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#2  Edited By Johnny-n-Roger
Member since 2003 • 15151 Posts

@LJS9502_basic said:

Wrong again. My criticism of conservatives has nothing to do with late night comedians. I don't even watch them. As for politics.............they don't get the benefit of the court. That's ridiculous. Anyway when I read their stances I see very little education on any subject. In fact the party is emotion run. And that suits the uneducated fine. Why investigate issues when you can feel.

@Johnny-n-Roger said:

You folks are laughably ideological to a point of parody. You latch on to rhetoric and baseless criticism of conservatives from late-night TV comedians, but anything a conservative says that hasn't been proven beyond a reasonable doubt in the court of law is not worthy of consideration. Never stop.

Pfft. The left is all about censoring and engineering society so that no one has hurt feelings or disagreement. Just because conservatives don't have solutions that conform perfectly to your egalitarian and cultural relativist world-view doesn't mean that they're inferior to your synthesized solutions.

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#3  Edited By Johnny-n-Roger
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@LJS9502_basic said:
@Johnny-n-Roger said:
@zaryia said:
@Johnny-n-Roger said:

Conservatives are stupid because lefty late night hosts say so.

Thats not what Maher said.

He's pointing out the hypocrisy of Bannon, Breitbart, etc. Alot of these people tried to make it in hollywood, failed, and now bash hollywood.

Or can you refute his statements?

Are you implying that there isn't and never was a Hollywood blacklist for conservatives?

Straw man..........don't get too close to that frame. Man all you Conservatives do is whine.

You folks are laughably ideological to a point of parody. You latch on to rhetoric and baseless criticism of conservatives from late-night TV comedians, but anything a conservative says that hasn't been proven beyond a reasonable doubt in the court of law is not worthy of consideration. Never stop.

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#4  Edited By Johnny-n-Roger
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@joebones5000 said:

@Johnny-n-Roger: lol. No. The feds didn't want to hurt those morons, nothing more.

You struggle at critical thinking. It wasn't that the feds didn't want to harm them, it's that the feds didn't want to shoot them. There's a huge difference.

If the civilians were not armed with guns, the police simply would have apprehended them with non-lethal means.

If the civilians are armed with guns the police have to shoot them.

Not shooting someone = no PR nightmare

Shooting someone = PR nightmare and not worth it

Do you follow, or are you just going to echo more ideologically biased nonsense?

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#5  Edited By Johnny-n-Roger
Member since 2003 • 15151 Posts
@korvus said:
@Jacanuk said:
@mrbojangles25 said:

Yup, just don't say "colored person"...."person of color" is actually politically correct now, but "colored" is like 1950's-style racism still.

Don't know why either are OK.

Hmm, think the correct term is African-American or African-European not "person of colour"

Same with Asian-american, etc...

Always found that strange as well. If you are born in Europe you're European, and if you were born in Africa you're African. If I moved to the US I wouldn't magically be European-American, not to mention a white person who moved from Africa to the US would never be called an African-American, even though that would be more correct than calling a black person born in the US African-American.

It makes sense if you think about it. They certainly didn't do it to desegregate or unify multicultural populations. It's actually the exact opposite. They do it to create an exclusive ethnocultural identity and social class for the purpose of playing identity politics and using broad terminology and rhetoric to pander and appeal to a large demographic.

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#6 Johnny-n-Roger
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@zaryia said:
@Johnny-n-Roger said:

Conservatives are stupid because lefty late night hosts say so.

Thats not what Maher said.

He's pointing out the hypocrisy of Bannon, Breitbart, etc. Alot of these people tried to make it in hollywood, failed, and now bash hollywood.

Or can you refute his statements?

Are you implying that there isn't and never was a Hollywood blacklist for conservatives?

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#7  Edited By Johnny-n-Roger
Member since 2003 • 15151 Posts
@perfect_blue said:

@Johnny-n-Roger:I’m a Canadian conversing with Americans on the internet who may or may not be honest/trolling. I’m just calling it like I see it here *shrugs*.

Lefties value secularism, but there is a certain immaterial aspect to how you folks form your political views.

It doesn't seem unlike other spiritual ideologies in that it clearly has identified what is spiritually analogous to "the devil". They don't believe in the devil, but instead they believe Hitler to be the the epitome of darkness and chaos. Everyone who disagrees with their orthodoxy is considered a "heretic" (racist/fascist) and is considered to be a and representative of Hitler; an individual or group of individuals that exists for no reason but to create chaos amidst their order.

This is why I don't understand this idea that the left is a "resistance". Progressivism is the default orthodoxy. It's the default academic, corporate, media, and entertainment worldview. If there was any worldview in Western civilization to which society was being conditioned, it would have to be progressivism. If progressive views were the human default, then they wouldn't have to be taught in schools and legally enforced. People wouldn't have to be taught political correctness.

The problem is that while Hitler was an ideologically corrupt dictator responsible for inhumane atrocities, I don't think that he's the antithesis of what should be considered moral. If you would take someone like Joseph Stalin or Mao Zedong and epitomize them with darkness and chaos, then you would see your own progressive world-views as being inherently corrupted as well.

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#8 Johnny-n-Roger
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@perfect_blue said:
@Jacanuk said:
@perfect_blue said:

Lol left-leaning celebrities. It’s funny how all of them are very angry, little people. Almost like social Liberalisme in general is an angry, reactionary ideology...

There, fixed it for you.

And it´s funny you always seem to show your own bias so clearly.

I like it how it originally was. Please don’t edit my posts.

Also, I never claimed to be unbiased. I’m pretty up front about what I think just like you are up front about being a Trump apologist and far-right sympathizer.

From what I can tell, you just call anything that isn't left-leaning or centrist to be "far right". A lot of lefties do this. I'm wondering why you would do that. It's almost like you aren't "the resistance" that you think you are and that leftism is actually the institutional default.

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#9  Edited By Johnny-n-Roger
Member since 2003 • 15151 Posts

lol @ the biased rhetoric in this thread.

Conservatives are stupid because lefty late night hosts say so.

The irony is that Bill Maher, John Oliver, Trevor Noah, Jordan Klepper, Sam Bee, Stephen Colbert, and Jon Stewart have legitimized the forming of political opinions on the basis of logical fallacies. They present themselves as legitimate sources of information to the retarded masses, but will hide behind "it's just comedy" when confronted with any criticism on their behavior. It is designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator. It's the antithesis of intellectual discourse.

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#10 Johnny-n-Roger
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@zaryia said:
@Johnny-n-Roger said:
@MirkoS77 said:
@Johnny-n-Roger said:
@MirkoS77 said:

Then how are some in here dismissing this as a "ton of lies" based on the source when it's coming directly from the horse's mouth?

It's not "lies", but it's not news either. We know that mainstream news is cartoonishly biased propaganda. If anyone wants to claim that is exclusively a "Fox News" thing, then more power to them. They can stay ignorant.

Where did he claim it was exclusively a Fox News thing?

It's not the claim, but it's implied by this "news worthy revelation" that can only be considered such within a contextual understanding that the bias of Fox News inherently unique in some way. As another poster suggested, CNN's media relations are beyond abhorrent.

Please provide citation that those drops were on purpose.

Seems extremely conspiratorial. I see them always have a pro-trump or pro-right person talk their full allotted time.

I'm simply illustrating that a case for bias can be made either way. Obviously Fox news has lefty contributors. Doesn't make them unbiased. You're trying to make the case that Fox News is worse than CNN. Good luck with that.