular issue arises simply because he is black and yet, somehow by your token opinion...I am the racist....

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@Kezzy123: Kezzy, you are coming off as a racist, just so you know. The beauty of fiction is that it can always change. Stephan King is one of my top three authors and if you read his literature, you know he likes to change/update his works. I am sure Stephan King is ON board with this pick for the lead of Roland. Unlike a lot of authors, Stephan King is heavily involved with the big screen/television adaptions of his works. Would it make it better if the actor cast for Roland is mixed racially like me (black and white)?

Every year, hundreds of movies are made. Out of those, perhaps 10 to 30 are major blockbuster films. How many of those films are the lead protagonist(s), white? How many are black? My point is, we still live in a racially charged world. My wife is Italian and whenever we go out, I still get stares....even when I have red hairs populating the majority of my beard and I am light skinned. I am a special case because I was raised to not see skin color and I really don't care what the skin color of an actor or actress playing a role is, as long as they play it well.

The world is changing my friend and the transformation of multimedia is happening too. You or I can't stop the change.

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@omotih: First of all, where did I imply the future of game development is 2D platforming? I said this game will help launch the careers of future game developers. Super Mario Maker is akin to a PC game MOD Toolset, which gives interested gamers a taste of game development (albeit, in drag and drop form). That's why I personally became interested in game and app development. Games like Perfect Dark and Timesplitters gave me a taste. I fell so deeply in love with game design and development, I got into MOD development and now Android/iOS.

And yes, this game helps my relationship with my wife. The more you do with your better half, the better your relationship.