Goyoshi12's comments

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Edited By Goyoshi12

Loved Sims 3. Will probably get this one down the road as well. Don't get people's problem's with the Sims 3, though.

Of course I am a newcomer to the series and this is the first Sims game I played but from what I got I enjoyed it heavily and played it for four years and to this day still play it. Only bought one expansion pack though, Ambitions. Was thinking about buying more but then EA got a little out of hand with the expansion packs (and many other titles *cough* Mass Effect 3 *cough* Dragon Age 2 *cough*) so never got around to any others but I've played both those games for several years and had a ton of fun with them. Hope the next one will be good as well. Also, should probably go back and play through the Sims and Sims 2 based on what I'm hearing down below in the comments.

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Edited By Goyoshi12

I don't understand people's problem with the title. Seriously? Just read the first paragraph and you're good to go. Do people just want it to not say "day-one DLC" and instead "FREE Day-One DLC" just so that they don't have to read the whole article? I'm beginning to wonder if people here don't actually read these articles and instead just form an opinion based primarily on the title, maybe the bolded sentence at the top, and a few images and videos along the way and then think they know everything. Whatever.

On topic: I guess this is good. Still, though, I don't like this. Free or not DLC is still DLC and Day-One DLC is still stuff that, I feel, should be included in the full game. I don't get it, I really don't get it anymore and I know the reasons why. I keep reading and hearing the reasons for why this is the way it is but it still confuses me on how before this whole DLC craze games (for the most part) when they were released they were released and had the content that they would provide straight up and right out of the packaging. Whatever, it doesn't sound like very big DLC and it seems priced well so I guess as far as DLC goes this is an alright deal.

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"It's OK," I said. "Rocksteady needed to move on anyways, differentiate themselves from the crowd than just being the Arkham developers," I reassured. "This is an interesting premise," I thought. "They look like they're doing a good job of it so far," I predicted. "I'm sure this game will do fine in the hands of another dev," I believed.

Goddamn it.

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@Bulzeeb3088 @stealthyninja81 They did give Borderlands 1 an 8.5 and it's DLC The Secret Armory of General Knoxx a 9.

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Edited By Goyoshi12

@chipwithdip @LatinproX @starwarsjunky *Transexual.

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What I wanna know is how will this game do on it's own? Yeah, cool how it's going to be tied into a Television show but what happens after the TV Show is done/through with? I doubt this is going to be one of those shows that goes on for 20+ years or something absurd like that and one day it will eventually end and seeing as how the TV Shows only selling point is probably the fact that it will tie into a game I have a feeling that end may be a lot sooner than these guys are anticipating so what happens post TV Show?

Will the game still be available to play and if so could it possibly stand on its own against the multiple number of other shooters on the market as well as MMOs?

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Edited By Goyoshi12

I realize that was the genius behind the original Deus Ex, a defining and inspirational piece of gaming that set the standards for generations to come, but...face facts. Warren is just losing it these days (I'm not 100% certain this is correct but) look at the games he's made after that: Invisible War? Epic Mickey? Epic Mickey 2? He's losing it.

It's sad to see, really, how big he got thanks to Deus Ex and now to see just how far he's fallen. He's got good intentions and knows well about the industry but I can just barely agree with him these days due to all the mediocrity that he's produced. He may have made Deus Ex but does one amazing game truly allow him to get away with such poor quality games? I hope you find work someday Warren and I also hope it ISN'T with Deus Ex. I want you to move onto something new, not like Epic Mickey but something really new like Deus Ex when it came out, something different. I don't want you end up as being known as JUST the guy who made Deus Ex.

If you decide to stay in the field, I wish you the best of luck.

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Wow...one...er...two bad games and suddenly the guy's the worst thing to happen to gaming? Really? Did everyone forget Borderlands or the Brother's in Arms series (don't bring up Brother in Arms: Furious Four as it's looking to be something else instead)? On top of that these two games (Duke and Aliens) are development hell ridden titles that had went through a very hard development cycle going through countless different developers until finally landing in the hands of Gearbox to give it a go. Well....Duke really, Alien's I'm not so sure of about the different developers treatment but the development hell is still true for that game, as well.

Sheesh, give the guy and company a break. How about we wait until maybe the company makes some more games to see if they really are $#!+ developers or if these two games were very big holes and bumps in the road.

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@Custaf1ux @robbiejones Borderlands, Borderlands 2, Brothers in Arms series, and the (usually PC) ports of great games like Halo or Half Life.