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Going to be honest in spite really liking the past games I can't for the life of me remember where it left off XD.

Maybe I need to go play them again lol.

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Edited By OldKye

@kindlewithcare @bigfootpart2 @OldKye @ggregd @futureops @nick_capozzoli Flawed or not his point is no less interesting and one of the most intresting topics in gaming to me that has brought up this culture of scores.

Most people can't afford every console and even more so every game this means that buying one game often means giving up on another if not several others meaning buying a bad game is down right traumatic.

As a kid growing up the way all of us came to handle this was "well let's only get the ones with the highest(8 or smaller budget 9 and higher) games so we can stay in budget and have fun."

Well in truth this may have been a childish view since a game that has everything you like in it an score of 7 you will most likely enjoy, the view persists because it still accomplishes it's goal "Stay in budget, Enjoy what you buy."

However this is also were the anger comes in, when a game you ended up not liking(not everyone likes shooters for example) gets a high score you feel "lied too", and when a game you end up liking when you try it got knocked off your list cause it was under 8 you feel "betrayed."

So in my opinion the best thing you can do is not obsess over score but instead read reviewers who like games you like if they love Skrim and so do you then their opinion on open world RPG's may be more in line with yours ect...

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Edited By OldKye

@ggregd I just realized looking at the score chart if you take of 9 and 10 it's really similar to the the rating chart for how well a hospital patient is doing.

8 - Great

7 - Good

6 - Fair

5 - Mediocre(serious)

4 - Poor(critical)

And it pans out about the same to any IP in serious or critical condition is at high risk of not making it.

So going to sum up this game's score as good - "Vital Signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious and comfortable. Indicators are excellent." (^.^)d

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Honestly I think what hurt them was being "too" much like Civ 5 most of the team is new guys and they built it from the ground up wanting it different like for example art and music since it's the future they didn't want to just "make up famous people" so they didn't bring that back and did affinity instead.

If they had made it "completely" different then people wouldn't have judged the two so closely, but they wanted to sell to Civ 5 fans so they put 50% of the stuff from that game in to make it feel familiar this in turn leads to it being compared to a game that's had hundreds of patches and many expansions.

Should have given it more Alpha Centurion and less Civ 5.

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Edited By OldKye

Interesting and nostalgic point(up until the air humping the American flag anyway lol) my friends still believe there is a magic pink chocobo in FF7 that can do everything the gold chocobo can do and all the others as well as dive under the ocean and fly into space we had all kinds of theories about games we told each other tell they seemed real lol.

However I think it kinda ends up being a player problem we can chose how much exposure we have to most games save the ones shoving ads in our face in which case it's their own fault well some games I want to go into blind others I want to know so we don't go back to the era of everyone and their mom made games like Colgate total adventures for a console near you!

In fact I almost never per-order games now, since I use to know which ones I'd like pretty well I always would but now that companies know that they over hype them to oblivion put things in trailers that never make it into the final game and have places like GameStop(not spot, stop) shove it down my throat literally telling me "if you don't per-order it we won't have a copy" and so I have all but stopped shopping there after being a customer for years.

I guess what I'm trying to say is people need to think about how much exposure they want which will differ from person to person and for the love of god companies need to just save the money they spend over hyping games and put it into the game then let it stand on it's own it may sell less copies on day one like minecraft but more in the long run where as right now 90% of all sales tend to be in the first week that's pretty telltale that it might not be as amazing as they said it was.....

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Edited By OldKye

No PlayStation Q.Q?!?!

Before fans of both sides jump on me it's just always been my console card game it was simpler and I could run it and leave a game going well I use my computer for work and other games or typing comments like this I've had every other one that has come out on PlayStation.

I'd gladly play it on my PS3 if it's not for for PS4 heck I'd play it on my Xbox 360 if I still had one(It was stolen by someone and sold for drug money and no not making that up, after two red rings of death and that I never replaced it.) I don't want to have to buy a new console for hundreds of dollars just for a $10 card game meaning I have to get it on computer.

I understand this whole exclusive, timed exclusive fight thing but then at least say that's why and I can know if it ever will come to my console been looking and people who asked received "no comment."

What gives? PlayStation has a lot of magic fans on it.

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Anyone else just click on this cause it had Papa Molyneux on it lol? ^.^

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@Freedomination You realize it's a easy fix to simply have two modes one for pre-made decks only and one for mixed and pre-made if they didn't already put it in I hope it's a quit patch cause it makes everyone happy.

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@cameroncr95 @OldKye If I can't afford a car I don't get to drive lol.

Forcing everyone in america to ride the bus and make the people with money pay for it all by making it cost "more" then a car to ride inside the bus out of the rain and snow is not a better experience.

I don't want to pay extra to ride the bus and I don't want to pay for your free game lol you get what your pay for.

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Edited By OldKye

@daikkenaurora12 @leikeylosh Describe "Female lead" to me lol.

Cause I've watched like 15 minutes of gameplay and you seem to play a male ghost(some times a cat) she seem to be like Ellie in the last of us a focus of the story but hardly the lead.