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#1 HarlemVIP
Member since 2013 • 411 Posts

@jun_aka_pekto : That's exactly the Logitech thing I have! I have been using that exact thing for about 6 years now. It works perfectly, but not with anything but my Logitech mouse that it came with. My bluetooth keyboard is a Dell wireless bluetooth keyboard. I've been looking for USB pieces like the Logitech one that might work with my keyboard, but I'm not sure what will work. I see a ton of them for about a dollar on Ebay that say they're universal. Would those work for my Dell keyboard?

And that's even ALL of the issues I THINK I'm having...ugh!

I tried running a benchmark from 3dmark.com on my computer and I have a really strange feeling I'm not getting the full juice squeezed out of this thing. What's the best way to get the full effect of what this thing can do FOR FREE? Because 3dmark wants you to pay for it, and the free version (which is what I used) only gives you limited results. One results sad my screen resolution was only 1280x720. That's not right AT ALL. The screen resolution is at its max setting.

And on top of that, my internet seems to be dragging along whenever I'm online with the new PC. It seems to work fine on my old laptop (which is what I'm using now to type this). Why is that?

DAMMIT!! I just wanna get started on Dragon Age and end all these headaches, but it just feels like something is just not right...

Can you tell I'm a rookie at this yet?

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#2 HarlemVIP
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@jun_aka_pekto: Yeah, I have a Logitech adapter like that. It came with a mouse. Been using it for years, and just plugged into the new pc for the first time tonight. I can't find the same thing for a keyboard on ebay for the life of me. The keyboard I have (the one I've been using for years along with my bluetooth mouse) didn't come with an adapter. My old laptop had bluetooth on it, so I just had to pair it. I tried pairing it with this pc and nothing ever happened. I went under the Devices and Printers section and clicked where it says Add New Device....nothing. I thought that meant it DOES have bluetooth. I guess I was wrong, because nothing happened.

Sigh! I'm so frustrated right now it's not even funny.

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#3 HarlemVIP
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@GTR12: Okay...now I'm kind of pissed.

So, not only am I pretty sure this thing doesn't have wifi on it, but I think I just found out the hard way that it doesn't even freaking have bluetooth either. I can't even BEGIN tell you how crappy THAT is. I hate windows 10 with a passion. It's hard to freaking navigate to find ANYTHING, and on top of that, I DON'T HAVE FREAKING BLUETOOTH!!

Sigh! It took me a long time to get this thing set up, and now it's taking a long time just to get it to operate correctly...and my internet connection, for some reason, wants to act a damn fool after I switched the plug from my old laptop to this thing. And also, NO FREAKING BLUETOOTH!!!

Sigh! I need to try and get some sleep. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. I still don't have this thing set up with anything yet.

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#4 HarlemVIP
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Okay, I'm waiting for my monitor to get here (yeah, I kinda had no choice due to my living situation...originally I wasn't gonna bother with one) so that I can switch out my laptop for the new PC, then I can install the drivers for everything. I never installed the DVD drive (I'm selling it since my dumb @$$ threw the box away...even though it didn't come with any cables), so I'm going with being online 100% of the time to get drivers and everything else and PRAYING I don't even have a need for discs.

You guys have been more help than I deserve and I can't thank you all enough. I'm gonna give an update once I get the monitor here and set everything up.

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#5 HarlemVIP
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Okay, I got windows set up, but I noticed a couple of issues.

#1. I don't think I have wifi on this thing. It says there are no available networks to connect to, and that's not true seeing as I have a pretty strong router right in my own room. Is it possible that this thing doesn't come with wifi? How can I find out if it does or doesn't? The manufacturer isn't open on weekends, and NewEgg told me their tech department isn't open weekends either, so I might be screwed until Monday. Ugh!

#2. I tried over and over again to plug in the HDMI to the video card, but I'm not getting any kind of signal on my TV. I'm only getting a signal when I plug it into the motherboard. I know you said NOT TO plug it into the motherboard, but that's the only thing that's working right now. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or not, because when I turn the power on, the lights on the video card come on and the fans are spinning. I'm not getting any error messages.

What am I doing wrong or NOT doing or not seeing?



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#6 HarlemVIP
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@GTR12: Okay, I bought everything on November 21st...it all got here on November 22nd. I had to watch about a thousand youtube videos and completely harassed customer service at NewEgg for help with putting this thing together. I came dangerously close to paying some tech company to do it all for me, but I ended up doing it myself. Everything seems to be working. I'm literally right now in the middle of trying to install windows 10. Every video I watched said to go into the BIOS to make it boot from my flash drive to install windows, but to my surprise, that wasn't necessary. This thing went straight to the windows setup screen. I don't know if it's supposed to do that, but I'm not gonna argue since it saves me a hell of a headache.

Okay...here's my issue...not sure if it IS an issue, but still...

You said something about plugging the HDMI into the graphic card and not the motherboard. I did that, but nothing showed up on the screen ("no signal" message). I only got everything on the screen when I plugged it into the motherboard. That's weird because when I plug everything in, the card lights up and everything with no errors. This is all INITIAL setup by the way. I haven't installed windows yet (lacking a product key...don't ask). Anyway, I'm gonna try to plug the HDMI into the graphics card after I install windows to see if it works.

I'm working on the windows setup right now as I type this. I'll update this in a few...

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#7 HarlemVIP
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@GTR12: Okay, gotcha. I'm gonna get right on making that download tool thing. And I added that DVD drive to my list. I also deleted the internal hard drive from the list because I'm gonna get one from Ebay instead that's a little cheaper. Now that I think about it, I'm gonna check Ebay to see if I can find any other parts cheaper.

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#8 HarlemVIP
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1. Thanx for the heads up on the HDMI. I would have definitely been one of those people who made that mistake...lol

2. Gonna follow what you said on Black Friday. I just don't wanna pull the trigger at the wrong time and end up buying something that I assume isn't gonna drop, but ends up dropping AFTER I buy it. And I also don't wanna wait too long and end up getting ready to buy something that DID drop, only to find out their out of stock. That's a really screwed up place to be in.

3. I already downloaded a copy of Windows 10. I just need to buy a USB flash drive to put it on. I have a too much of a bad feeling about not having a DVD drive since so many things require you pop in a CD or DVD to get their drivers and features, so i think I'm just gonna add one. Any suggestions on a basic DVD drive? Nothing special. I don't require anything spectacular since I download all of my movies. I just need a DVD burner that's pretty cheap, but reliable enough to do what it's supposed to do.

And believe it or not, @beardmad actually laid everything out in a way that I actually understood. I've always been able to pick things up pretty fast when it comes to electronics, but for some reason, computers have always given me a hard time when it comes to hardware and coding and all that crap.

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#9 HarlemVIP
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@beardmad: Thanx for laying all that out. I don't know why anybody would want to use an overclocking feature, but I have never done it before, so I assume I have no need for it. So that means I won't be looking at the "K" version of the i5 card. But I really don't want a middle of the road PC. I want something that's gonna last at least 6 years like this laptop. I mean, I am hoping I'll be able to go in and switch out old parts for new, more powerful, ones as time goes by. I'm just not sure how I feel about the whole middle of the road thing.

The whole resolution thing...none of that really concerns me. you have to understand, I've been on extremely weak and low end computers for years because I don't have money like everybody else, so I've never really known anything more than what I've always seen. So all that 4K stuff doesn't interest me. I just wanna be able to do all the things I normally do without the headaches I always get. Especially gaming. I wanna be able to max out my games in the settings. Not the medium settings.

As far as the monitor goes. I'm not gonna get one. I'm just gonna use the TV via HDMI to set everything up. I plan on buying a projector like I used to have back in 2006. Nothing special, just a very basic cheap projector. I don't ask for much.

Thanx for everything

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#10  Edited By HarlemVIP
Member since 2013 • 411 Posts

@beardmad: Okay, for starters, what does it mean to have a mid-range build PC? And thank you for explaining the whole "K issue. I have no need for overclocking. I don't even know what it means to do it, HOW to do it, or what effect it's supposed to have. My only question with that is is it better to have a "K" processor? Because I started all this over the fact that the laptop i have now freezes when I try to play games or edit and convert videos or multitask. I've already come to the conclusion that I want an i5 for gaming, because that's what I wanna do, and I definitely wanna max out the games I play, but I don't wanna have to come across freezing again. I'm gonna hold off on finalizing an i5 until I get more info on this one.

I chose the case I got because it has a pretty big window on the side. That's something that will come in really handy. I looked long and hard for something with a big enough window and other features in it that I was looking for, but that was the only one I could find with what I THINK I'm gonna need. Maybe I didn't look in the right places, I have no idea.

As far as the GTX I picked. It looks like it goes for about $279 with a $15 mail in rebate. I have no idea what it means to game at 1080p....to put it mildly, you're not exactly talking to someone who has ever had money like that....so even going as far as I'm going NOW with this PC build amazes even ME. I don't know what it means to game at 1080p. I've always been limited to really cheap things, so all the high tech / high powered stuff is all a mystery to me. But if you say that the 1060's generally can max out games, then that's fine with me. I just hope the prices goes down a little bit.

Thanx for the help. I'm gonna go back to looking around for that i5 without the "K"