Isaac_Redfield's comments

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Edited By Isaac_Redfield

It's funny to see all of the "borrows from The Last of Us" comments in this review, when that's just redundant. The Last of Us was just a stealthier take on Uncharted anyway (that already had stealth to begin with).

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Edited By Isaac_Redfield

@esqueejy:What? We already knew Robert went to war to get Lyanna back. It's also really easy to assume that she had either been raped, or was willingly having sex at that point, but it was never confirmed. Robert simply went to war for her return and for retribution.

That, and the fact that Ned's brother was decapitated for asking the Mad King for his sister's return, after she was taken to Dorn.

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Edited By Isaac_Redfield

What exactly was supposed to have just been "confirmed"? If it was confirmed, then this video wouldn't be just more speculating. Considering how hush hush Ned was about the circumstances involving Jon's birth to Robert--who was not only his king, but best friend (and almost brother-in-law)--it's not hard to imagine that Jon really is his newphew, instead of bastard.

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@Boddicker:Yep. There's literally one new series every 5-6 months that I actually want to watch on Netflix, and I've seen pretty much all of the super old movies that they keep recycling.

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Edited By Isaac_Redfield

@CruiserCaptain:Completely agree, although with how much ad revenue they still get (due to being one of the two biggest internet "gaming" news sites, it's hard to imagine it's just a monetary issue. Just seems like they don't feel like they are satisfied with the money that they were making.

This site has gone from a legitimate gaming news and review site to a generic "all-in-one" fluff site. No one comes here to read about Netflix. The irony is, that's the only article up right now worth reading. The rest are just a bunch of stupid half-articles repeated about Overwatch and Call of Duty ad nauseum.

Maybe if they focused more on actual gaming articles, we would have some that are actually news worthy and worth reading, instead of these constant snippet updates that feel like they are just parts of a completed article that are uploaded after every paragraph.

I guess almost every decade Gamespot feels the need to go downhill. It started in 2007, and it's been happening again for a little over a year now.

Actually, Gamespot is turning into MTV. A channel that used to be dedicated to music videos, but now is dedicated to everything but that.

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Seeing the name Kevin VanOrd got my hopes up somewhat, but then I just supposed it was a "Now, a special guest appearance by...".

And it was. Oh well, some Kevin is better than none I guess.

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@Giygas07:You're pretty sure, because you've actually played it, or you're pretty sure, because you hope it will be that? Hmm...

By all accounts, from the people who have actually been playing the JPN version, it's the easiest for anyone who's been playing the games since 2009. Mostly because it doesn't do anything truly new, and only a few bosses add anything that we haven't seen before. Also, it could be said to be "hard" if you are playing as Sorcerer or an offensive miracle caster, because right now those are both bugged as hell, and the catalysts and chimes are not scaling correctly. Coupled with the fact that none of the spells had their casting speeds adjusted to match the much faster pace of the game in general, and you'll have an extremely hard time. If you do a typical STR build however, the game is a breeze.

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Edited By Isaac_Redfield

@GregoryBastards:I think you might actually be overemphasizing just how many of the "real" Souls fans actually spoke out against it during the first few weeks or what, if any impact at all they had. The most negative comments by the majority of those playing were about the lighting and graphical downgrade. Most of those who were outspoken about the horrible hitboxes, the train turntable style tracking mid-swing, default i-frames having to have tons of levels blown just to get them back, and the uninspired boss designs and grossly inconsistent aesthetic of the world were quickly shot down. It took a while for the rest of the world to catch up.

And no, it wasn't just the critics that had sense knocked into them. If no one really said anything about the game, a lot of other people wouldn't have started parroting how bad it was (because it was a popular thing to do to prove how much of a "true" Souls fan you were or some crap). Kind of pathetic really.

The exact same thing happened with Bloodborne too. "It's the best game ever, and if you say differently, I'm gonna just put my fingers in my ears and stick my tongue out at you". The following year... "Bloodborne was my least favorite Souls game, it lacked variety in both gameplay and world design".

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Edited By Isaac_Redfield

@horosavinXX:Yep. Dark Souls had much better pacing, but also atmosphere overall. Demon's Souls is still the king in that regard though. Many people haven't had a chance to play it either, and they don't know what they're missing.

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Edited By Isaac_Redfield

@Giygas07: Spoken like the obvious fanboy that you are. Your reply pretty much emphasized and proved what I said too. Good job. For the record, it was a good game. At launch however, everyone wouldn't stop talking about how amazing it was. A few months later and it's "the worst game ever" to some.